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[BBC News] Optimism on Manx airport figures


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I'm surprised that she didn't point out that TT was later this year, thus impacting on May's figures.


She deleted that bit from the speach I wrote for her - 'too bleedin' obvious' she said, 'now get back to work you worm' she added.

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Does anyone know this woman's history?


Is she local? What's she done before etc?



April 29th 1945

Hitlers Bunker


Adolf: 'Mein Gott, it haff all gone tits up. Ze Russkies are only a block away and zey vill be cutting mein bollock off'


'Actually Mein Fuhrer, ze figures for zis month show only a 90% reduction in ze size of your army since March. I feel cautiously optimistic.........


NB: Legal Disclaimer.

I am not suggesting that any airport staff at whatever level were members of the third reich, do silly walks or partake in extended holidays in Poland.

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In her summary for March 2009 she actually made a forward commitment on numbers. This was the first time ever. Her practice has been to say in retrospect that the fall in numbers was not as bad as they had been expecting - that way noone knows what your target is. However what she said in the release about March numbers was:


‘I remain optimistic that from May this year we should start to see a reversal in monthly passenger comparisons as we will then be comparing a like-for-like situation,’

Ronaldsway Press Release

A 12% year on year decline does qualify as a 'reversal' but not the kind she was 'spinning' back in April when she put out the March numbers. For comparison the airports in the Channel Island have declined year on year by under 3% for Guernsey and under 5% for Jersey. She does not seem to want to compare the IOM Airport operations with these other island airport operations - which should have a natural advantage over mainland ones given the difficulties involved in swimming here.


What continues to disturb me is that the majority of ticket costs these days are the monopoly costs associated with airport charges. Ann Reynolds never mentions what she is doing to address (ie cut) the costs of running Ronaldsway with fewer passengers using the facility.


I know nothing of the lady but based on her actions and results she does not sound like a leading light in airport management!

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I never ceased to be amazed that at the point all the public money was poured into the airport by Tynwald the 'spin' figures of a huge upturn were still being relied upon despite all academic evidence to the contrary. Tony Brown is actually correct, the academic figures were incorrect, the actual figures are much worse !!


Where do we find these people.

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I never ceased to be amazed that at the point all the public money was poured into the airport by Tynwald the 'spin' figures of a huge upturn were still being relied upon despite all academic evidence to the contrary. Tony Brown is actually correct, the academic figures were incorrect, the actual figures are much worse !!


Where do we find these people.

To be fair....having spent £1.5 million on consultants to advise on the runway extension case (who apparently under-estimated its length by about 160 metres) the manager at the airport then started to back off her 'increased numbers' case and went onto the 'safety' case to justify close to £45 million of taxpayer funding. She was smart enough to see that what she had been talking about previously to justify the costs was manifest arrant nonsense.


It is all too late but it would have been great to see some figures that compared costs of runway extensions at other airports with Ronaldsway. But that is not the way we do things here. Instead we think of a 'Rolls Royce' figure, our Treasury people muck up the forex (and don't get sacked) and then the airport manager drops in the need for a new Control Tower at £6 million.


It looks like the 'academics' not the 'practicals' are running the show.

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Does anyone know this woman's history?


Is she local? What's she done before etc?



before she has moved from airport to airport 'improving' things ;) the last airport she 'improved' was one of only TWO new airports since the end of WW2, it closed shortly after she left and is i believe now a business park ( like balthane ) the previous airports were all the cargo type and ronaldsway is her first proper passenger airport ( needed for her CV??? ). unfortunately she has NO clue as to what is needed, and also unfortunately ( like the power station ) it is never going to be allowed to go tits up so every grand plan to waste money on gets ok'd at our expense. she isn't in a possition to run out of money and will spend it as and when. so just like the power station, it will all go over budget and be a fuck up and we will be left to pay for it. NO real improvement or benefit to the island either.



Yes....but we will have a new long runway to go with our over-sized hospital, clean fuel power station and non-polluting incinerator :D

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