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Prostate - New Drug


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I believe one of the main problems with this is that most men won't take warning signs seriously and are for one reason or another reluctant to take things further.


Daft when you really think about it as the result of doing nothing is very unlikely to end well.

If it's caught early then the prognosis can be good.


Stats from http://info.cancerresearchuk.org/cancersta...prostate/#table


Number of new cases (UK 2006) 35,515

Rate per 100,000 population* 97.1

Number of deaths (UK 2007) 10,239

Rate per 100,000 population* 24.6

Five-year survival rate (for patients diagnosed 2000-2001**, England & Wales)


There's links to other relevant stats on that page as well

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Get your PSA checked regularly - its not a perfect measure but it is about the best around at present.

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Prostate cancer patients recover after using new drug ipilimumab.


The question being, how long before trials start?


Read about that in yesterdays indy. Always worth being a bit sceptical with such a small number of patients, but it is an amazing story. Seems to be the combination of this drug and the hormone therapy getting the bodies immune system into overdrive to fight the cancer? Brilliant stuff if it works for more people.


Mansh: Whats PSA?

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