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Activision Concern Over Ps3


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So much for the year of PS3

Going to take more than FF XIV & GOW3 to pull this around


They've got some good stuff appearing on it, but the price difference between it and the 360 and wii is just silly. Particularly when cross platform games are at best equal and often poorer quality to the 360.


I think this is just noise though, and Activision know full well sony will drop the price this winter.

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So much for the year of PS3

Going to take more than FF XIV & GOW3 to pull this around


They've got some good stuff appearing on it, but the price difference between it and the 360 and wii is just silly. Particularly when cross platform games are at best equal and often poorer quality to the 360.


I think this is just noise though, and Activision know full well sony will drop the price this winter.


Unless they have managed to make some major cuts in the cost of producing a PS3 I really dont think they will be able too. As it stands they lose around $40 per system, a lot better than the 100+ to begin with but still not a great place to be in to be thinking about price cuts.


I really want them to cut the price, but I also don't want them to lose so much money they decide its not worth creating a PS4.


I don’t understand how Sony expect the PS3 to last as long as they are hoping, they are already reaching the limits of what’s possible, the devs of Killzone 2 came out and said they had pushed it to its limits and I'm sure similar reports will come from GT5.


Quite a telling comparison of Ghostbusters



They also have a few others that show the differences, which I cant make sense of considering the power difference, unless the lack of RAM in the PS3 is a big issue.

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Unless they have managed to make some major cuts in the cost of producing a PS3 I really dont think they will be able too. As it stands they lose around $40 per system, a lot better than the 100+ to begin with but still not a great place to be in to be thinking about price cuts.


Dedicated bd drives have been dropping in price, so there must be some savings coming in. I heard they were stuck with the old units, which is why the price aint dropping. They want to get the ps3 slim out and lower the price, because it's cheaper to make, but need to shift all the fat ones first at the old price.


I don’t understand how Sony expect the PS3 to last as long as they are hoping, they are already reaching the limits of what’s possible, the devs of Killzone 2 came out and said they had pushed it to its limits and I'm sure similar reports will come from GT5.


I think teh wii's proved that you don't need to push the limits to have a successful console.


They also have a few others that show the differences, which I cant make sense of considering the power difference, unless the lack of RAM in the PS3 is a big issue.


It's the gpu in the ps3 that's the problem, it's why you see the ps3 games running at a lower rez then upscaled.

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no you just need to flog more peripheral's to boost the low cost of the console ;):P:D


Sounds like Activision - expensive games with added expensive peripheral's to boost the cost - guitar hero / DJ Hero and Tony Hawks with a plastic skateboard controller. <_<



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I suspect there is quite an element of this in what the Activision CEO said.However as someone who has said to people that I must get a PS3 there is nothing making me rush out and buy one.


Of all the exclusives coming to PS3 the only ones I am even slightly curious about are GT5 and M.A.G Even with M.A.G I am getting fed up with the FPS genre , its getting done to death.

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I suspect there is quite an element of this in what the Activision CEO said.However as someone who has said to people that I must get a PS3 there is nothing making me rush out and buy one.


Of all the exclusives coming to PS3 the only ones I am even slightly curious about are GT5 and M.A.G Even with M.A.G I am getting fed up with the FPS genre , its getting done to death.


what about uncharted2, god of war3 and the last guardian?

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what about uncharted2, god of war3 and the last guardian?


Uncharted 2 I am sure will be good , but GoW 3 does nothing for me and The Last What ? Never heard of it but will take a look at some point.


But still not enough to make me go and buy a PS3.I think part of the problem for Sony is that the PS3 was released significantly later than the 360.For someone like me that has built up a decent collection of 360 games , there is no way I would trade those in to get peanuts to swap it for a PS3.I know that 360 has reliability issues but then so does the PS3 and the fact that my current favourite game is only available on 360 means that I will just not get rid of it.

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But still not enough to make me go and buy a PS3.I think part of the problem for Sony is that the PS3 was released significantly later than the 360.For someone like me that has built up a decent collection of 360 games , there is no way I would trade those in to get peanuts to swap it for a PS3.I know that 360 has reliability issues but then so does the PS3 and the fact that my current favourite game is only available on 360 means that I will just not get rid of it.


Plus all me mates seem to have 360's, not ps3's. Big deal that.


I do want a ps3 at some stage, to pick up things like pixeljunk that you can't get on 360, but it'll have to be much cheaper, 150-200.

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I suspect there is quite an element of this in what the Activision CEO said.However as someone who has said to people that I must get a PS3 there is nothing making me rush out and buy one.


Of all the exclusives coming to PS3 the only ones I am even slightly curious about are GT5 and M.A.G Even with M.A.G I am getting fed up with the FPS genre , its getting done to death.


what about uncharted2, god of war3 and the last guardian?


I'm in a very similar place to Marcus, I want a PS3 and keep meaning to buy one but there is no big draw for me, although GT5 seems to be my system maker which is surprising.


Uncharted looks alright nothing that special, God of War seems to be everyones big selling point and while the first 2 were great I can't see how they can really bring anything new I can see it being a prettier version of the same game. Team Ico games have all ways bored me to tears, although I haven't played one for years so you never now.



what about uncharted2, god of war3 and the last guardian?


and Heavy Rain.


Will probably be awful if Fahrenheit is anything to go by, lots of QTEs and a very convoluted story with a very linear path through it. But I would be happy to be proven wrong.


If they ever release a PS3 Slim/GT5 bundle for between £200-£250 I think I'd be sold.

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I don't want to be fan-boy baiting, or trolling for that matter, but I cannot help myself when I see the price comparisons involving PS3 and Xbox 360. For the sake of the comparison, lets say both consoles have a 10 year life-cycle. PS3 is £400 or thereabouts, with no additional fees for online. The Xbox 360 is maybe £250 (correct me please if I am wrong) but requires an extra £39.99 per year for online gameplay, which over the course of the console lifetime equates to an additional £399.99. No flame war required please, but the xbox 360 is a false economy if I ever saw one.


Still, I wouldn't mind owning one if only for some of the cracking titles that it has.

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I don't want to be fan-boy baiting, or trolling for that matter, but I cannot help myself when I see the price comparisons involving PS3 and Xbox 360. For the sake of the comparison, lets say both consoles have a 10 year life-cycle. PS3 is £400 or thereabouts, with no additional fees for online. The Xbox 360 is maybe £250 (correct me please if I am wrong) but requires an extra £39.99 per year for online gameplay, which over the course of the console lifetime equates to an additional £399.99. No flame war required please, but the xbox 360 is a false economy if I ever saw one.


Still, I wouldn't mind owning one if only for some of the cracking titles that it has.


Xbox 360 Arcade £129.99

Xbox 360 Pro £169.99

Xbox 360 Elite £229.99


PS3 80Gb £299.99


The average shelf life is approx. 5 years so the online would cost a shade just under £200.So if you went for say the 360 Pro which comes with a 60Gb the package for online would be around £370.Whereas the PS3 80Gb package would be £300 so a saving of approx. £70 over a 5 year period.


However the 360 exclusives are better IMO than the PS3 exclusives and with most developers preferring the 360 format and with PS3 being harder to develop for and more costly the multi format games are not as good on PS3 as on the 360.


It comes back to this for me , the back catalogue IMO is far superior on 360 than it currently is on PS3 and if I was having to choose between the 2 then it would be 360.


Fan-boys argue which is better which is sad really , as true gamers don't care about which is better they just want to play really good games and seeing as both formats have some good titles its best to get both really.However at the moment 360 has more titles to go for.

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