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[BBC News] TT sidecar crash 'caused by hare'


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I know that it's human nature to want to know about things like that too, but I've found WTF's constant angry comments about it somewhat irritating and over and above what I would consider general human curiousity.


The reply to SarahC was particularly frothing at the mouthish and unnecessary particularly the bit about "split-arse" gossiping.


If and when the people who have the right to divulge information about the extent of the injuries decide to do so then that's fine, but if they would rather that the details were kept private then have some respect for them. We don't have any right to the details otherwise.


Then why are we being asked to raise funds?


Unfortunately, people will speculate if no information is given out, more so out of concern than malice!


Best Wishes to Nick, Mark and families.


People are being asked to raise funds because they're seriously injured and will be unable to provide for their family as a result. It's been stated enough times already and I don't understand why this isn't enough for some people and they need the details.


Also no one has been speculating about the injuries that I've seen or heard here or elsewhere, so not sure what your point is there? The issue is about whether people need to know the specific details of what the injuries are or not, and I'm sorry but I would "speculate" that most people don't want to know that out of concern for Nick and Mark but out of their own morbid curiosity.



What a low opinion you have of people.

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I know that it's human nature to want to know about things like that too, but I've found WTF's constant angry comments about it somewhat irritating and over and above what I would consider general human curiousity.


The reply to SarahC was particularly frothing at the mouthish and unnecessary particularly the bit about "split-arse" gossiping.


If and when the people who have the right to divulge information about the extent of the injuries decide to do so then that's fine, but if they would rather that the details were kept private then have some respect for them. We don't have any right to the details otherwise.


you confused anger with provocative input, forums tend to loose the emotion and sarcasm of conversations but i conceed 'anger' could be perceived. as i already said, i know the major details so i'm not 'curious' at all on the matter. and perhaps you could provide us all with a list of WHO has the right to divulge what?? just so we know. posters on forums are clockwork, and they all need winding up from time to time. ;)

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I know that it's human nature to want to know about things like that too, but I've found WTF's constant angry comments about it somewhat irritating and over and above what I would consider general human curiousity.


The reply to SarahC was particularly frothing at the mouthish and unnecessary particularly the bit about "split-arse" gossiping.


If and when the people who have the right to divulge information about the extent of the injuries decide to do so then that's fine, but if they would rather that the details were kept private then have some respect for them. We don't have any right to the details otherwise.


Then why are we being asked to raise funds?


Unfortunately, people will speculate if no information is given out, more so out of concern than malice!


Best Wishes to Nick, Mark and families.


People are being asked to raise funds because they're seriously injured and will be unable to provide for their family as a result. It's been stated enough times already and I don't understand why this isn't enough for some people and they need the details.


Also no one has been speculating about the injuries that I've seen or heard here or elsewhere, so not sure what your point is there? The issue is about whether people need to know the specific details of what the injuries are or not, and I'm sorry but I would "speculate" that most people don't want to know that out of concern for Nick and Mark but out of their own morbid curiosity.



What a low opinion you have of people.



some people are like that, it doesn't make them low, just one of the many types. though pious self richeous others may consider them low.

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WTF - apologies if I overreacted to what you were saying. I just don't see why the details of the injury are important. As for who has the right to divulge details, well I don't have a list as such but I would imagine that it should come from family or friends who are in direct contact with the injured riders at the moment, that's all.


Keyboarder - I notice you're hammering this idea that we're all responsible for the TT at the moment. Whilst I don't disagree with this point I really don't see that this by default means that people have a right to know about the extent of the injuries sustained.


As for Roo, I can only assume that you're extremely niave if you think that people want to know all about the injuries out of the goodness of their hearts.

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Keyboarder - I notice you're hammering this idea that we're all responsible for the TT at the moment. Whilst I don't disagree with this point I really don't see that this by default means that people have a right to know about the extent of the injuries sustained.

We don't have a right to know. We just want to.

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Keyboarder - I notice you're hammering this idea that we're all responsible for the TT at the moment. Whilst I don't disagree with this point I really don't see that this by default means that people have a right to know about the extent of the injuries sustained.

We don't have a right to know. We just want to.


Even if the riders and / or their families don't want you to? Is your desire to know more important than the wishes of these people?


Whatever the arguments regarding the rights and wrongs of the TT and decision made by people to take part in view of the risks they take, I still think that people have a right to privacy if that's what they want.


I'm stepping out of this thread now because I've had my say and I don't want it to degenerate in to a tit-for-tat argument a la any thread where Slim and Sebrof get involved!

