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Armed Forces Day


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How awful. And it is being established for the first time in Britain.


It just seems to be another propaganda based scheme to maintain the old, established ides which are based on little more than abhorrent concepts of patriotism, nationalism, and misguided ideas about the purpose of the forces in 'protecting' Britain.


People should't be SUPPORTING (a rather meaningless concept) the armed forces nor should they be honoured.

Do we honour the forces for their role in Iraq or Afghanistan? Certainly not. And though some may argue that the forces do not choose where to be posted, well this is precisely the point because the forces are an arm of the government. They do as the government pleases in advancing the wishes of the British government (not the benefit of people). And yes, there are some aspects of the armed forces role which can be categorised as benign or humanitarian (not wars, however), but this is not the raison d'etre of the forces.


Besides we already have Veteran's Day to recognise the lives that have been wasted in conflicts caused by differen national government and their elites and fought on their behalf. We should reflect on the horror of war, not support the role of a government arm that is used to continue war.

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LDV you really do take the biscuit, if it wasn't for members of the armed forces you would be now living under a Nazi dictatorship, for fucks sake this is not about the Gov't it is about what these men and women do to help maintain our right to freedom of speech, it is of little consequence if whatever campaign they fight in is right or wrong the point is the are willing to fight for the freedoms they and we enjoy which quite frankly is hell of a lot more than you are willing or capable of doing.

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If you dont like it, dont do anything for it.


(LDV-) Supporting the Men and Women who carry out their duties while in harms way with a real risk of being killed should be respected in my mind however as you keep on proving you are a Tit and are not capable of respect for other human beings.

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Fighting for maintain our freedoms? What? In Iraq, Kuwait, WW1, Suez, Falklands, East Africa, Kosovo, Russian (1920s), China, etc. etc.


You mention one of the very few conflicts where in a sense you are correct. The fighting was warranted because the alternative was to fall under the control of a government EVEN MORE oppressive than our own. The idea that Nazi Germany represented oppression yet the alternative was freedom is true. However, the Second World War came about largely because of World War One and its consequences.


Like I said, you can't separate the person from the job. It is of great consequence whether their tasks are right or wrong. If the forces are largely used to oppress others and their purpose is to serve government, then what does it matter if some of those in the forces are misled enough to believe they are maintaining freedoms.

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If you dont like it, dont do anything for it.


(LDV-) Supporting the Men and Women who carry out their duties while in harms way with a real risk of being killed should be respected in my mind however as you keep on proving you are a Tit and are not capable of respect for other human beings.


My issue is more with its adoption and the reasons for it. It is nothing but propaganda and misleads the public.


Well if you decided to spend your time jumping about on a road making an effort to get run over by passing busesI would not afford you respect. The only difference with those in the forces is that their is a whole system of understanding behind the role of the forces. Like I have said, it is based upon patriotism and a misguided understanding of who the forces work for.


You should really sit down and express your views with some serving soldiers, I would pay to watch it.


A bizarre, petty, and immature thing to come out with it. Because these such soldiers have the ability to beat the shit out of me it makes them right?

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I never mentioned the soldiers beating the shit out of you, do you think thats what would happen if you were to voice your opinion? I would simply like you to understand what serving soldiers feel like when someone comes out with all the shit that you write.


Jumping under a bus is not soldiering so that is a pathetic comparison.

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If you dont like it, dont do anything for it.


(LDV-) Supporting the Men and Women who carry out their duties while in harms way with a real risk of being killed should be respected in my mind however as you keep on proving you are a Tit and are not capable of respect for other human beings.


Absolutely spot on comments

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I never mentioned the soldiers beating the shit out of you, do you think thats what would happen if you were to voice your opinion? I would simply like you to understand what serving soldiers feel like when someone comes out with all the shit that you write.


Jumping under a bus is not soldiering so that is a pathetic comparison.


I thought that was what you were implying, sorry for making that assumption. Well yes, I wouldn't mind at all hearing other's opinions - soldiers or not. But don't mistake what I am saying here. It is not disrespecful to remark that certain people should not be respected in the sense of arguing that these people do not deserve a pat on the back. Yes, they work hard and risk being killed, but they kill others just like them and innocent civilians to further a government agenda.


In saying that what I am writing is shit and that I have made a bad comparison I don't think you are really putting across your side of things.


Going back to my original point. I believe this armed force day is another attempt by New Labour to instill more patriotism in the population. In doing so it maintains more support for the state which is crucial when British foreign policy of late has been objectionable and downright disgusting. If you remember, not long ago people in the south of England were jeering and throwing things at RAF men who wore their uniforms in public. This is not right, but the government responded to it by arguing that these people were some sort of heroes and it is an obligation to support them. This seems to be a response to it.

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LDV, Have you been watching the mini series on BBC 'Occupation' if not there is a part just after the London bombings and the guy that has just returned fron Iraq mentions he is glad it happened - just to shut up is sister who is always on peace rallies.


That is you mate, you will shout when these atrocities <sp> come to the shores of Britain but will not lift a finger to help / support those who serve their country in order to stop it. You are one of these ' I am alright jack' and stuff everyone else.


Very disappointed in you! :whatever::whatever:

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LDV, Have you been watching the mini series on BBC 'Occupation' if not there is a part just after the London bombings and the guy that has just returned fron Iraq mentions he is glad it happened - just to shut up is sister who is always on peace rallies.


That is you mate, you will shout when these atrocities <sp> come to the shores of Britain but will not lift a finger to help / support those who serve their country in order to stop it. You are one of these ' I am alright jack' and stuff everyone else.


Very disappointed in you! :whatever::whatever:


No, I haven't watched it. Are you saying that these people fighting in the armed forces are doing their bit to stop terrorism? Are you really that clueless?


I don't know about being an 'I'm all rght Jack' but I am certainly a 'Please don't make things worse Jack'.

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LDV - you really do live on Planet La-La, don't you? Just what do you think the Government Agenda is in Afghanistan? It is about destroying the ability of Muslim-Fundamentalist terrorists to train and mount attacks on British and other innocent citizens around the world from a safe enclave. Personally, I am very grateful for those who are putting their lives on the line for the rest of us (including you, you ungrateful wretch).

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I would cross the road to shake hands with a service man or woman, past or present.


I wouldn't cross the road to piss on some people if they were on fire.

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I believe this armed force day is another attempt by New Labour to instill more patriotism in the population


And why do you think this is a bad thing?


Because patriotism is a completely irrational concept, linked in with another fabrication - nationalism. It is superficially about the goodness and worth of one's own people in comparison with others. It is a xenophobic and arrogant understanding of ourselves and others who live in other countries. How can we proclaim how wonderful and proud we are of the Isle of Man or Britain and its people when there is just as much to argue for shame. It is a misguided understanding, because, as with nationalism, it seeks to accentuate the commonalities that exist because we are under the control of a particular government.

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