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[BBC News] TT sidecar crash 'caused by hare'


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If you were the parent of a Handicapped child and jokes were being made about the condition of that child in front of you, would you be annoyed or upset ?.


I might be both just as any person who had been was related to a subject of a joke or comment might be upset by such a joke or comment. Does that mean all such jokes or comments should be banned. Not in my opinion.


Presently nothing that has been said has been in my view malicous nor has any joke been made with regard to the condition of the individual. It would not be hard to though if anybody wanted to!


Yes what happened to the individual is horrific and his injuries must be upsetting close to him, but that is no reason for the world stopping.


I presume that as you want to stop any references on here you will be campaigning against the TT so that no family and close friends will ever have to endure in future what Nick's family and friends are currently enduring or are you only concerened about the sensitivties of those you know and quite prepared for others to be so horrifically injured infuture.

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I think that we, as a society, find it much more difficult to brush these things under the metaphorical carpet when they involve local personnel, particularly ones with such a high profile. Perhaps humour is simply our alternative method of denial.

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I'm amazed that even after someone says that close relatives/friends are reading this tripe and getting upset, it still seems to sit well with you folk to crack jokes about it... I know some of you in "real life" and it amazes me that you 'd rather jusitfy your joke cracking then just cut it out.

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I'm amazed that even after someone says that close relatives/friends are reading this tripe and getting upset, it still seems to sit well with you folk to crack jokes about it... I know some of you in "real life" and it amazes me that you 'd rather jusitfy your joke cracking than just cut it out.


I'm amazed that even after a close relatives/friend is horifically injured in the TT or killed, it still seems to sit well with you folk to support it... it amazes me that you 'd rather jusitfy the death and horific injuries suffered by riders in the TT than just cut it out.


Sorry but I really do not get why a few comments are dealed so appalling and insensitive, even if not in the best taste although all have expressed sympathy, but the actually event that is responsible for causing death and horific injury is not thought of in the same light.

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If you were the parent of a Handicapped child and jokes were being made about the condition of that child in front of you, would you be annoyed or upset ?.


I might be both just as any person who had been was related to a subject of a joke or comment might be upset by such a joke or comment. Does that mean all such jokes or comments should be banned. Not in my opinion.


Presently nothing that has been said has been in my view malicous nor has any joke been made with regard to the condition of the individual. It would not be hard to though if anybody wanted to!


Yes what happened to the individual is horrific and his injuries must be upsetting close to him, but that is no reason for the world stopping.


I presume that as you want to stop any references on here you will be campaigning against the TT so that no family and close friends will ever have to endure in future what Nick's family and friends are currently enduring or are you only concerened about the sensitivties of those you know and quite prepared for others to be so horrifically injured infuture.



If you were the parent of a Handicapped child and jokes were being made about the condition of that child in front of you, would you be annoyed or upset ?.


But you are happy to make a joke about the blind? http://www.manxforums.com/forums/index.php...c=26630&hl=



If you were the parent of a Handicapped child and jokes were being made about the condition of that child in front of you, would you be annoyed or upset ?.


But you are happy to make a joke about the blind? http://www.manxforums.com/forums/index.php...c=26630&hl=


I imagine he's fairly confident they won't be reading this to get offended? :)



Are we feeling guilty and looking for straws to grasp

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Are we feeling guilty and looking for straws to grasp


If that is addressed to me then no and no.


I would be feeling guilty if I assisted putting on an event that I knew was likely to leave some of those participating horifically injured or dead. It is why I have never marshalled or assisted with the TT as whilst I enjoy the atmosphere and on some levels greatly respect the riders who participate, although I do not accept they "know" the risks as I believe most or all believe it will not happen to them, I could not face the wife, kids, family, friends of anybody badly injured or killed afterwards as how could I respond if they turned around and said " If it was not for you assisting this event happen X would still be wth us today.


I watched ITV4 and saw the response of Steve Platters wife after he won the Senior Race. She was carrying her kid who I am not sure but is maybe six months old and I thought how could any husband with a young child put there wife through the worry she apeared to have just been through.


I have tremendous sympathy for the family and freinds of all those affected this year and every year. But as a non biker I can not comprehend how you can enter an event aware how your your family and friends might be left if something goes wrong. I am apalled at the injuries of those involved and my heart goes out to them when I think what the futute entails but I am also apalled that we run supposedly a top event where dependents and friends can be left to fundraise afterwards to meet basic living costs. I think we had something previously with regard to raising funds to transfer a badly injured rider back to the USA. Can we please learn from this so that in future whether it is covered by the Government, Insurance or whatever there is something in place so that in the event of any rider being badly injured or killed they and their family are provided for and they are not relying on the goodwill of others. If adequate provision is not in place then they should not be allowed to enter.

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Are we feeling guilty and looking for straws to grasp


If that is addressed to me then no and no.


I would be feeling guilty if I assisted putting on an event that I knew was likely to leave some of those participating horifically injured or dead. It is why I have never marshalled or assisted with the TT as whilst I enjoy the atmosphere and on some levels greatly respect the riders who participate, although I do not accept they "know" the risks as I believe most or all believe it will not happen to them, I could not face the wife, kids, family, friends of anybody badly injured or killed afterwards as how could I respond if they turned around and said " If it was not for you assisting this event happen X would still be wth us today.


I watched ITV4 and saw the response of Steve Platters wife after he won the Senior Race. She was carrying her kid who I am not sure but is maybe six months old and I thought how could any husband with a young child put there wife through the worry she apeared to have just been through.


I have tremendous sympathy for the family and freinds of all those affected this year and every year. But as a non biker I can not comprehend how you can enter an event aware how your your family and friends might be left if something goes wrong. I am apalled at the injuries of those involved and my heart goes out to them when I think what the futute entails but I am also apalled that we run supposedly a top event where dependents and friends can be left to fundraise afterwards to meet basic living costs. I think we had something previously with regard to raising funds to transfer a badly injured rider back to the USA. Can we please learn from this so that in future whether it is covered by the Government, Insurance or whatever there is something in place so that in the event of any rider being badly injured or killed they and their family are provided for and they are not relying on the goodwill of others. If adequate provision is not in place then they should not be allowed to enter.



That's better something sensible posted over this topic, but unless you have raced a bike or been part of it you will never know what buzz you get out of it. Accidents are part of racing and the riders and their families know what to expect. Because riders put so much into racing, time and money it sometimes takes over their lives and they can also lose touch with the real world. Its at this sad time when reality kicks in and it becomes a bit of a shock when they find out that maybe they put to much in and not left a bit for the bad times.

Lets not forget the TT is a free show, paid for by the riders and their families, they get very little rewards for it except the chance to get to the Top. Nick has done this at no cost to you or me, only his own. People can meet hard times for many reasons and may need help, do you really think that they want to ask for help, NO.

One of my riders was killed at the TT, and at the time I just wanted to crush the bike, but at the Funeral his father said not to, break it up and sell the good bits and help another rider, that's what his son would have wanted. I still do help riders and the one Ive helped this year is in the next room at Nobles to Mark, Nicks passenger. Not once over the past week have I ever heard him say that's it finished and nor has his wife, racing is in their blood.


Its not just sportsmen or women that have asked for help, what about our service men and woman that have been paid to fight in a war that they dont want, end up injured and pensioned out of the services and just left to rot. Asking for help is not a crime or something that should have the piss taken out of it.


I think you said your not a biker, dont get involved or have any time for the races, I can respect your views on this, but at the end of the day you do get something out of the TT festival for free and thats the Atmosphere, something the Island may lack if the Riders never raced here at the TT

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