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Telegraph Asked Why It Has Not Been Banned


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How are you defining "asshole" here? People who want to use perfectly safe drugs recreationally? They are currently criminalised because of the govts ridiculous stance.

If drugs were perfectly safe what would be the point in taking them?


To alter one's state of consciousness?

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How are you defining "asshole" here? People who want to use perfectly safe drugs recreationally? They are currently criminalised because of the govts ridiculous stance.

If drugs were perfectly safe what would be the point in taking them?


To alter one's state of consciousness?

Wait, so you think drugs work on a spiritual, rather than chemical, level?

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Are you saying that your state of consciousness doesn't work at a chemical level?


Bizarre in the extreme - do you have any other medieval view points or are they just related to the "spiritual".

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Reliance on drugs of any kind, tobacco or alcohol is a sad state for anyone to be in. As a smoker for 45 years I know only too well the enslavement you suffer under! Better that people are educated, especially when young and before addictions get a chance to become established, never to start with them. For once I agree with LDV - alcoholism and its' effects and tobacco addiction are impossible for many people to conquer because the addictions, once established, are so powerful. No "altered state of consciousness" can be worth the psychological and physical imprisonment it involves if generated by drugs. If you want to alter your state of consciousness try meditation - it's not only harmless but will do you a power of good!


Chinahand - whilst I totally agree that all thought is ultimately a function of electro-chemical activity in the brain the complexity of the nature of consciousness and our lack of any real understanding as to how it arises means it is sometimes useful to make the assumption that there is some sort of homunculus inside us that is independent of the physical world (hence much of psychology, which ultimately will become simply phsyiology as our knowledge expands).

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What??? Are you saying that your state of consciousness doesn't work at a chemical level? Bizarre in the extreme - do you have any other medieval view points or are they just related to the "spiritual".

Yeah, well fuck you too.


My point was that using drugs to induce a different state of conciousness is inevitably damaging on a chemical level.

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That's a robust response Triskelion - I did ask for confirmation - and sorry but are you really saying that believing consciousness works at a non-chemical level isn't a bizarre belief nowadays and reflects a medieval view point?


Is it true that "drugs" which induce different states of consciousness are inevitably damaging - caffine? If you define a drug as anything that does harm and which alters a state of conciousness then due to tautology I'd have to say your right, but I'd then ask given that rather specific definition if there were any conscious altering substances which aren't drugs.


I'd agree most proscribed substances are probably damaging to a certain extent, but what most people who are infavour of legalization say is that so is alcohol so why the double standard.


I'm conflicted by this - I think our society is probably over dependent on booze, and adding even more addictive substances to the mix will make us an even more dependent culture.


I just can't see how you can reduce restrictions without increasing demand - and it is increasing demand which worries me.


Sebrof for one seems to think that wouldn't really matter, I don't know.

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adding even more addictive substances to the mix will make us an even more dependent culture.


The problem is that there is no 'adding' to be done in a sense, because these other drugs are already taken by a lot of people.


Though I wonder whether education on drugs is hampered because the message comes from the government and in schools where people understandably have to question the motive of the government.


I think it would matter with certain drugs if there is an increase in demand and I think an increase in demand would come about though I do not know to what extent. But maybe this is of benefit with particular drugs. Would it better if more people took ecstasy on a night out than drank alcohol? I think so.

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