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[BBC News] Second swine flu case confirmed


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Yes, it could mutate to become deadly, it could also mutate and spark the zombie apocalypse, or it could just continue as it is doing less harm than other strains of flu that everyone accepts as normal yet kill hundreds of thousands a year. I know what my money is on, and I have the shotgun loaded and read for the second most likely option.


How exciting.

I wonder if there's a possible mutation that would turn everyone into Liberace.

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I don’t think I am better placed than expert virologist I am just working on the evidence presented and cutting through the “ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG we’re all going to die” bullshit propagated by the majority of news outlets in an attempt to sell more papers/get more viewers. Why aren’t the press reporting the fact the regular flu is far more deadly and could quite happily mutate in the same way H1N1 could? Is it because its easier to scare people with something new?


I agree the reporting has been sensationalist and shit, but that's what you get if you follow sensationalist and shit press. I'm not saying we're all going to die, but I do think a heightened state of alert and awareness is important. Where's the downside, at the very least there's a higher awareness of hygiene and avoiding virus transmission.


However I am not the only one to avoid it if, as you maintain, people under 60 have no immunity then everyone under 60 exposed to H1N1 would contract it. The fact is it is pretty difficult to contact, or at least that seems to be the case when you look at reported case. I admit that everyone has a lower immunity to H1N1 but the presented facts do not support no immunity.


Transmission isn't the same as immunity.


Yes, it could mutate to become deadly, it could also mutate and spark the zombie apocalypse, or it could just continue as it is doing less harm than other strains of flu that everyone accepts as normal yet kill hundreds of thousands a year. I know what my money is on, and I have the shotgun loaded and read for the second most likely option.


Any potentially serious public health risk should be ignored until it's actually started killing millions, is that what you're saying?

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Yes, it could mutate to become deadly, it could also mutate and spark the zombie apocalypse, or it could just continue as it is doing less harm than other strains of flu that everyone accepts as normal yet kill hundreds of thousands a year. I know what my money is on, and I have the shotgun loaded and read for the second most likely option.


Any potentially serious public health risk should be ignored until it's actually started killing millions, is that what you're saying?


No what I'm saying is the press are sensationalising H1N1 when it is accepted that seasonal flu kills hundreds of thousands a year. Why not put some of that time effort and money into raising awareness of a virus with a proven and on going record of causing death on a regular basis?


Yes the raised awareness is a good thing and in theory should lead to a reduction in the transmission of regular flu however people don’t see flu as deadly and so will act as normal around people infected.


Are you saying that it is more important to educate people about a potential hazard rather than a real one?

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Any potentially serious public health risk should be ignored until it's actually started killing millions, is that what you're saying?


Bit like Chamberlain and Hitler.

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No what I'm saying is the press are sensationalising H1N1 when it is accepted that seasonal flu kills hundreds of thousands a year. Why not put some of that time effort and money into raising awareness of a virus with a proven and on going record of causing death on a regular basis?


Plenty of time and effort and money is put into fighting seasonal flu, where do you think the annual vacation programs for the most at risk come from?



Yes the raised awareness is a good thing and in theory should lead to a reduction in the transmission of regular flu however people don’t see flu as deadly and so will act as normal around people infected.

Are you saying that it is more important to educate people about a potential hazard rather than a real one?



Not more important, but I don't see the two things as exclusive. Seasonal flu vaccinations aren't stopping because of swine flu.

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Yes, it could mutate to become deadly, it could also mutate and spark the zombie apocalypse, or it could just continue as it is doing less harm than other strains of flu that everyone accepts as normal yet kill hundreds of thousands a year. I know what my money is on, and I have the shotgun loaded and read for the second most likely option.


Any potentially serious public health risk should be ignored until it's actually started killing millions, is that what you're saying?


No what I'm saying is the press are sensationalising H1N1 when it is accepted that seasonal flu kills hundreds of thousands a year. Why not put some of that time effort and money into raising awareness of a virus with a proven and on going record of causing death on a regular basis?