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WTF - apologies if I overreacted to what you were saying. I just don't see why the details of the injury are important. As for who has the right to divulge details, well I don't have a list as such but I would imagine that it should come from family or friends who are in direct contact with the injured riders at the moment, that's all.


no apologies necessary, i suppose my provocative manner 'worked' if you could call it that? and i would suggest going by your response that you were the 'angry' one?. but as i said, emotions and sarcasm can get lost in the translation of text. and i would go along with your 'list' too, but human nature is what it is, whether we call the curiosity morbid or not, the curiosity will always be there, and once you do know, that's the end of the curiosity. so if we all knew everything, no one would be curious?? i suppose it is a double edged sword in this case because i think if details were out there, more people would be coming forward with contributions and maybe larger ones. but on the other hand, too much detail could be seen as emotional blackmail. there will always be those that don't like what is and isn't done, and as you say, it is up to those closest to decide what should be done. i just hope whatever they do works best for their cause, cos it is a deserving one.

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I've just had a PM from Lee54, I quote


"No competitor can start or enter a Race at the TT unless they show proof that they have insurance Fact. The insurance covers any third party claims, it also covers repatriation and medical costs. Riders can also take out insurance with American Combine at a cost of £112 pa, This cover pays out approx £200 per dat while in hospital, it also pays out for loss of limbs ect, it also pays out after leaving hospital".


Must say £112 pa doesn't seem much considering the number of come offs these lads have.


So let me get it right.....if they have paid £112 pa, they should be getting approx £200 per day whilst in hospital - so again, why the need to fundraise more?


I presume the lack of publicity for fundraising for other injured riders means they have alternative methods of cover whilst injured for their bills, families etc?


If you read the above statement again, you will see that they are required to hold Third Party Insurance to race, BUT may also take out additional insurance for daily cover whilst in hospital or for loss of limb etc.


Thus, not all riders or participants will have this additional cover, so might not be receiving any benefit whilst laid up in hospital recuperating. This being the case, then yes they would need financial support for not only themselves, but also families and household bills etc.


Hope this clears up the fundraising element of this discussion!!

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If you read the above statement again, you will see that they are required to hold Third Party Insurance to race, BUT may also take out additional insurance for daily cover whilst in hospital or for loss of limb etc.


Thus, not all riders or participants will have this additional cover, so might not be receiving any benefit whilst laid up in hospital recuperating. This being the case, then yes they would need financial support for not only themselves, but also families and household bills etc.


Hope this clears up the fundraising element of this discussion!!


you know call me a bit daft,

but why in the hell would you race or do any sport or job that in a blink of an eye u could lose your leg,arm brain or body etc, and stop u from working for ever more


if thay were raceing with no insurance for themselfs then thay are plan stupid in the first place, and that gos for anybody that takes part in a sport that can leave u fubard for ever

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Thus, not all riders or participants will have this additional cover, so might not be receiving any benefit whilst laid up in hospital recuperating. This being the case, then yes they would need financial support for not only themselves, but also families and household bills etc.

Did this crew have the additional cover?

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Thanks for that "End2EndRider"


Sort of makes us realise why the fund raising is needed.


Maybe the ACU/TT officials should be changing things so at least the riders can have some sort of a piece of mind with the cover being better.


From what i have heard regarding the injuiries they are very serious and i don't blame the families being guarded.


I still think the TT should have a Benevolent Fund for injured riders.


Maybe this is what is needed to help these guys who risk there lives for the glory of the TT.


I know i would give to such a fund.

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If you read the above statement again, you will see that they are required to hold Third Party Insurance to race, BUT may also take out additional insurance for daily cover whilst in hospital or for loss of limb etc.


Thus, not all riders or participants will have this additional cover, so might not be receiving any benefit whilst laid up in hospital recuperating. This being the case, then yes they would need financial support for not only themselves, but also families and household bills etc.


Hope this clears up the fundraising element of this discussion!!


you know call me a bit daft,

but why in the hell would you race or do any sport or job that in a blink of an eye u could lose your leg,arm brain or body etc, and stop u from working for ever more


if thay were raceing with no insurance for themselfs then thay are plan stupid in the first place, and that gos for anybody that takes part in a sport that can leave u fubard for ever


Who knows the answer to that one, but whatever, it's down to them as to why they do or don't take out this cover??


With every other cost they incur to enable them to race, then this one might be worth omitting in the vein that "It wont happen to me" attitude. Who knows!!




Thus, not all riders or participants will have this additional cover, so might not be receiving any benefit whilst laid up in hospital recuperating. This being the case, then yes they would need financial support for not only themselves, but also families and household bills etc.

Did this crew have the additional cover?



That I'm afraid I cannot answer, and certainly wouldn't like to speculate on either. What I do believe though is that even if they did have this cover, the additional funds raised for their families is more of a good thing than a bad one I believe!

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