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Bid To Create Property Rung For Manx Workers Fails


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Sounds like a stupid idea to me - much better to concentrate on Corporation housing by building more of it, charging realistic rents to those who can afford to pay it, and not giving it to people who own property or buy some whilst living in social housing.


Not too keen on the rent idea at all. For a number of reasons, I think it is better that people own their home rather than rent it.



Sounds like a stupid idea to me - much better to concentrate on Corporation housing by building more of it, charging realistic rents to those who can afford to pay it, and not giving it to people who own property or buy some whilst living in social housing.


Not too keen on the rent idea at all. For a number of reasons, I think it is better that people own their home rather than rent it.

LDV I cannot believe what you just written, for months you have been saying property is theft and people shouldn't own it, now you have just said it is better to own your own property. Make your mind up for fucks sake




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LDV I cannot believe what you just written, for months you have been saying property is theft and people shouldn't own it, now you have just said it is better to own your own property. Make your mind up for fucks sake


I'll explain then shut up.


Private property is wrong. But what is the reality? Property exists.


The socialists would work towards trying to eradicate it through revolution, but you can still have an opinion as what is a BETTER situation and you can still advocate one outcome over another recognising that we live in the here and now.

Are tenants faced with more 'authorities' if they rent than if they owned the property themselves and do they have more control over their property if they own it? Yes, but not greatly. Therefore, from a libertarian perspective it is slightly better.

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The fact is the majority of people in corpy housing could afford to buy their own house, there really should be annual means testing brought in to ensure the housing is going to those who need it rather than those who don't.


You could easily make exactly the same point about Middle Class Welfare (child allowance, tax relief etc). It could easily be argued that there should be annual means testing to ensure that it is going to those who need it rather than those who don't.



Child allowance has fuck all to do with income, it was started cos wanker men used to piss their wahges up against the wall and give their wife fuck all to feed and clothe themselves and their children...even rich men do this....so at the very least the wife and child/ren didn't starve.

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Whatever happened to people saving up until they could afford a house?


Why should they be handed a cheap one on a plate?



Bit of a strange one this...on the one hand they shouldn't get any help, my wife and I never have and we have a home, through saving, hard work and profit from selling previous houses...but houses were cheaper to buy when we bought our first home than they are today in relation to wages earned.....on the other hand we have a child and hope for more and wouldn't want houses to go up in price so that they couldn't afford a home when they come to that age....so I do think we as a society should help but not too much so that this generation become dependant on help all the time, sometimes in life you jsut have to tough it out...


what I sure as hell can't understand is why there are people who live in corpy/commisioners houses 3 or 4 bedrooms 3 kids who have left home and the 2 adults live there in that big house both earn decent wages and STILL paying next to feck all in rent the same as a single parent who isn't able to work???? Surely means testing should be introduced in local authority housing rents.

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Child allowance has fuck all to do with income, it was started cos wanker men used to piss their wahges up against the wall and give their wife fuck all to feed and clothe themselves and their children...even rich men do this....so at the very least the wife and child/ren didn't starve.


Middle class welfare payments will be one of the issues which all govts will have to address sooner or later (child benefit, tax relief etc). Along with the unsustainability of final salary pensions schemes and the increasing cost of healthcare.


The UK is going to need massive spending cuts. The IOM is likely to also have very much less money to spend in the years ahead unless there is some kind of economic miracle.

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Child allowance has fuck all to do with income, it was started cos wanker men used to piss their wahges up against the wall and give their wife fuck all to feed and clothe themselves and their children...even rich men do this....so at the very least the wife and child/ren didn't starve.


Middle class welfare payments will be one of the issues which all govts will have to address sooner or later (child benefit, tax relief etc). Along with the unsustainability of final salary pensions schemes and the increasing cost of healthcare.


Now all the middle class mums waste it on pinot grigio and pilates classes.


Oh how society has progressed.

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Child allowance has fuck all to do with income, it was started cos wanker men used to piss their wahges up against the wall and give their wife fuck all to feed and clothe themselves and their children...even rich men do this....so at the very least the wife and child/ren didn't starve.


Middle class welfare payments will be one of the issues which all govts will have to address sooner or later (child benefit, tax relief etc). Along with the unsustainability of final salary pensions schemes and the increasing cost of healthcare.


Now all the middle class mums waste it on pinot grigio and pilates classes.


Oh how society has progressed.



Cos that's exactly what all mums do...

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You could easily make exactly the same point about Middle Class Welfare (child allowance, tax relief etc). It could easily be argued that there should be annual means testing to ensure that it is going to those who need it rather than those who don't.


Child allowance is effectively means tested now, as it's liable for income tax.

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You could easily make exactly the same point about Middle Class Welfare (child allowance, tax relief etc). It could easily be argued that there should be annual means testing to ensure that it is going to those who need it rather than those who don't.


Child allowance is effectively means tested now, as it's liable for income tax.


I may be wrong, but if paid directly into a childs account its none taxable, and can then be drawn out.

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You could easily make exactly the same point about Middle Class Welfare (child allowance, tax relief etc). It could easily be argued that there should be annual means testing to ensure that it is going to those who need it rather than those who don't.


Child allowance is effectively means tested now, as it's liable for income tax.


I may be wrong, but if paid directly into a childs account its none taxable, and can then be drawn out.



http://www.gov.im/lib/docs/dhss/security/ch1iom_05_web.pdf Pages 10 and 11 ;)


Child benefit on the IOM cannot be paid to the child. It must be paid to the parent or parents jointly and is not paid net of tax. However, it is subject to tax via your tax coding!!

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I think you are wrong Roo, it matters not whose bank it goes into, it is the parent whom is claiming it.


I spend my child benefit (and the rest) on food, clothes, outings for the children. Mrbees bought me a Wii fit (and an iron....) for my birthday, I have quite taken to Yoga, I'm sure I'm not doing it right because it seems to think I'm good at it but I think proper classes would be more of a social thing and I have 2 friends already. The pilates, nails & spraytan brigade are Stepford wives, be wary of them.

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