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Law Change Sought To Combat Rise In Smoking Litter


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It seems to me that the majority are aware of the the real reasons behind this decision.


That is the consistent failure of the authorities to enforce regulations that are already in place.


We should be asking some serious questions why they consistently fail in this regard. I would like to remind theses individuals making these decisions that they are PUBLIC SERVANTS and they have been given ( + are paid very highly) to be fully responsible for this and many other issues.


By passing this and many other responsibilities back to the public they serve shouldn't we be seeing a reduction in the numbers of people working in government and as a consequence a reduction in our tax. The reality is they will set up a new department to enforce this new law, comprising; Fag End Litter Enforcement Officers, Fag End Litter Supervisor and Fag End Litter Planning Officer plus a few Fag End Litter Consultants from the UK (just in case they cannot manage).


Whatever happened to common sense?



You can't expect a Bye-laws officer to be everywhere at once, I understand that tickets for littering have been issued and that the Corpy Bye-laws officers are in contact with Business that have guilty staff, but at the moment have no powers to force those said business to do anything about their staff.


I see it as not passing the buck, but just making others responsible, they are after all just trying to alleviate a problem caused not by themselves but by other inconsiderate people.


Should the Douglas rate payer, have to pay for hundreds of Bye-Law officers running around.? IMO .. Nope.



I get sick and tired of hearing the blame passed on or excuses made about this issue, at the end off the day there is only 1 set off people to blame, the lazy individuals that drop the litter.


Please tell me how they will enforce this new regulation without having someone to inspect the premises, issue notices, check if they have complied, issue final warnings, check if they have paid their fines, taken them to court if they do not comply etc.

Litter is litter. The warnings were clear from the start when they banned smoking in public places. They only had to consider the effect of placing a ban and ensured that sufficient bins / receptacles were in place and that these were cleaned on a regular basis. They passed a law then closed their eyes to the next problem. Next thing you will have is them blaming shopkeepers for selling goods in wrappers which get discarded in the street, oh dear it is the shopkeepers fault (I think someone has already been down that route). It is never the department responsible for keeping our streets clean; it is the fault of everyone else.

I for one would never drop litter and do not support people who do, but at the end of the day someone has to be responsible and that should be the people we pay to be responsible and they should attempt to do it in the most efficient way. Adding layers of regulation / legislation is hardly efficient as it will require more not less people to enforce it correctly. (Which was my point in my original posting)

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and that is infact a bus stop, not left by corpy staff.. but goes to show how lazypeople are...


But it is the Corpy's responsibility up to the gutter. If you can't put your own Rathaus in order, how can you lecture anybody else?

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It seems to me that the majority are aware of the the real reasons behind this decision.


That is the consistent failure of the authorities to enforce regulations that are already in place.


We should be asking some serious questions why they consistently fail in this regard. I would like to remind theses individuals making these decisions that they are PUBLIC SERVANTS and they have been given ( + are paid very highly) to be fully responsible for this and many other issues.


By passing this and many other responsibilities back to the public they serve shouldn't we be seeing a reduction in the numbers of people working in government and as a consequence a reduction in our tax. The reality is they will set up a new department to enforce this new law, comprising; Fag End Litter Enforcement Officers, Fag End Litter Supervisor and Fag End Litter Planning Officer plus a few Fag End Litter Consultants from the UK (just in case they cannot manage).


Whatever happened to common sense?



Think it died just after the 2nd World War......


'Law Change Sought To Combat Rise In Smoking Litter'


I have never smoked litter. What's it like?


yep crap title...



and that is infact a bus stop, not left by corpy staff.. but goes to show how lazypeople are...


But it is the Corpy's responsibility up to the gutter. If you can't put your own Rathaus in order, how can you lecture anybody else?



I agree, and I have already requested that the area be cleaned. It does make the corpy look think, infact really annoys me, that some people are trying their best to improve the Island and they are then let down.

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and that is infact a bus stop, not left by corpy staff.. but goes to show how lazypeople are...


But it is the Corpy's responsibility up to the gutter. If you can't put your own Rathaus in order, how can you lecture anybody else?


But it shouldn't be though, should it? People should be more respectful in how they deal with their litter.

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You can't expect a Bye-laws officer to be everywhere at once,


Yes you can. Everytime I go into the market hall, they're always there having a cup of tea, or perhaps it was Parking Controllers.

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When last in Dublin, there were no cigarette butts (nor more general litter) littering the pavements. But there were litter bins srategically placed not too far apart on all the thoroughfares with the facility on the top of the bins for people to dispose of theor cigarette ends. You see the odd one one in Douglas but if they were to replace the domed littter bins with those that could accomodate smoking related end products the situation may improve.


(There was a perfectly good receptacle for smokers in pubs to dispose of the waste product - the ashtray.But the facist non-smokers put paid to that.)

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