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[BBC News] Reef plan to attract more sealife


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Good on DAFF for doing this.


Similar schemes elswhere have been very successful in attracting marine life


But why just bugger about with old cable, the yanks sank an aircarft carrier off Florida as a dive site & fish nursery



The yanks having been doing it for years and created a gold mine for anglers and divers, before this New Yorks waters were dead.



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'Setup costs' - ie, materials, transporting to IOM, laying the reefs etc to be paid for by BT/Global Marine.


Taxpayers will pick up costs for 3 years of monitoring (2 visits per year by University of Southampton + local voluntary divers)




Thanks for the link, interesting document. This is a no brainer, make it so.

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I have had the misfortune to have dived on a recently trawled seabed. The trawls scoop up all the shells, starfish and other bottom dwelling life and uproot all the weed and kelp.

Fish come in and eat all the injured life that is left exposed. When the fish leave, the seabed is as interesting as an empty carpark.


I do not eat much fish now days because of this plunder. even though I like a well cooked plate of fish

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  • 1 month later...

Speaking this morning, Phil Gawne MHK, Minister for DAFF, said


“I am very pleased to see the high level of public support for this proposal. DAFF now intends to proceed with an application to DoT Harbours Division, for permission to proceed with a 3 year trial. The Department is also grateful for the constructive criticism received during the process, and as a result I am pleased to be able to invite all people with an interest in the project to a meeting in Erin Arts Centre, Port Erin on 17th August, to discuss the trial in detail with Dr Ken Collins, of the School of Ocean Science, Southampton University. Dr Collins is an acknowledged European expert on the subject of artificial reefs, and he will be keen to discuss the potential for local dive groups, anglers and other interested parties to take an active role in assisting with the 3 year monitoring programme he will undertake on behalf of DAFF.”


Quite like that response. Bleaters: if you're bothered show up and stick your oar in.

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Excellent idea.

This should have been done years ago. It probably wasn't because the trawlers were stripping the seabed bear and making a fortune in the process.

Now someones realised that there is nothing left in the sea around the Island and something has to be done about it.

Bring on the artificial reefs and hopefully some great rod and line fishing in the future.

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