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Uk Home Secretary Announces Compulsory Id Cards


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The airlines require photo id. What else is there?


FLYBE ID requirements


Domestic/Republic of Ireland travel

  • A valid passport
  • An expired passport (can be used on domestic flights for up to two years after expiry)
  • Valid photographic EU or Swiss national identity card
  • Valid photographic driving licence
  • Valid armed forces identity card
  • Valid police warrant card/badge
  • Valid airport employees security identity pass
  • A child on parent’ s passport is an acceptable form of ID
  • CitizenCard
  • Valid photographic firearm certificate
  • Valid Government-issued identity card
  • SMART card
  • Electoral identity card
  • NUS cards photographic (National Union of Students)
  • Photographic University/College ID card
  • Company ID cards of Nationally recognised companies (photographic)
  • Council issued bus pass (Senior Citizens only)
  • Pension book (as only acceptable form of non-photographic identification)

Young Scot Card


Why the heck would you also want a UK ID Card as well? Why should they take away my passport just because I tell them where to stick their beastly bureaucratic ideas?


Because I only have a passport of the things listed there (other than 15 year old NUS card).


If the government got their act together though I'd have -


"Valid photographic EU or Swiss national identity card"

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Because I only have a passport of the things listed there (other than 15 year old NUS card).


If the government got their act together though I'd have -


"Valid photographic EU or Swiss national identity card"


That is your responsibility, not the governments. I heard ages ago that these IDs were going to cost £80 each. I expect that means £160. How much is a provisional driving license?

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Trains ?


Just not needed one, I holiday in the UK.


It always excites me when I look at the routes that we can get all the way to China, for example, on trains from Liverpool. Trains are a great.

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It always excites me when I look at the routes that we can get all the way to China, for example, on trains from Liverpool. Trains are a great.


I just think of all the stuff that's in between though :)

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Because an id card scheme doesn't need to include that provision and probably won't.


But the UK ID Card scheme does now include that provision.


What the Gaurdian article states is:


MPs tonight approved fines of up to £1,000 for those who fail to tell the passport and identity service of changes in their personal details including address, name, nationality and gender.


If the Isle of Man adopts UK ID Cards then that provision will apply to you.

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If the Isle of Man adopts UK ID Cards then that provision will apply to you.

That would fuck half of Manx driving license holders and log book holders up

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What a typical UK mess-up.


ID cards. Have to have them!!! You know, terrorists, criminals and all that.


If you say so.


Ooops public opinion is against them....forget the terrorists and the crims. Let's just 'trial them' at a few airports....


The staff there don't like the idea. They don't mind checking up on passengers but are dead against being checked themselves!!!


So let's ask for volunteers in Manchester. Far enough away from London and its not Scotland or Wales. Manchester it is!!!


A very courageous idea if I may say so. Many marginal seats in Manchester?


A few...Courageous!!! Oh then we'd better abandon the whole thing.


Can't do that we've bought the computer and we've signed a contract with Moldova to admister the system.


Oh. We can't afford that news to get out. Where on earth is Moldova! I know we'll make them compulsory for replacing passports.


You use your existing passport to do that now. Would look pretty silly.


Well how about using them as driver's licences? Or to get into a pub!


Oh bugger. let's get Tesco to introduce them. People will trust them then.


Hmm, are you sure?


I shall sleep more soundly at night from 2011/12 (?) onwards knowing that the ultra competent UK Public Service and UK politicians are managing the scheme, that no terrorists or criminals will be stalking the streets of the UK and that youngsters will be volunteering in their thousands to get an ID card.

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That would fuck half of Manx driving license holders and log book holders up


Your Manx driving licence is nothing to do with the UK ID Cards scheme.

But it is part of the legal identity database which by law you must ensure is correct

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