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Bay Festival


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Are the IOM and Jersey really particularly comparable places? Doesn't Jersey have a more vibrant and layered cultural life to begin with? And the French influence, cheaper ferry travel, a sunnier outlook, a food culture etc. There possibly would not be the same audience there for last year's Big Brother winners. The Peel thing probably would not work there.


This place is often more northern in its tastes I reckon.

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Well I must be a sad "b......d". My immediate reaction was what a great afternoons entertainment for my young one when I heard the line up for Sunday afternoon and hate to say it so did the missus. Being a sad person I actually think they have got it right for the Sunday afternoon and it will sell out, put it this way there is only so many times you can do trips to B&Q, Eden Park, Dragons castle etc on a wet Sunday afternoon trying to keep a young one entertained.

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Ah but who can put a price on mediocrity.....this was LAST YEAR'S X factor contestants (if not before) who have all gone to do.....yes that's right FUCK ALL!


This year's contestant is bound to be that anooying teacher bloke who looks a bit like Lional Richie's bastard love child.....


Or they could spend the buget in subsidising the airlines so we can book trips to see people we want to see....


Oh dear I was so hoping to be proved wrong by the odious organiser.....

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Can anyone confirm if any IOM Govt funding is involved in this?


I really do hope none of our money is propping up this pile of shoit - it's a commercial enterprise and Irving must either make it work or suffer the financial consequences, without bleating to Govt to underwrite him like he did when Peel racked up obvious and predictable losses.


I think he was ultimatley unsuccessful then, and given the situation we face now can only assume the Govt would have the same common decency to tell him to f off again.

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They've no idea, I do not know what kind of festival this is, even the price table gave me a headache. Mannifest deserves government support and funding it was small and beautiful. This Manx Telecom Peel (via Douglas) Bay festival (more like series of pop concerts than a festival if you ask me...) needs to go away, back up its own arse. Festivals are not for the likes of them to be organising.

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Mannifest deserves government support and funding


Why do we automatically think that the Govt needs to fund and support anything? If it's done right and economically viable it will thrive and attract sponsors.

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The 80's show is such a massive joke - I am convinced I have seen an almost identical line up touring previously for £25 a ticket in the UK - (don't ask me to quote where, I've been googling for the last half hour, can't find it). I don't think transport for one backing band and their gear and a few Flybe seats will be costing them £15 a person x 7000 extra, I also like how the prices are "from" £39.50 + booking fee, how much are the *cough*Gold*cough* tickets going to turn out to be?


Whilst I am aware it will be incredibly cheesy, filled with kids and/or their excited mothers I actually might consider the afternoon show. I quite like the talent shows and some of the acts on the lineup are pretty good - I for one am quite pleased about Stavros Flatley! Tickets aren't so expensive that I'd be pissed off if it was a truly awful show. I would like to make bets now that the act from this years X Factor will be John and Edward but never fear ye Manxies - you have 8 months to prepare your rotten eggs and tomatoes.


However, please, please, please don't let these be the A list, this is a mildly amusing afternoon out and nothing more. Like someone said above, maybe they've kept the budget cheap on these to get someone totally amazing over on the other nights *fingers crossed*. I realise that I am being far too optimistic when names like Boyzone are being thrown around here, but we'll see!

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That 80's show is nowt but a souped-up Butlins / Pontins Cabaret Evening.


For shame on all those involved for the hyperbole they have been piling out. I've just read the latest Blog entry on the site and the son gushes it as bad as the father.


And whoever devised that Price List needs shooting. That alone will put people off ...



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Festivals are not for the likes of them to be organising.


You pretenious, arrogant dick - who the fuck are you to tell anyone what they can and can't do. Some people are putting up a tent, putting some music and entertainment on and then asking people to pay some money if they fancy coming. If you don't, fine, stay at home or spend your money going to something else. If you don't rate the entertainment, let people know, but why do you need to come on here pumping out your poisonous bile dictating who can and can't organise some people playing music in a field. What the fuck do you mean 'likes of them'? Makes you sound like some kind of fascist.

You utter prick.

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You pretenious, arrogant dick - who the fuck are you to tell anyone what they can and can't do. Some people are putting up a tent, putting some music and entertainment on and then asking people to pay some money if they fancy coming. If you don't, fine, stay at home or spend your money going to something else. If you don't rate the entertainment, let people know, but why do you need to come on here pumping out your poisonous bile dictating who can and can't organise some people playing music in a field. What the fuck do you mean 'likes of them'? Makes you sound like some kind of fascist.

You utter prick.



Calm down dear, it's only a festival.

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Let's guess who it is. 2 nights right or is it 3 ?


Pink is free on the Friday night AFAIK. Or have they already got someone booked for the Friday night ?


Something Jo Willey used to like on the Saturday. Modern pseudo indie. A few big shouty anthems and a song that was in a mobile phone ad probably a couple of years ago.


Something for the 40 something Dads on the Sunday - but with a reputation for having been influential. Something which was once vaguely quite good. The line up has probably changed a bit but the core is still there. Maybe the Bunnymen or the Cure. Something from that era.


I tried to think of another band quite like The Who but they are basically in a niche of their own. I dismissed Spandau Ballet and Duran Duran on the basis that they lack even any pretence of credibility so would fail on the denim / dad rock scale.


^ none if this is stuff I would want to see. I'm just trying to guess how these things get worked out.

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Go on then - I'll play.


Coldplay for Saturday night.


I reckon they're still too big for here. But some sort of Coldplay-lite is definitely along the right lines I reckon. A band which write big important meaningless songs definitely :)

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