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7 July London Bombing Conspiracy


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What a wonderful effect it has labelling somebody a "conspiracy theorist"... = nutter!!

Chinahand "gullible" or "naive" may be better words .

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I called them "useful idiots" and nothing else - I think the people Lenin was originally refering to were gullible and niave and I think I agree this also applies in this case.


The nutter is the person who believes that he's the Messiah, that Frank Herbert was compelled to write by God, and that the Holocaust didn't happen.


If I can't call those beliefs nuts I don't know any that you can.

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I called them "useful idiots" and nothing else - I think the people Lenin was originally refering to were gullible and naive and I think I agree this also applies in this case.


The nutter is the person who believes that he's the Messiah, that Frank Herbert was compelled to write by God, and that the Holocaust didn't happen.


If I can't call those beliefs nuts I don't know any that you can.


BBC = truth? And I am classed as gullible or naive haha, jeeze

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BBC = truth? And I am classed as gullible or naive haha, jeeze

Well you certainly have placed yourself in the company of another fervent believer in Holocaust denial, President Ahmadi-Nejad, who is a fellow traveller when it comes to the BBC and conspiracy.


As to naive and gullible - one cannot make those judgements about oneself - it is how others' perceive you which determines that factor.

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BBC = truth? And I am classed as gullible or naive haha, jeeze

Well you certainly have placed yourself in the company of another fervent believer in Holocaust denial, President Ahmadi-Nejad, who is a fellow traveller when it comes to the BBC and conspiracy.


As to naive and gullible - one cannot make those judgements about oneself - it is how others' perceive you which determines that factor.


Ive not placed myself anywhere!! Ive allowed the shallow minded among us to do that!! Plus when did i ever mention the holocaust?

This is worthy of a listen, and unbelievably its the bbc haha


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Plus when did i ever mention the holocaust?

Another sign of 'conspiracy theoryitis' - paranoia.


To quote Chinahand:

The nutter is the person who believes that he's the Messiah, that Frank Herbert was compelled to write by God, and that the Holocaust didn't happen.

President Ahmadi-Nejad is, like you, a believer that the BBC cannot be trusted AND like the nutter in Kells denies the Holocaust happened.

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