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Mannifest 2009 At The Nunnery


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I must admit, I am more than tempted to get a ticket - in my opinion Kosheen alone are enough to get me there. I saw them a few years ago and was more than impressed. I think the only thing stopping me is the price. It is certainly not prohibitive, but just a little out of my price range at the moment.


I would love to see the local bands too, but meh, I shall have to wait for another time.


I really hope it goes well, and all that go have a blast!

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Hey! the council could allow people to camp on the golf course, no fires ofc but it could be like V camping, all secure and totally safe. Could charge £5 pppn, that could be as much as £10K+ which could easily pay people to watch the camps, put up some fencing, get arm bands and stuff like that.

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A feeling of smug superiority to everyone else ?


VIP - how is it VIP on the basis that you can afford to pay an extra £100, see this a lot with festivals and events nowadays, VIP means 'Very Important Person', not 'Wealthier than the rest of the crowd person'


The whole thing looks really good and I'm well impressed but was very dissapointed to see the VIP tickets for sale, will be very interested to see what the VIP ticket gives you, if its like some festivals I've been to recently it just gives you access to a fenced off bar area so you can sit in comfort as the rest of the festival goers walk past and snigger 'w*nkers' under their breath :P

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Oooh, camping now, great. No dogs though, bummer. Hope it goes well, think they should do day tickets though. They should do £30 per day, £50 for both or something (everyone's a critic who knows how to do it better eh!).

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Does anybody know what you get for the extra £100 for the VIP package? Couln't glean anything from the website.


Anybody? (preferably someeone involved in, or associated with, the organisation of this event)


The website says


"VIP tickets allow you priority at the bar and access all areas including back stage and more importantly the back stage bar!!. So yes you may get to hug Kosheen ha ha, there are only a few of those available.”

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Does anybody know what you get for the extra £100 for the VIP package? Couln't glean anything from the website.


Anybody? (preferably someeone involved in, or associated with, the organisation of this event)


The website says


"VIP tickets allow you priority at the bar and access all areas including back stage and more importantly the back stage bar!!. So yes you may get to hug Kosheen ha ha, there are only a few of those available."


Oh right, thanks. Sure that wasn't on website when I last looked.


So you get priority at the bar. A chance to hand your money over first before the hoi polloi does. Think I'll pass

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