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Michael Jackson Suffers Cardiac Arrest


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You are a paedophile then. :whatever:


You have heard of the laws of libel have you? You've made that allegation without a shread of proof, and you leave yourself and the forum open to a potential claim. Think before you post unsustantiated nonesense.


How can you libel an anonymous poster?

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he was also a paedophile


Here we go again, you have No proof but you still seem to call him a paedophile.


MJ raised millions for sick children ;)


We have no personal proof about many things and have to rely on what is reported etc. Do you have personal proof that MJ raised millions for sick children? I would guess, rather you have relied on reports etc.


Whilst you can state that MJ was not convicted as a paedophile you can not go much further as there is no public proof either way. That is the nature of such things of a private nature. You can also sate that you do not believe he was a paedophile as that is you personal belief just as other can state that they believe he was. The only ones who can say for certain are those involved in such allegations.


I would not go so far as to state he was a paedophile as there is no definite proof however I would state that I consider that his behaviour with young children was deeply inappropriate. He admits that he slept alone with young boys in his bedroom. From memory I think in the same interview he also admitted cuddling. This was on a TV interview so it is not a case of the reporter miss quoting.


I find the thought of a grown man sleeping alone with young boys, holding hands etc deeply disturbing and just becuase the man was Michael Jackson does not alter my view. Apparently though many of MJ's fans do not believe that a gown man sleeping with young boys is concerning or they do but believe that as "MJ loved children" nothing untoward would have happened it is OK in his case. I can not accept that view.


My view is reinforced by the fact that although he was not convicted in the criminal case there were various civil actions which MJ settled out of court. None is proof that MJ was a paedophile and he may not have been but given those facts I would not have let my kids spend time with such a person alone.


Ultimately my view has nothing to do with MJ they are based on how I would feel about any adult in a siliar situation. The fact it was MJ or somebody famous does not alter my view. I wonder if the fans of MJ would have the same view that it was totally innocent behaviour if the same facts were laid before themin respect of another individual they were not fans of?

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People are always saying that Michael Jackson bought silence from his 'victims' and that he was a paedophile, but as a parent I don't think any amount of money would silence me into letting somebody get away with interfering with one of my children.


I know that "everybody has a price" and that millions could change your life, but if it were really true, then I could not live with the thought of letting somebody be free to potentially harm other children, no matter how much they offered me.


I'm not sure that he was a paedophile, I think that maybe he was very naive and that people took advantage to make money out of it.

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I'm not sure that he was a paedophile, I think that maybe he was very naive and that people took advantage to make money out of it.


Agreed and he was certainly a strange and weird individual probably as a result of his upbringing, hangers on, fame and money. He seemed to live in his own little world.


UltimatelyI think you have to seperate his music from the individual and just becuse his music is bad/good/brilliant there is no reason to think the same of him as an invidual. Much of what I have heard over the last few days has not made that distintion. I found his music OK as it was not my sort but I had serious reservations about MJ as an individual but I did not know the guy, had never met him and you can only go by what you see and hear. In my view he was seriously strange, especially as time progressed, but how far that went none of us have any real idea. However just like millions could not buy your silence millions would not have persuade me to take the risk. However I am not living in poverty with no way out so it is easy to take the high ground

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Jeebus, the papers this morning are full of Jacko stories, that he had no hair broken ribs etc... and something about a lost 40 odd minutes...what next, that he was not form this planet or something like that... I am just waiting for the pics to be leaked onto the internet..


Its a sad world, that he cany just be buried and grieved for by his family, all this media circus.

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You are a paedophile then. :whatever:


You have heard of the laws of libel have you? You've made that allegation without a shread of proof, and you leave yourself and the forum open to a potential claim. Think before you post unsustantiated nonesense.


How can you libel an anonymous poster?


I answered that already, LDV is not anonymous. Must of us aren't look at the MF spotting thread!

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I drank all this yesterday


9 diet cokes

3 tizers

5 fanta orange

2 lemonades

1 cherryade

4 lilts

2 vimto


Surely all this must make me the new King of Pop ?

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