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Michael Jackson Suffers Cardiac Arrest


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MJ was caught having a stroke in the childrens ward, he tried to "beat it" but fell over, he tried to "blame it on the buggie" he had tripped over, the security guard caught him he said "I cant help it" he then asked him is he "wanna be startin something" the Guard ecepted it was part of "human nature" to be "bad" as we have to look at "the man in the mirror" or if we where "in the closet" any way to get back to the story.. the guard ased "who is it" was he "black or white" expenting a bit of a "thriller" and that it might get "dangerous" he had a loud "scream" and realised "we are not alone"

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At some weepy awards show in the US last night the host Jamie Foxx (?) said "We want to celebrate this black man - he belongs to us - and we shared him with everybody else."....thats a bit racist innit!


Not really. He was more white than black.

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At some weepy awards show in the US last night the host Jamie Foxx (?) said "We want to celebrate this black man - he belongs to us - and we shared him with everybody else."....thats a bit racist innit!

From the Daily Mash -


Later this week the Islamic Entertainment Television Awards will say Jackson was a Muslim, while the Jehova's Witnesses will knock on 20 million doors to claim he was one of their lot.

But a spokesman for the Society of Men With a Penchant for Firm, Young Male Bodies insisted: "He belonged to us. We shared him with the world."

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Not really. He was more white than black.

Why is Michael Jackson's skin white?


Vitiligo is an inherited genetic disorder. it is a condition in which you lose melanocytes (cells that give color to the skin). this results in smooth, white-milky patches in the midst of normally pigmented skin. In the case of African Americans this discoloration is very prominent, Although, any age, sex and race can suffer from it.


In the case of African Americans this discoloration is very prominent, What about non-American Africans or just black people? What is so special about Americans that every black person in the world is one? Fucking American PC bollocks.



And if it's inherited who did he inherit it from - his Father?




or his mother ?




because neither of them look anything like this...



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Yeah, but don't forget that up to a certain point he consistently denied having had plastic surgery too...


Think about it: If he admitted to the world at large that he was deliberately making himself look white (for whatever reason), then he would lose respect and following from his black audience. Far more shrewd from a business point of view to say it's a disease.

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because neither of them look anything like this...




Actually his sister looks exactly like that.


I also saw the picture of "his" kids in the paper today. Pretty amazing that one black guy can manage to have three white fair haired kids!

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