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blue kipper

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Obs, you're the devil incarnate and the sooner you accept that the sooner you can come to terms with it and get on with your life.


This lengthy denial process isn't helping anyone.


If I accept that, can I take part in sordid sexual orgies with both sexes?


Oh...... okay then :-)


Anyone interested in taking part in a free for all with an attractive recently converted dark side worshipper please PM for further details.


NB Mustn't object to the fact that she drives a 4 x 4.


Does that include the netball team?



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I did own one but it hardly went offroad so got rid of it for the above reasons. If people want to drive one then fine, just be prepared to be unpopular for your selfishness. You know I think I'll start to yellow card them.


I drive mine offroad, and use it to tow stuff, plus I didn't pay through the nose for it so I don't think I really fall into the category of owners being slagged off. An 18 year old range rover full of dents is hardly a fashion statement!


Anyway, whilst you're right that the bigger body etc will cause the engine to be less efficient (as I said myself first), it's more of a necessity in one of those vehicles (assuming you actually needed a good reason to own one), so the saloons with the same sizes engines are in fact those that are being far more wasteful as they have no need for the same size engines.

You see!


I'm bored with this anyway - I have a tatty old 4wd which is both an offroad toy, and a a requirement for getting my boats up & down steep slipways and off the beach. If I go to hell for having it I'll complain to the office of fair trading. :)

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I'm sure Pt St Mary slipway is steeper than Peel which means it's worse for the environment too as you have to rev your engine more to go up it.

That said, Peel is a lot wider so there's more concrete that's been poured into the sea. No score draw I suspect. :)

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Are there two slipways at PSM? I can only remember a long narrow and gently sloping one


Edit to add, think it was on the left of the jetty / club / toilets. It stared off going down the side of a building and when you launched you were in the part of the harbour where the lifeboat is

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Are there two slipways at PSM? I can only remember a long narrow and gently sloping one


Edit to add, think it was on the left of the jetty / club / toilets. It stared off going down the side of a building and when you launched you were in the part of the harbour where the lifeboat is






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Are there two slipways at PSM? I can only remember a long narrow and gently sloping one


Are there two slipways at PSM? I can only remember a long narrow and gently sloping one which I drove my very useful and not at all pointless 4x4 down to launch the boat :P

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I had a lwb Shogun for a while. I hardly ever took it off road - but my Mum liked going for rides in it - and being able to see into people's gardens.* It was an alright vehicle - though the seat fabric was horrible to sleep on. And it had some rather silly 'cabin' toys / features. Like the altimeter, for example. On the plus side it had shortwave on the radio. Which was nice.


* no seriously I had a good enough reason for owning it and more or less lived in it for a while.

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Are there two slipways at PSM? I can only remember a long narrow and gently sloping one


Are there two slipways at PSM? I can only remember a long narrow and gently sloping one which I drove my very useful and not at all pointless 4x4 down to launch the boat :P


Nice to see that you're staying on topic!


You'd never catch me going off thread like that! ;)



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Are there two slipways at PSM? I can only remember a long narrow and gently sloping one


Edit to add, think it was on the left of the jetty / club / toilets. It stared off going down the side of a building and when you launched you were in the part of the harbour where the lifeboat is


Yeah, that's the original one by the lifeboathouse. The newer one in the boatpark is way steeper. Many's the time I've seen NO 4x4 vehicles wheelspinning loads trying to get up it! ;)

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How about looking at 4WDs from another viewpoint - how many people's lives have been saved in car crashes and had they been in a normal car, would now be dead? Been on a UK motorway recently? Glad I was for the safety of my 4WD surrounded by folks with a death wish.


Why do some people assume because you drive a 4WD that you are some kind of toff? Some sort of stereotype penis envy problem? I occasionally drive my husband's little company car (hey baby!) and I get more aggro from white van man than anyone else - now there's a subject for discussion!


I bet there's reams and reams of stuff written on just this subject in universities up and down the UK - and guess what? THEY ARE GETTING PAID FOR IT!!! :blink:



I had a golf umbrella once, but it blew away with some woman hanging underneath it - Mary something? B)

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Good discussion :)


My name's maggle and I own a 4x4. (sorry J, had to contribute)


I try not to go off road, might scratch the paint or something.

I tow my boat 40 yards down the slip in the spring and back up again in the autumn.

The road tax is £170 per year

It's group 18 insurance.

It returns 30 mpg on a good day. (3.2 DiD)

It develops near 200HP.

Tyres cost £100 each (yokohama)

It's a shogun, new shape and just over two years old, bought new.

Want to see a picture?


Do I care what people think? Nope, not in the slightest.


We had a good "chat" about 4x4's on manxnet many moons ago.

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In a three year research project jointly conducted by Herriot Watt University, Edinburgh and Nottingham Trent researchers concluded that


All 4 x 4 drivers (Except farmers with Land Rovers)


Were selfish tossers


That 83 per cent were driven by women


That 94 per cent of those women didn't have a clue how to drive properly


That 99 per cent of those women were incapable of reversing or traversing roundabouts without 1) having palpitations and 2) causing extreme annoyance to all other road users.....


Further research is expected to show that 4 x 4 drivers are extremely sensitive to criticism because they know deep down that they are doing Satan's work.

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I recently bought a 4 X 4 and I think it is bloody brilliant.


You say that there is no need for 4x4 on this Island but have you not witnessed the pot hole ridden roads and the speed bumps on every damn corner?


My previous beloved car couldn't deal with these obstacles and furthermore I feel so much safer now - as there are so many lunatics in fiestas that drive like they are handling ferraris. At least if they decide to have a go at me, I am safe from stupid boy racers.


I didn't buy it to flash an image - but I did buy it for the above reasons plus I do enjoy driving it.

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