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Bay Festival


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£ 500k budget for booking acts + huge ego + massive spin + absolutely NO collective idea what people want + a total disregard for peoples' financial climate = The Douglas Bay Festival.


I'm gonna stop slagging them off now and get on with trying to do something myself.


Assuming any agency will talk for less than 100k per half decent act ...



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I doft my cap to Mr Irving, for having the balls to do this not once but twice.


I cannot help but feel however that he is trying to reinvent the wheel.


If you look at the Villa acts, say over the last five years.


eg, Beautiful South, Killers (was it?) etc etc. Sold out within minutes. This is free market research to the type of bands that sell out immediately and would possibly sell out several times over.


Perhaps Mr Irving is worried about bring the same sort of bands over again? I missed out on beautiful south and i am sure a great deal more did. I suspect, judging from the feedback I heard, that attendees would attend again.


Not much chance of them coming back considering they have split up <_<



is it beyond the realms of fantasy that we may get elbow or the doves?? I'm only mentioning as they're both from " up north " ( and both quality ) :cool:


wishful thinking maybe, but i'm trying to stay positive ;)


The doves were here a couple of years ago so it can be done, elbow would be fantastic but not really sure if they would sell out.


I went to the super furry animals at the villa a few years ago, amazing live band who were brilliant but because they were not mainstream, the place was dead :(


Same thing happened with the bluetones, the place was so dead they decided to put tables on the dancefloor :huh:


I've heard rumours that kasabian are in advanced talks to come over in the new year...

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Elbow? not sure if they would sell out? for real? One day like this, is one of my favourite songs so,.... maybe you are right, they just aren't popular enough for the Isle Of Man.....


There's no question Elbow would sell out here. They play Wembley area sized gigs. Too big and expensive though I'd guess.

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Elbow? not sure if they would sell out? for real? One day like this, is one of my favourite songs so,.... maybe you are right, they just aren't popular enough for the Isle Of Man.....


There's no question Elbow would sell out here. They play Wembley area sized gigs. Too big and expensive though I'd guess.


And i think there is the problem. any act worth its salt that would sell out a huge crowd is never really going to come here for reasons

1 thay normaly have there own world tour,

2. if thay aint on there own world tour thay normaly aint doing gigs.

3. and the only way to get them to do a gig when there not really that botherd about it, is to pay them a lot of cash to play here,

look at the sets of some of the big acts. the sets in them selfs must cost thoushands


if you want to see the top acts you can go away and see them, we all know that.

but a lot of younger ones cant do that,


while its not the top acts its still better than we have at the moment, and all concerts have to start somewhere who knows in 10 years what it could become. all it takes is a few bands to come here and to think it was the best gig thay played and the rest is easy.


I wont be going because well there shit acts i think, but a lot of ppl will go and think there good,


the problem seams to be Mr I has bigged it up that much that we would be getting top acts we expected to get the best, when in realty that was never going to happin.

but then if he came across and said yep we going to have middle rate bands cant get the best, then we would have no bands at all. what band in there right mind would play at a gig when the ppl that run it have called them middle rate.



come on ppl open your eyes and see reality, 7000 ppl aint going to pay for a huge act to come here but its a start that could turn into something bigger in the long run.

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Elbow? not sure if they would sell out? for real? One day like this, is one of my favourite songs so,.... maybe you are right, they just aren't popular enough for the Isle Of Man.....


There's no question Elbow would sell out here. They play Wembley area sized gigs. Too big and expensive though I'd guess.

I'm probably just one of the 90% who've never heard of them.

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that is Elbow - sweet little version too (imho) there are others but I think this song reaches everyone - it's musically accessible to even the most unenlightened. Always reminds me of the Hurley Burley van, brill, at Shhhhh they all stopped working and did a little dance thing ACE.
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that is Elbow - sweet little version too (imho) there are others but I think this song reaches everyone - it's musically accessible to even the most unenlightened. Always reminds me of the Hurley Burley van, brill, at Shhhhh they all stopped working and did a little dance thing ACE.


Excellent track

And I'd knob the blonde violinist

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Elbow? not sure if they would sell out? for real? One day like this, is one of my favourite songs so,.... maybe you are right, they just aren't popular enough for the Isle Of Man.....


Don't get me wrong i would Love to see elbow over here, one day like this at glastonbury 2008 when the sun set was the highlight of the festival for me, but after seeing what happend at the super furries and bluetones you just don't know how the manx public will react to certain bands that aren't as mainstream as the likes of the kaiser chiefs, beautiful south, katie tunstall etc...

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