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Mannifest 2009 At The Nunnery


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Just got a message from mannifest saying this:





Only ten days left to buy tickets!!!! The Egg would we like them to play??

To members of Mannifest2009 14-16 August The Nunnery Isle Of Man


Hal England

Today at 13:17


Hello Superfunky, Lovely Mannifest People!


Only ten days left to buy tickets as they take upto four days to post them to you and you CAN NOT buy tickets on the gate.


Secret Garden Party was a real treat to behold and lots of really talented people from The Garden are coming to Mannifest... wooo hooo.


Just wanted to confirm a few ruhmours, yes "The Egg!" is interested in playing at Mannifest, what a nice suprise that would be, and we would like him to play. To afford The Egg we need to sell out all the tickets, so if like me you really want "The Egg" to play please make sure all ticket orders for you and your friends go in over the weekend as we are nearly there: www.ticketline.co.uk.


If you have not heard The Egg before check out:



Full line up and set times to be released next week on the web site so you can plan your festival.



Big Love, pass on the word!




Hal x

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Just got this from Hal.




Hello Mannifest Group,


This is a very hard message to write. And I hope you appreciate my honesty.


So here are my cards on the table; Mannifest cannot happen without your buy-in.


Tickets have been on sale for just two weeks now and we have only sold 100.


There is the truth.


There are over 1000 people in this group alone and I am sure you are all coming to Mannifest. But we have only sold 100 tickets. My guess is that you all intend to buy a ticket, I simply need you to do that right now to ensure this event goes ahead.


Our plan is to have Mannifest be an annual event in Douglas. If you would like to see this happen too, the only way to let me know that is to log onto ticketline and purchase your ticket, preferably right now.


Please pass this message on to everyone you know who is interested in coming along. We are in danger of losing our financial backing if ticket sales do not increase dramatically in the next 24 hours. We have put a lot of work into Mannifest and now we need your help to ensure that it goes ahead. Mannifest is not about money, it is about you helping yourselves to realise your dreams. Mannifest does need money to enable it to happen; money for toilets, health and safety, technical equipment, bands and performers.


We are even prepared to run the event at a loss if need be. This is because we have a long-term vision of a wonderful annual event for you all to get involved in and grow with each year. However, what will make that a lot easier right now is if there is actually a demand for it. So please, if you’re planning on coming, buy a ticket! (If Mannifest does not go ahead, ticket money is 100% refundable.)


Post this message on any forums that have Mannifest blogs, call your friends, and rustle up the troops. Beg, borrow or just ask nicely for the cash. Buy a ticket.


(I am crying with emotion as I write this because I really do not want to let this dream go!)


There are over 1000 people in this facebook group; if you really want Mannifest to happen, please dip into your pocket and buy a ticket, today. It really is that urgent.


Mannifest is a not for profit organisation supporting two great charities, there is no personal gain here; I have devoted my time organising it for free.


There you have it; Mannifest is now in your hands. You get to say whether it happens or not; now it’s up to you, are you with me?




Hal xx

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The Egg are in Amsterdam on 15th & I shall be hanging in their albumen at the Sham balaaaaa, yummy. I feel for the guy organising this but it was a bit mental, like you do 'just have a festi', our mates from Dorset knew about it before we did but that isn't necessarily a good or bad thing.


I might go, I'm not sold on it BUT I've been waiting for an event like this for years, it would be rude not to go :) Come on youse lots, RAVE on!

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No availability of one day tickets seems to be one of the main sticking points for people I have spoken to, certainly the case for myself. I can only make one night and sorry but aint gonna pay £50 for it. Cant help feeling they are going to seriously struggle unless this is reviewed.

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That would be quite easy to do? I imagine it will be some kind of wrist band do, they could just maybe do like they do at V have different coloured ones for 2 day, fri or sat, only people with 2 day bands are allowed to camp and all other guests have to leave the park. Easy enough. £50 isn't really that much for all the things you will get, even if you can't make it on one of the days, maybe you could be a revolutionary and go halves with someone else and swap the band....ohhhhh, naughty! If you were going to a festi in the UK you would have to pay travel as well, this is on your door step, £3.50 bus fare max :)


I'm very surprised that there are not more people supporting the bands they like, its disappointing, unless hundreds of people are on the "I'm with the band" free ride :).

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ha ha Bees most of the bands dont even know themselves whats going on, with regard to times, equipment, length of sets etc. its nuts! think its a brilliant idea for a festival but i dunno, it looks like now it aint gonna happen, which is a shame, but is what a lot of people have been saying all along. poor Hal. xx

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Hello Lovely People,


The Financial Backer has given me until tomorrow morning to reach over 500 ticket sales I think this is achievable. But he is very serious about pulling the plug if we dont get there. So if you can work any magic now is the time.





Its in your hands, I guess it always was.


Thank you for all your support,


and i'll keep you posted.


Big Love,


Hal xx


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