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[BBC News] TT sidecar crash 'caused by hare'


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I have a genuine question, not trying to accuse anybody of anything, I'm just puzzled so don't anybody jump down my throat.


I read on Manx Radio's website that a fund has been set up to help Crowe and Cox. Don't the riders have to take out personal injury insurance to cover medical costs or loss of earnings as part of the entry conditions of the TT? Isn't there some kind of riders' benevolent fund which also helps injured riders?


I'm just wondering why it's ended up being necessary to set the fund up for them.

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Please cut it out, you have not got any idea how Bad the injuries are of Nick Crowe


I agree. Whilst I am not a racing fan, I think it is despicable that some people are making jokes about an accident that has resulted in two guys sustaining serious injuries. It is not funny and is in very poor taste.

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Where did his post go?


I deleated it as in hindsight whilst I was very happy to write what I did and very happy to repeat to anybody face to face I appreciate that the relatives are going through a very difficult time at present and did not want to add to it.


I do think there is nothing wrong in the topic being discussed or anything that is being said and I find it hard to understand, considering the injuries incurred, that anything that is said on a public site would greatly add to worry those close to the injured are already uncurring. I think they have more than enough on there plate as it stands.


I am also of the opinion that if anybody is upset by anything posted then they would be better directing their anger at an event which results in such injuries and in trying to prevent other families from being put in such a similar position in the future rather than at a public forum which posts a fewwords which they mau find difficult. I know which I find more objectionable and that is as event which leaves an individual with such appalling injuries

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Please cut it out, you have not got any idea how Bad the injuries are of Nick Crowe


I do actually and they are horrific



I agree. Whilst I am not a racing fan, I think it is despicable that some people are making jokes about an accident that has resulted in two guys sustaining serious injuries. It is not funny and is in very poor taste.


They may be in poor taste and upsetting for close family and friends, but I doubt if it they can be any more upsetting than knowing the state the individual is in.


There are many "poor taste" jokes flying about most of which like these are not malicous. Many of those I probably would finder harder to defend even though we are in a free society as at least in this case the individual freely entered into the event and new the risks and potential consequences, even if they believed they would never happen to them. That was not the case in respect of the recent Brazillian air crash, 9/11, The Zebrugee ferry disaster yet we make jokes about them. Heather Mills was also seen as fair game so where do you draw the line and start censoring?

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Heather Mills was also seen as fair game so where do you draw the line and start censoring?


When you're personally involved I guess. I can see it from both sides, and if there's a genuine complaint, of course the posts should go. If it were me, I'd ignore though.

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If you were the parent of a Handicapped child and jokes were being made about the condition of that child in front of you, would you be annoyed or upset ?.

A handicapped child doesn't choose to be handicapped.


You should look back at the Demense Road Arson topic. You started that off then regretted it when you found out it was someone you knew.


And as for the 'Nick Crowe injuries' I know whats happened and I don't find the need to keep mentioning it.

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If you were the parent of a Handicapped child and jokes were being made about the condition of that child in front of you, would you be annoyed or upset ?.


OK. then lets turn it on it's head.


Picking one of the pages of your posts at random leads me to a thread in February about reports of 50 people fighting in Ramsey. You posted "Short of food in Ramsey, and some bloke found a dead cat :lol: ". What about if one of the people injured in this fight had seen that you were cracking a joke about it. Would they be annoyed or upset?


As with every occurance, if you are involved then you may/will be upset at jokes made about it.

If you are not involved then they can be funny.

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Ok, if the relatives are upset about this thread then there are things that can be done. Report the thread officially if you're offended and I'm sure it'll be gone.

I am sure I am not the only one posting here who has lost a friend/relative, or had a friend/relative become injured in these or similar races. Gallows humour is often a way of dealing with it.

I wish the boys all the best in their recovery and hope the fundraising efforts help to ease any financial worry that their relatives may have.



And please stop dropping hints about any injuries, if their relatives want us to know they will tell us. No need to hint about it.

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If you were the parent of a Handicapped child and jokes were being made about the condition of that child in front of you, would you be annoyed or upset ?.


OK. then lets turn it on it's head.


Picking one of the pages of your posts at random leads me to a thread in February about reports of 50 people fighting in Ramsey. You posted "Short of food in Ramsey, and some bloke found a dead cat :lol: ". What about if one of the people injured in this fight had seen that you were cracking a joke about it. Would they be annoyed or upset?


As with every occurance, if you are involved then you may/will be upset at jokes made about it.

If you are not involved then they can be funny.


Slightly different situation, and yes if they could be upset and if made aware of the fact would be man enough to retract and apologize.

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