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blue kipper

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Yeah, sod everyone elses safety tonto, as long as you're fine, who gives a damn eh? That Ford Fiesta you rear end is completely devastated by the weight and height of your 4x4 half ton monstrocity, the occupants didn't stand a chance. But hey, your ok, woot! Add that to the fact that you're more likely statistically to cause that devastating accident, makes you a real sweet guy huh?


Calm down dear, it's just a commercial.


Not that I'm overly fussed about this 'debate' now anyway but it's already been pointed out that boy racers are the ones that have the highest crash rates anyway, miles more than 4x4 drivers so I don't think they're really quite the satan's chariot you're making them out to be.


Ok they might make more of a mess when they hit something than your average fiesta but I bet they're a shedload safer than pretty much any car made say 20 years ago.


Beside, a half ton 4x4 would be tiny. Most cars weigh at least a ton!

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Well I seem to have stirred up a nice little hornet's nest here! Although I dislike 4x4 vehicles, I don't believe that they are the biggest cause of accidents - as has already been said, it's most probably boy racers or some other such category.


Most 4x4 owners use their vehicles responsibly I'm sure - but its the few idiots who go around driving like they own the Island that gets on my wick - espcially when there is only the driver in the 7-seater vehicle.

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Most 4x4 owners use their vehicles responsibly I'm sure - but its the few idiots who go around driving like they own the Island that gets on my wick


I think as in most cases that's probably about right, there are always a few that give a bad impression that most subsequently get tarred with.

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The daft thing about the Humvees that you see over here and in the UK is that they aren't the "proper" vehicle as issued to the millatry. They're the H2 model and are just a lookalike based on a 4x4 Chevy truck made for plonkers who want to think they're Arnie


http://www.fuh2.com/ etc.


Edit to sort typo and add


Haiku by Tim


Hulking black Hummer

Purchased in rank atonement

small peckered driver



in reference to the above post's last line

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You say that there is no need for 4x4 on this Island but have you not witnessed the pot hole ridden roads and the speed bumps on every damn corner?


My previous beloved car couldn't deal with these obstacles


You don't need a 4wd to cope with potholes & speed bumps. At all. My old dear's lane in snow (as often as we get it here!!) and general tractability for sure.


I know you don't need it, agreed, however, I want one, and find it extremly confortable, and why not. I am not a road hog - and anyway, you use your car in UK and Eire too...not as if you stay on island all the time..

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Anyone seen that black Humvee that seems to be based in Castletown.


Now, that IS a monster!  I wonder how many gallons to the mile that does.


If I recall correctly, with luggage on board, this car is not permitted onto the Seacat as it would be over the 3 ton limit. Had to put the bags onto the foot passengers luggage trolly.

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I guess that there are a few people who do make general assumptions about you depending on what car you drive. Sometimes when things happen to me, like when I try to overtake someone who then puts their foot down, or when gangs of kids jump out infront of me on their bikes, other people comment that they probably did it because my car is a girl's car and whatever those kids and drivers think about me will be based on that. Fools.


Well, fools they may be and maybe I am too, but I'd like to think that the man who drives a car like mine doesn't need to compensate. And maybe it's only a matter of time before small colourful cars start selling themselves "for men whose willies speak for themselves"..... ;)

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Does anyone actually really believe the old big car = small dick equation though?


Neither of my cars are flashy so I've no need to defend myself in that respect but I doubt it's true in all but a few cases.


I suspect the truth is far more simple and probably along the lines of:


Stage 1) I like the idea of having a fancy car,

Stage 2) I can afford a fancy car,

Stage 3) I know! I'll buy a fancy car!


Or are there lots of porsche/ferrari drivers out there who are going to now tell me that they have indeed got micro widgers? :o

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