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Michael Jackson Suffers Cardiac Arrest


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Michael Jackson is confirmed dead believed to have drowned at sea - he was found bobbing up and down on a bouy.


Gary Glitter has sent his condolences - plus a request for Jacko's address book

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how wasn't he ? still has the biggest selling album ever made some 27 years after it was made, what a crap musician eh!?


What instruments did he play, as a matter of interest?


Oh, and popularity is no guarantee of quality


he was recording artist, entertainer,one of the few artists to have been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice.. but what would they know eh!?


BTW i am not even a fan(never bought a record/album) just find all this shit about him being a peado laughable, the power of the media and money grabbers eh!?


If someone can show me the proof he was a peado please do... :cool:

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