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Law Change Sought To Combat Rise In Smoking Litter


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The greatest problem is the mind set of those involved.


The person dropping the litter see's this as an acceptable action, no ammount off laws etc, will ever change this. So what does the IOMG do.


1. they could do nothng and allow these selfish people to get away with it and the areas affected to continue getting more and more litter.

2. Introduce laws to try and force employers to recognise that their staff are creating such problems, this may then cause the employee to take action against said staff, where in the past they have not had any need too.


Employees/Business Owners know their staff or customers are creating litter, some do work hard to alliviate the issue, you do see pub employees outside sweeping up etc. But again this is only a reactionary thing, if those people did not drop litter in the first place, there would be no need.


IMO the only way to combat this is to just keep chipping away. You cant educate everyone, so therefore fines etc must be available to punish.

There should be more bins that are kept in the correct areas, and are functional and emptied often, the law will hopefully enforce this on Employers/Business Owners.


Again it seems very easy to transform the blame off those that create the problem into anger at those trying (whether rightly or wrongly) to correct the problem.

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But I'd much prefer more educational efforts being made, possibly through advertisements to emphasise the importance of using bins and not dropping it on the floor. Many think it is acceptable simply because they have always done it, seeing it different to other litter. It would seem better to try and dispel attitudes that believe it is acceptable, rather than just looking to the law.

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the landlords had to do the cleaning inside the pub afterall so they were responsible for the rubbish at that time. the 'brains' that came up with the no smoking inside laws totally forgot that outside was the corpy's responsibillity to clean up and now the corpy are whining. answer, make the landlords responsible for corpy's responsibillities!!?? perhaps the man from embassey tobacco should be responsible instead??

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the landlords had to do the cleaning inside the pub afterall so they were responsible for the rubbish at that time. the 'brains' that came up with the no smoking inside laws totally forgot that outside was the corpy's responsibillity to clean up and now the corpy are whining. answer, make the landlords responsible for corpy's responsibillities!!?? perhaps the man from embassey tobacco should be responsible instead??


I am amazed that some smokers think that having been banned from smoking inside pubs is a good excuse for dropping their cigarette ends on the pavement. Cigarette butts could actually be classified as clinical waste (having been in contact with bodily fluids), and are not some sort of special exception to the no littering rule.

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It seems to me that the majority are aware of the the real reasons behind this decision.


That is the consistent failure of the authorities to enforce regulations that are already in place.


We should be asking some serious questions why they consistently fail in this regard. I would like to remind theses individuals making these decisions that they are PUBLIC SERVANTS and they have been given ( + are paid very highly) to be fully responsible for this and many other issues.


By passing this and many other responsibilities back to the public they serve shouldn't we be seeing a reduction in the numbers of people working in government and as a consequence a reduction in our tax. The reality is they will set up a new department to enforce this new law, comprising; Fag End Litter Enforcement Officers, Fag End Litter Supervisor and Fag End Litter Planning Officer plus a few Fag End Litter Consultants from the UK (just in case they cannot manage).


Whatever happened to common sense?

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Is it only cigarettes landlords are responsible for? Or other litter? Is it only pubs? Or commercial premises? Or are dwellings included?


If a motorist empties his ashtrey onto the pavement will the nearest shopkeeper be legally obliged to sweap the dimps into the gutter?


The painter doing my house has dropped a cigarette butt on my drive am I now a criminal?


If a dog shits outside my house will I have to pick it up?


If a bear shits in the wood, does the forrestry board have to pick it up.

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It seems to me that the majority are aware of the the real reasons behind this decision.


That is the consistent failure of the authorities to enforce regulations that are already in place.


We should be asking some serious questions why they consistently fail in this regard. I would like to remind theses individuals making these decisions that they are PUBLIC SERVANTS and they have been given ( + are paid very highly) to be fully responsible for this and many other issues.


By passing this and many other responsibilities back to the public they serve shouldn't we be seeing a reduction in the numbers of people working in government and as a consequence a reduction in our tax. The reality is they will set up a new department to enforce this new law, comprising; Fag End Litter Enforcement Officers, Fag End Litter Supervisor and Fag End Litter Planning Officer plus a few Fag End Litter Consultants from the UK (just in case they cannot manage).


Whatever happened to common sense?



You can't expect a Bye-laws officer to be everywhere at once, I understand that tickets for littering have been issued and that the Corpy Bye-laws officers are in contact with Business that have guilty staff, but at the moment have no powers to force those said business to do anything about their staff.


I see it as not passing the buck, but just making others responsible, they are after all just trying to alleviate a problem caused not by themselves but by other inconsiderate people.


Should the Douglas rate payer, have to pay for hundreds of Bye-Law officers running around.? IMO .. Nope.



I get sick and tired of hearing the blame passed on or excuses made about this issue, at the end off the day there is only 1 set off people to blame, the lazy individuals that drop the litter.

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Is it only cigarettes landlords are responsible for? Or other litter? Is it only pubs? Or commercial premises? Or are dwellings included?


If a motorist empties his ashtrey onto the pavement will the nearest shopkeeper be legally obliged to sweap the dimps into the gutter?


The painter doing my house has dropped a cigarette butt on my drive am I now a criminal?


If a dog shits outside my house will I have to pick it up?


If a bear shits in the wood, does the forrestry board have to pick it up.


What about the ignorant tw@'s dumping their litter on the road after driving from Muckie D's??

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"Not passing the buck, just making others responsible."


We'll make a politician of you yet!



Nahhh but you can try...lol but its not passing the buck, as the corpy do employ bye-laws, street cleaners etc, these all cost the ratepayer money. But should it be the only the corpy that are responsible???


Is it only cigarettes landlords are responsible for? Or other litter? Is it only pubs? Or commercial premises? Or are dwellings included?


If a motorist empties his ashtrey onto the pavement will the nearest shopkeeper be legally obliged to sweap the dimps into the gutter?


The painter doing my house has dropped a cigarette butt on my drive am I now a criminal?


If a dog shits outside my house will I have to pick it up?


If a bear shits in the wood, does the forrestry board have to pick it up.


What about the ignorant tw@'s dumping their litter on the road after driving from Muckie D's??



I agree, but with out this law, what could be done.

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Could we start by fining the irresponsible occupants of this place? A right disgrace in the center of Douglas - something must be done I say! :ph34r:





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