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"bizarre" Decision Could Cost 100 Jobs


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That's a very good point.


Taylor Woodrow had a spell over here in the late 90s, I think they did the Sefton, Tower House and Fort Anne. I would have thought they'd have got a foot hold then and chucked up a few housing estates, but they just left.


Lots of people knock Dandara, but they are only reacting to the market. In the olden days the Manx people used to have a go at the 'comeovers' who were here making the market and buying up the houses rather than the poor old builder chap, but I suppose that was ok 30 years ago to knock people who are new to a place, well immigrants really, because Political Correctness wasn't even invented.


It's been said a few times on this forum, but when(if) the crash comes, there'll be flats and houses a plenty for those of us that are left.


History, however, shows us that there's rarely a crash, just a sort of slow crumble.


I 'm still amazed at how easy it is to park round my house these past few months whereas 3 or 4 years ago I couldn't park anywhere near. Are people beginning to leave and make more space?

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I think you will fnd that the reason is very simple. Dandara are a manx company originally incorporated on the Isle of Man. None of the UK Nationals can make it work over here and infact it is now known in the UK as the Contractors Graveyard.



Norwest Holst

FB McKees



Taylor Woodrow

Sir Alfred McAlpine


To operate over here in Construction is not as easy as many think and Dandara have been able to be sucessful because they are based here.

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Dandara / Heritage Homes / many other trading names based out of Park House have Irish directors. They were setup by Irish guys and are only Manx from the point of view that they are incorporated here. This is exactly what other companies do for tax reasons - rather than operate as a UK incorporated company.


Dandara / Heritage Homes are now building developments in Manchester and other parts of the North West. I wonder if building regulations have been enforced as strictly as in IOM ???


I wonder if the roof of those properties will get blown off so soon after completion ?


I wonder if their flues will develop cracks and leak after 15 years ?


I wonder if those properties will be built with the correct cement for the purpose of flue construction ?

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They were setup by Irish guys and are only Manx from the point of view that they are incorporated here.  This is exactly what other companies do for tax reasons - rather than operate as a UK incorporated company.

I'm sure there is someone with more knowledge out there than me, but I think you'll find that the main savings on tax are made by those companies which are incorporated here, however, none of their turnover is made here. If they are based here and do business here, then they are taxed at the 'going rate'.


So to suggest that as a major reason is flawed at best.


I wonder if their flues will develop cracks and leak after 15 years ?
Was that Dandara / HH? I thought that was a different developer.


A reason why the 'other' big construction companies aren't here? I think you will find that they make just as tidy a profit as Dandara without the additional hassle of being 'offshore'.

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They are a big fish in a small pond over here but if they want to the UK they would look like small time.


The reason uk companies don't come here is they don't need to unless its a well paid government contract.


The UK is booming at the moment lots of building i know a lot that were over here have gone back and i am not surprised they are on £200 a day in places.


i think we are going to go through a few years now of a very slow property market until people wages get to the stage where u can afford a house

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its like they say more they get the more they want,how can one company have so much clout is beyond me.


The governemt need to tackle the first time buy issue we should have estates soley for first timers, not twenty five first timers and a hundred £300.000 to £450.000.


When is the mess going to end

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GRRRRRRRR! I have just found out what the 99% Panamanian share holding means, those dirty little scroats do not even pay the Manx Govt any tax, that so stinks.

In fairness, if that's what they are doing (and I think 'any tax' is a bit far fetched) the Isle of Man can hardly take the high ground and protest that someone is not paying tax in the country in which they are based.


It's that system which provides employment for thousands of Isle of Man workers.

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