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Bay Festival


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It seems like the obvious choice to me. It will definitely sell out. And just because it will fail to make a few middle aged blokes feel cutting edge for a little while does not make it a naff booking.


We were sold on an indie/rock band Pierrot. I accept that they need to appeal to all, but to hype up a rock/indie act then deliver an 80's crooner is out of order.

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You bunch of utter, utter cunts.


Spandau fucking BAllet !


I never thought you could top the complete bollox you've delivered so far but then you went and did.


FOUR Hi Rollers Tickets please ...



The thing is I can see the Hi Roller tickets selling out to ladies with a bit of money and of a certain age. Also the VIP and gold tickets will be popular with the same group. The only problem is I can see that the seat swill be left virtually empty until Spandau Ballet come on which will be great for Atmosphere for the rest of the bands who will be playing in to mainly empty chairs with the majority of their audience standing at the back or sides.

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You're talking to the wrong person Bees, our set was cut to from 40 minutes to just 3 songs, so the organisors own band (if thats what you can call it) had time to go on before the stripped down and coked up Kosheen could go on. And we've still not seen a penny from the £250 we were promised.... well there was the opportunity but it involved us giving Space Cadet England our bank account details, apparently a cheque or god forbid the actual money couldn't be arranged.


That wasn't a rant there at you mate, there's probably bands that had a better mannifest experience than us.

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I just cannot understand why they would plan to have Calvin Harris play just before Spandau Ballet!!! totally different sort of genre of music.

they might aswell have had newton Faulkner followed by ac/dc. half the attendees are going to only want to see Calvin Harris and vice versa Spandau Ballet .

Again I sit safely in the Knowledge 5 days later I shall be sat in some mud at glastonbury and not having sat waiting too buy tickets for a night guaranteed to be providing a Current ! top class Indie/rock band

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No probs Ooogs, I'm not in a band so didn't know what had gone on or not as the case appears (well I am in the best band ever but, noone has ever heard our stuff....including us, we just have band practice listen to really good music & realise we could never be that good) and I really thought it had all been sorted. Maybe this year things will be better :) Do silly fairies deserve a second chance?


OOOOOOh Spandau Ballet, if only I was still 14...sadly I haven't been into new romantics since puberty ended but you never know if I get myself shot up with enough botox I might just want to re-live those 'gold days'.....the Bay festival it's a bit like that song innit? salad, slowly being eaten away...

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I think they've got some good acts for this, but there's definitely a pop bias. I wonder if 40-somethings will choose between either Here & Now, or Spandau, and the kids parents will only pay for either JLS, or X-Factor. But not both. I hope that doesn't scupper ticket sales. I'd genuinely like to see it work out good.

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