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Naked Bikers !


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'Everyone I've spoken to thinks it is a good idea and is up for doing it,' said Ian. 'William Dunlop wanted to take his clothes off there and then!

So the more people that agree to do this will mean that it's even more bollox huh?

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Though billed as a naked ride, Ian expects, for decency's sake, people will wear boxer shorts and, in the case of women, bras to avoid any allegations of indecent exposure.


So, let me get this straight, on the "naked ride" men will be wearing boxers and women just a bra?! Why is always the not so attractive people that are in a hurry to get naked?


Any chance they'll get Guy Martin to do it?

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A few years ago there was a naked guy riding over the mountain on mad sunday, I cant remember if the naked guy was turning right to come off the course or he hit a guy turning right... anyway there was a collision and he slid along the tarmac, he quickly jumped up and couldnt decide wether to hold his injured arm and leg or cover his modesty!

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A few years ago there was a naked guy riding over the mountain on mad sunday, I cant remember if the naked guy was turning right to come off the course or he hit a guy turning right... anyway there was a collision and he slid along the tarmac, he quickly jumped up and couldnt decide wether to hold his injured arm and leg or cover his modesty!



If there was an emoticon for a wincing face, I'd be using it right now :D

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A few years ago there was a naked guy riding over the mountain on mad sunday, I cant remember if the naked guy was turning right to come off the course or he hit a guy turning right... anyway there was a collision and he slid along the tarmac, he quickly jumped up and couldnt decide wether to hold his injured arm and leg or cover his modesty!


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Why should indecent exposure be acceptable when wearing the Charity Badge? This sounds proper weird to me. I shan't be encouraging that mountain of flesh to expose itself by donating.



I agree, I'd sooner sponser him to stay at home with his clothes on in the interest of his own safety and common sense sake

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Picture, if you will, the hypothetical scene. You are a keen gardener who lives in a pretty cottage on the road approaching the lights at Parliament Square. In fact, you are probably a member of one of those decent hard working families so prevalent in political spiel, but which I suspect don't actually exist. Either way, you have a small child who, as it is a lovely sunny day, is helping you in the garden. Like all small children, they quickly tire of this superficial help, and instead start looking over the wall and waving at the vehicular traffic. This is fine, and allows you to get on with a bit of weeding and that.


Anyway, in due course your peripheral vision makes you aware of something on the road, and you instinctively look over to where your small child is engaging with strangers. The lights have backed the traffic up, and there is a very fat naked man on a stationary motorcycle, desperately trying to look cool, leering left at your premises as he waits for the traffic to start moving again. He has flies all over his helmet. And your small child is waving at him.


Not pretty is it?

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Picture, if you will, the hypothetical scene. You are a keen gardener who lives in a pretty cottage on the road approaching the lights at Parliament Square. In fact, you are probably a member of one of those decent hard working families so prevalent in political spiel, but which I suspect don't actually exist. Either way, you have a small child who, as it is a lovely sunny day, is helping you in the garden. Like all small children, they quickly tire of this superficial help, and instead start looking over the wall and waving at the vehicular traffic. This is fine, and allows you to get on with a bit of weeding and that.


Anyway, in due course your peripheral vision makes you aware of something on the road, and you instinctively look over to where your small child is engaging with strangers. The lights have backed the traffic up, and there is a very fat naked man on a stationary motorcycle, desperately trying to look cool, leering left at your premises as he waits for the traffic to start moving again. He has flies all over his helmet. And your small child is waving at him.


Not pretty is it?


It's better when you don't try too hard

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