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[BBC News] TT sidecar crash 'caused by hare'


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There used to be a benevolent fund, didn't there?


As for asking for details of the injuries; yes, it is a sensitive issue, but perhaps knowing will put the risk that we expect these guys to take into proportion. I have been a supporter of the TT, in a non-biker way, for a long time - it has been a part of my being from being woken by the practices as a child living not far away from the bottom of Bray Hill to having an absolute ball twenty, almost thirty years ago. But I do want to gauge the total P&L for the TT. Not in money to the IOM, but in enjoyment and fulfillment to the riders - is that really sufficient to risk life and limb?


If it is, let the races continue. If not, I understand why, and we have to think about how the TT operates, especially how it deals with the casualties. If we want to continue this festival, please show a degree of responsibilty and make sure that adequate buffers are in place to look after injured riders and their families. Not rocket science, just do it.

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If it is, let the races continue. If not, I understand why, and we have to think about how the TT operates, especially how it deals with the casualties. If we want to continue this festival, please show a degree of responsibilty and make sure that adequate buffers are in place to look after injured riders and their families. Not rocket science, just do it.


in my view, the riders that take part know the risks, thay know it can happin even if thay dont think bout it much.

Thay do the TT not for us to enjoy but for themselfs to be on the limits etc there a rare breed in themselfs.

and i think there mad but have to give them respect for what thay do.


i dont think it is up to the TT operaters or who ever to put in place adequate buffers, but the riders themselfs,


maybe thay should have in place that no rider can not race unless that have insurance cover for themselfs or wifes or kids if something should happin to them

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Who knows the answer to that one, but whatever, it's down to them as to why they do or don't take out this cover??


With every other cost they incur to enable them to race, then this one might be worth omitting in the vein that "It wont happen to me" attitude. Who knows!!


BUT, when they do need it because it 'happens to them', they then rely on fundraising and the good will of others! So, what if I don't have my critical illness cover for my mortgage, and I then fall ill, have an accident etc - do you think I would get much luck fundraising to pay my mortgage and money to look after my family - all because I thought it wouldn't happen to me?


Now, I also wonder, if they do have insurances, is the need to fundraise due to time delay in getting funds? If this is the case I can see a little clearer, however, as in all unfortunate situations I know that companies, rents, bills etc can be postponed.


I know my post sounds quite harsh - and I wish these guys well, however there is a part of me confused as to the NEED for money when they might have failed to ensure they provided for themselves and their family knowing that they were entering the most dangerous road race in the world.

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Who knows the answer to that one, but whatever, it's down to them as to why they do or don't take out this cover??


With every other cost they incur to enable them to race, then this one might be worth omitting in the vein that "It wont happen to me" attitude. Who knows!!


BUT, when they do need it because it 'happens to them', they then rely on fundraising and the good will of others! So, what if I don't have my critical illness cover for my mortgage, and I then fall ill, have an accident etc - do you think I would get much luck fundraising to pay my mortgage and money to look after my family - all because I thought it wouldn't happen to me?


Now, I also wonder, if they do have insurances, is the need to fundraise due to time delay in getting funds? If this is the case I can see a little clearer, however, as in all unfortunate situations I know that companies, rents, bills etc can be postponed.


I know my post sounds quite harsh - and I wish these guys well, however there is a part of me confused as to the NEED for money when they might have failed to ensure they provided for themselves and their family knowing that they were entering the most dangerous road race in the world.


i'd go with the middle paragraph as the most likely, and also consider ( as i hadn't earlier either ) the sudden expense of time off work for family members and the expenses they incur in being in appropriate locations.

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I've just had a PM from Lee54, I quote


"No competitor can start or enter a Race at the TT unless they show proof that they have insurance Fact. The insurance covers any third party claims, it also covers repatriation and medical costs. Riders can also take out insurance with American Combine at a cost of £112 pa, This cover pays out approx £200 per dat while in hospital, it also pays out for loss of limbs ect, it also pays out after leaving hospital".


Must say £112 pa doesn't seem much considering the number of come offs these lads have.


So if they are the middle para and in need of funds for family whilst waiting for insurance, then the above would cover it wouldn't it? Approx £200 per day whilst in hospital? If not, then surely the insurance is useless, after all it would be common for many to need the money immediately if they are seriously injured etc


This is why it makes me think that they are not covered and the previous comments from many about their lack of thought when entering such situations. If not covered, I highlight my previous comments if this happened to you or I not paying for a life insurance or critical illness policy when you KNOW you have dependents.

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I know my post sounds quite harsh - and I wish these guys well, however there is a part of me confused as to the NEED for money when they might have failed to ensure they provided for themselves and their family knowing that they were entering the most dangerous road race in the world.


It sounds extremely harsh and in fact when the true situation is actually published I'm guessing that you might actually sound like a heartless sh*t. I think maybe people should keep their comments to themselves in this instance

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All very valid ways of looking at the situation.


However, as we are not in the loop here, and unaware of the exact position, then should we all not accept that a little extra fundraising is going to do more good than harm in the situation these two find themselves in.


I wouldn't like to comment either way as to whether they have or haven't the additional cover in place. And when you come to think of it, does it really have anything to do with us whether they did or didn't hold additional insurance cover.


Surely wishing to donate or assist them in whatever way, is up to the individual concerned and whether they feel a need to help - whatever the situation.