Yes the raised awareness is a good thing and in theory should lead to a reduction in the transmission of regular flu however people don’t see flu as deadly and so will act as normal around people infected.


Are you saying that it is more important to educate people about a potential hazard rather than a real one?


Don't argue with Slim. His mind is made up, and no amount of facts, logic, common sense, statistics, examples or alternative views will sway him. Not until it's all over, that is, when he will be on here saying he never said it was serious, all just a media scare, storm in a tea-cup, blah, blah.


It was ever thus.



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Yes, it could mutate to become deadly, it could also mutate and spark the zombie apocalypse, or it could just continue as it is doing less harm than other strains of flu that everyone accepts as normal yet kill hundreds of thousands a year. I know what my money is on, and I have the shotgun loaded and read for the second most likely option.


How exciting.

I wonder if there's a possible mutation that would turn everyone into Liberace.


Or does it turn black people white before they die ? does the doctor know ? :o

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The severity of the consequences of this flu are not yet the point. A very few people may die, but the main point for us all now is the rate of spread.


There will come a time in a few weeks when there is a peak of infection, and that will mean large numbers of people staying at home for a week or so. What Government are planning for is managing to operate normal systems (schools, hospital, transport, food supply etc) with perhaps less than half the population available. Those infected will possibly need someone to stay at home to look after them. Normal life will be on hold for a few weeks.


The numbers infected in the UK have doubled each week. Same has happened here, in less than a week.


In about 12-14 weeks it could be that most of the IOM are infected, if we double numbers every five days.


Who is going to stock M&S, Tescos, milk the cows, run the power station, water supplies, nurse the sick, look after the elderly, brew our beer then?


I suppose it will all be down to me, as usual.

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The severity of the consequences of this flu are not yet the point. People are going to die, but the main point for us all now is the rate of spread.


There will come a time in a few weeks when there is a peak of infection, and that will mean large numbers of people staying at home for a week or so. What Government are planning for is managing to operate normal systems (schools, hospital, transport, food supply etc) with perhaps less than half the population available. Those infected will possibly need someone to stay at home to look after them. Normal life will be on hold for a few weeks.


The numbers infected in the UK have doubled each week. Same has happened here, in less than a week.


In about 12-14 weeks it could be that most of the IOM are infected, if we double numbers every five days.


Who is going to stock M&S, Tescos, milk the cows, run the power station, water supplies, nurse the sick, look after the elderly, brew our beer then?


I suppose it will all be down to me, as usual.


Could you prioritise the beer brewing bit please?




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The severity of the consequences of this flu are not yet the point. A very few people may die, but the main point for us all now is the rate of spread.


There will come a time in a few weeks when there is a peak of infection, and that will mean large numbers of people staying at home for a week or so. What Government are planning for is managing to operate normal systems (schools, hospital, transport, food supply etc) with perhaps less than half the population available. Those infected will possibly need someone to stay at home to look after them. Normal life will be on hold for a few weeks.


The numbers infected in the UK have doubled each week. Same has happened here, in less than a week.


In about 12-14 weeks it could be that most of the IOM are infected, if we double numbers every five days.


Who is going to stock M&S, Tescos, milk the cows, run the power station, water supplies, nurse the sick, look after the elderly, brew our beer then?


I suppose it will all be down to me, as usual.


This pandemic started in Mexico in March. So far, that country has recorded 8,000 cases (in three months) and they are saying it is all over. I am not saying you are wrong to suggest that half the island could be affected, but experience so far suggests otherwise.



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UK numbers doubled from 2000 to 4000 in a week this week.

Officially there are about 78,000 cases worldwide, but most countries have stopped confirming by tests, as most cases are so mild. One site says there are probably 1 million worldwide at the moment.


The real problem with this first wave may be just keeping normal life going. That's what planning is for, not the supply of body bags.

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This pandemic started in Mexico in March. So far, that country has recorded 8,000 cases (in three months) and they are saying it is all over. I am not saying you are wrong to suggest that half the island could be affected, but experience so far suggests otherwise.


They're not saying it's all over at all, they're just not confirming reports any more, same as in the USA.

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