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I murdered someone the other day and the police wouldn't accept that it was okay because I'd helped an old lady cross the road ONLY A COUPLE OF DAYS EARLIER - fucking pigs.

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I murdered someone the other day and the police wouldn't accept that it was okay because I'd helped an old lady cross the road ONLY A COUPLE OF DAYS EARLIER - fucking pigs.


what the F u playing at - u shud b in this f*****ing cell not me! - fork-ing pigs got the wrong guy...................... "again"

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Oh perleeez. Not another speeding is comparable to murder. Get a life.


Sure, driving over 30 where the limit is justifiable - ie most places - is daft, given the greatly increased number of hazards. But who the hell decides these limits that the 21st century public who have been brainwashed into thinking that gaining even the merest form of enjoyment from driving is some heinous crime set such blinkered faith in? I mean is it sensible that Cooil Road in Braddan - a clear, wide & atraight 2 lane stretch of road - has the same 30 mph speed limit as the road through the centre of Castletown? No.


Yet the holier than though brigade will wag their fingers, suck through their teeth like Wee Free Church ministers if you happen to want to go faster, just a little faster than them, safe in the knowledge that the only parameter of road safety that matters these days is speed. Reginald Molesworthy who will gesticulate for you to slow down to his Taliban like pace of life or the dumpy housewife in the people carrier (yes, you! Dull blue rancid Megane Scenic with the big Everton sticker on the back window who decided to come to a complete stop because no doubt she'd been too busy singing along to Ballamory or something with her offspring instead of concentrating on driving and was surprised when I appeared behind her) who looks at you like you've just aimed an anti-tank missile at their mobile nursery extension.


And what of that most annoying of breed: the people I would send into a nerve gas infested battlefield first - those who do 45 mph everywhere! Sit up the ass of my car in a built up area then disappear in my mirrors in a derestricted area. Happens all the time going from Braddan Bridge to Ballacraine. Worse still when they're in front.

One day, just one day I'll see one of these clowns at the side of the road in Glen Vine chatting to a member of the IOM Constabulary. I may even give a cheery wave..


If someone can prove to me that the places where the police do speed checks are in the IOMG's list of worst accident blackspots and that those accidents happen during the day in the dry then I'll be happy with that and stand humbled. If the checks are there because of schools - Glen Vine and KIng Bill's - (fair enough, obviously) then why are they still there on a Sunday? Like I said before, I appreciate that we still use human beings for speed checks over here but lurking behind a hedge does nothing to promote road safety, it only turns public opinion against a good force.


Have a nice day. :geek:

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No I damn well won't get a life - you get one.


Besides, it wasn't comparing speeding to murder, it was an analogy (including a poor attempt to be humorous) to show that saying that because you do one decent thing it shouldn't mean you get favours when you do something wrong. I want my police to be straight down the line, not making personal decisions about which laws to apply and which to ignore.

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Yea, it can happen occassionally. (forty thousand monkeys and all that)


'forty thousand monkeys and all that' what?

"Many years ago I read somewhere that if you had an infinite number of

monkeys sitting at an infinite number of typewriters for an infinite

number of years typing at random then it could be accepted as a

probability that one would eventually type the entire works of

Shakespeare !"

I alluded to this tract in my reply. eventually I had to make sense with a reply. I thought it was common knowledge, sorry you missed it.

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I was doing 40 just to quickly overtake the dodderers...he pulled me in and it was the same copper who I had helped bring six sheep in to a field off the road up by my house at sartfell and he still gave me a ticket after I reminded him of my good deed.....


Shock!, policeman applies the law impartially, as he is obliged to do. Surprised you didn't try and slip him a twenty. For someone who moralises a lot......



Some of you really have no sense of humour...I put a feckin smiley face at the end of my post......I paid my fine, had my license endorsed and never made a fuss for feck's sake...But while we're on the subject if I was a member of the funny handshake brigade I'd have recieved a certificate for my riding abilities :D


I do think that particular stretch of road could be increased to 40 as it is just up the road, no doubt some tool will turn that quote into something more sinister...so go ahead have some fun.



Here's a suggestion that surely some resident genius will rip to shreds......have say three categories of vehicles A for motorcycles, B for cars and small vans and C for HGV's and Buses (needs more clarification I know) and when there is a 30mph sign category A vehicles can go 10mph above this limit, category B vehicles must stay at this posted limit and category C vehicles must go 10mph slower than posted limit...as motorbikes can slow a lot quicker and more maneuverable than a car, which in turn can slow quicker and is more maneuverable than an HGV vehicle.

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Here's a suggestion that surely some resident genius will rip to shreds......have say three categories of vehicles A for motorcycles, B for cars and small vans and C for HGV's and Buses (needs more clarification I know) and when there is a 30mph sign category A vehicles can go 10mph above this limit, category B vehicles must stay at this posted limit and category C vehicles must go 10mph slower than posted limit...as motorbikes can slow a lot quicker and more maneuverable than a car, which in turn can slow quicker and is more maneuverable than an HGV vehicle.


You don't have to be a genius, resident or not, to rip that one to shreds. It would be diffficult to know where to start.

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Here's a suggestion that surely some resident genius will rip to shreds......have say three categories of vehicles A for motorcycles, B for cars and small vans and C for HGV's and Buses (needs more clarification I know) and when there is a 30mph sign category A vehicles can go 10mph above this limit, category B vehicles must stay at this posted limit and category C vehicles must go 10mph slower than posted limit...as motorbikes can slow a lot quicker and more maneuverable than a car, which in turn can slow quicker and is more maneuverable than an HGV vehicle.


You don't have to be a genius, resident or not, to rip that one to shreds. It would be diffficult to know where to start.



It didn't take you long...I reckon you were frantically trying to get your post typed...it was the 3 f's in difficult that gave it away :lol:

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as motorbikes can slow a lot quicker and more maneuverable than a car





alright most cars then............an average 600 motorbike can go from 0-100mph inaround 12-14 seconds which is about how long it takes an average family car to get to 60mph never mind stopping

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Here's a suggestion that surely some resident genius will rip to shreds......have say three categories of vehicles A for motorcycles, B for cars and small vans and C for HGV's and Buses (needs more clarification I know) and when there is a 30mph sign category A vehicles can go 10mph above this limit, category B vehicles must stay at this posted limit and category C vehicles must go 10mph slower than posted limit...as motorbikes can slow a lot quicker and more maneuverable than a car, which in turn can slow quicker and is more maneuverable than an HGV vehicle.


You don't have to be a genius, resident or not, to rip that one to shreds. It would be diffficult to know where to start.



It didn't take you long...I reckon you were frantically trying to get your post typed...it was the 3 f's in difficult that gave it away :lol:


A sticking keyy gave what away? :lol::lol::lol:

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as motorbikes can slow a lot quicker and more maneuverable than a car





alright most cars then............an average 600 motorbike can go from 0-100mph inaround 12-14 seconds which is about how long it takes an average family car to get to 60mph never mind stopping


but u forgot the most impotant bit,

the bullets men behind the wheel,

the bike might stop, but whos tyo say the bullet man on the bike has even seen the reason to slow down,

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