Whatever, I wish them a full and speedy recovery.

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Whatever, I wish them a full and speedy recovery.

As do we all, as we are all thinking about the kids and families too.


I don't think people are making comments about these people, it's about the general situation of the TT and the riders both riding without appropriate cover and being allowed to ride without enough cover.

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Whatever, I wish them a full and speedy recovery.

As do we all, as we are all thinking about the kids and families too.


I don't think people are making comments about these people, it's about the general situation of the TT and the riders both riding without appropriate cover and being allowed to ride without enough cover.



I don't believe anyone has said or accused them of not having the insurance cover.


The above posts are more speculation and what ifs rather than stated facts!!


I certainly don't have any knowledge of what they do or don't have regarding cover, and certainly haven't inferred otherwise.

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Whatever, I wish them a full and speedy recovery.

As do we all, as we are all thinking about the kids and families too.


I don't think people are making comments about these people, it's about the general situation of the TT and the riders both riding without appropriate cover and being allowed to ride without enough cover.


I would like to add that I am making the comments as a point about the general situation, and without raising questions I feel that it would not highlight the problems. Obviously I do not know or not if they have cover, but it does make people question.


From a previous post, it highlighted the fact that riders can ride without the additional cover, and this is what I am questioning - in today's society, shouldn't it be a compulsary requirement? Or if not an alternative way to cover people as compensation.


I don't believe people should be fundraising to ensure that there is cover for their families.


(On a side - I do know to the extent that these riders are injured, and my husband knows Nick well - I wish all injured riders well)

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as i sort of mentioned in a previous post, insurance companies don't give out advances, the recovery of the riders will take time, and any insurance payout will take longer than that, maybe much longer ( anyone ever waited for a cheque from an insurance company?? ). the sudden unexpected costs the famillies have now,may be why friends and supporters are asking for help now. not an unreasonable thing to ask at all.

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as i sort of mentioned in a previous post, insurance companies don't give out advances, the recovery of the riders will take time, and any insurance payout will take longer than that, maybe much longer ( anyone ever waited for a cheque from an insurance company?? ). the sudden unexpected costs the famillies have now,may be why friends and supporters are asking for help now. not an unreasonable thing to ask at all.


Thank you WTF - I do understand.


Should there not be something done to ensure that this doesn't happen again - riders shouldn't need to fundraise to cover these costs - that is the point I am making if they are insured.


There is obviously a gap in the system here, and the TT organisers should take this onboard and progress to achieve a better result.

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the sudden unexpected costs the famillies have now,may be why friends and supporters are asking for help now. not an unreasonable thing to ask at all.


I will try and make my reply general rather than being to specific but in general I think it is incumbent for those asking for money or other support from the general public should make it clear why it is being requested and how it will in general be spent. Your response still says it "may be why" and whilst those who know those involved or who have a close involvement with an event may readily put their hands in their pockets those not so closely involved may want some more information before supporting.


Two of the manin questions has been on insurance and injuries. The first I do not know about but I think that one thing that should be learnt from this unfortunate even is that however it is done it must be compulsory for all participents to have in place sufficient cover to provide for family in the event of a serious accident. In addition as the TT allegedly makes the IoM millions there should be funding in place to provide for families if there is a delay in this cover paying out. This funding to be repaid when the cover pays out.


Secondly in respect of injuries I do not think there is any need to detail but in respect of raising funds it would be helpful to provide some generic details. i.e what is the prognosis towards a full or partial recovery, how long will they be in hospital, how long will they require ongoing treatment. I do not think that is to intrusive as I feel that from reading these are other pages we always act on the basis that given time an individual will make a full and total recovery. It is human nature to hope for the best. Unfortunatly from experience I know that is not always the case and I still remember how I felt the first time I learnt, about 25 years ago, a mate who was in a coma as a result of a serious car would never make a full recovery. It was a profound shock as until that point we had all assumed that over time he would recover to be the same individual before hand. Whist he eventually made a very good recovery and leads a 100% normal life it will never be 100%

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Should there not be something done to ensure that this doesn't happen again - riders shouldn't need to fundraise to cover these costs - that is the point I am making if they are insured.


There is obviously a gap in the system here, and the TT organisers should take this onboard and progress to achieve a better result.


I agree and this is why I have problems with the TT as I would have thought that something like this was covered long ago. It should not need an unfortunate accident to make the matter be thought about. One day I would like to see the TT be proactive on issues rather purely reactive to events, especially if with a bit of foresight they are matters that should have been resolved or are matters that are in the public domain. e.g access corridors when it should not have taken absolute grid lock to make them consider the matter as this had been a topic over many years.

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One must remember that most of these fundraising ideas and events are usually set up by persons or organisations that are not exactly part of the family circle. Set up in good faith, and obviously with all good intentions.


I feel that yes there is a need to know how the funds are to be used once collected, but are we guilty of looking too deeply into the reasons why, when obviously the statements made to date lead to a clear understanding that these funds are to assist the family of these two whilst they recuperate.


Just a thought, but obviously this has opened up other avenues of discussion regarding provision that could or should be made available by the organisers for such incidents. There was a mention of a benevolent fund from previous times, and the question here is, what happened to this, and if it has ceased to exist, then what were the reasons behind it??

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