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Law Change Sought To Combat Rise In Smoking Litter


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Oh flip off - I am sick of fat people eating and dropping litter too - change the record anti smoking brigade. What do the road sweepers get paid for? brushing up leaves?



Edit: by the way, I tend not to smoke in public very often but if I do I put the litter a bin, added to this I do not smoke ready mades so any litter I create would be inconsequential, far less irritating than a sticky sweet wrapper.

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One Little A4 size box on the side of a building is not enough of an ash tray. If people invested in the correct size bin for use then the litter would be reduced. Then all we need to be worried about is the selfish arseholes who think they are above everyone else, slapping a £50 fine on some of those while they were surrounded by their peers would be great to see.

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Oh flip off - I am sick of fat people eating and dropping litter too - change the record anti smoking brigade. What do the road sweepers get paid for? brushing up leaves?



Edit: by the way, I tend not to smoke in public very often but if I do I put the litter a bin, added to this I do not smoke ready mades so any litter I create would be inconsequential, far less irritating than a sticky sweet wrapper.


I agree its not just about the smokers litter, but seems that DOLGE are just trying to help the situation as best they can, its more the little back lanes at the back off offices etc.


One Little A4 size box on the side of a building is not enough of an ash tray. If people invested in the correct size bin for use then the litter would be reduced. Then all we need to be worried about is the selfish arseholes who think they are above everyone else, slapping a £50 fine on some of those while they were surrounded by their peers would be great to see.


IMO the law would kinda force employees to take note of the fact that staff need the bins etc, but I have also many times sat outside a pub and seen people just drop the ciggy on the floor, when there is a bin 3 meters away.


Don't really see why there would be any more litter round the office areas since the smoking ban came in, surely no one was smoking in offices before the ban.


Its more about the surrounding outside area.

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On the spot £50 fines can be issued by bylaw officers to anyone caught dropping litter.


The DLGE has gone out to consultation on plans to amend regulations so that a Litter Control Notice can be issued in respect of litter generated from all pubs, bars, cafes, restaurants, all offices, factories or shops in which one or more works — making managers of premises responsible for the litter that they generate.


If the amended regulations are passed by Tynwald, Mr Bratty said it would mean a notice could be issued to the controller of the building to ensure litter is cleaned up.


'It would be a notice to say that there was litter outside and it was the controller of the building's responsibility. They would be responsible to ensure the outside of premises up to the kerb is kept clean,' he said.


If there was more than one company in the building a general notice on all companies might be served.


Puny ineffectual measures.


The entire building should be razed to the ground and the surrounding area sterilized by bombardment from orbit.

The whole street must then be obliterated by photon torpedoes.

Anyone who has ever been in the building should be hunted down and terminated.


It is vitally important that our streets are cleared of fag butts otherwise where will people be able to throw their bottles, tins, junk food containers and let their dogs crap. Not forgetting their right to puke and bleed on the streets.


And the corpy might like to fix bottoms to the receptacles at the bus station and try emptying them occasionally.

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The problem with this is it's another new law looking at the minutae of life. The approach of government lately has been to see a problem and try and fix it, whether it's a new law or a target or a database. In this case smoking in public was mildly inconvenient for people so they made a law to push smokers outside, this meant there are more cigarettes on the pavement so they propose a law that you are responsible for the tidiness of the pavement outside your property up to the kerb. In a few years they'll be an uproar about the state of gutters and streetsweepers will get targets and councils fined for poor gutter hygeine.

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How's about they try enforcing the laws they have instead of making new micro-laws that are so rediculously specific. If there are known problem areas then why not send an enforcement officer (or whatever they're called here) up to said place to observe and hand a out a few littering fines to those that just chuck their fag ends on the floor. Nail a few of them and word will soon get around.

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Oh flip off - I am sick of fat people eating and dropping litter too - change the record anti smoking brigade. What do the road sweepers get paid for? brushing up leaves?



Edit: by the way, I tend not to smoke in public very often but if I do I put the litter a bin, added to this I do not smoke ready mades so any litter I create would be inconsequential, far less irritating than a sticky sweet wrapper.


But it isn't inconsequential in dropping the remains of the cigarette on the floor as it does mean that there is a need or greater need for road sweepers. Same goes with all litter. People should not drop their litter.


I think more bins should be made avaialable outside of these places and more across town centres.

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So if they need a new law for this, doesn't that simply mean that the current laws aren't enforced and the byelaw officers aren't doing their jobs?

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It doesn't matter what's being dropped - a fast food wrapper, a pop bottle or a fag end - it's still digusting, selfish and completely antisocial, whatever the size.


There's plenty of bins, and if you can't see one, guess what - you can carry your shit to the nearest one! Amazing!

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The reason for this increase in ciggy related litter is the smoking ban.

Easy solution, let them smoke in pubs, only ones that don't serve food. Why do we blindly follow the rest of Europe in allowing this law to be enforced?

Let's be different and show our independence by revoking the part of the law that says all establishments must cease smoking.

Average of 40 pubs a week are closing in England, some of ours will be following soon surely? Where you can smoke or not will soon become known to everyone and be sorted into a sensible situation.

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