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20 Grand For The Ttgxp Concert


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What a total waste of dosh, which appears to be justified simply to 'save face' on the ttxgp organisers by avoiding cancellation. This shouldn't have ever been sanctioned.


This was always a stupid idea, an orchestra in tt week, utterly daft. The promoter who had the stupid idea should have taken the hit, not us taxpayers. I can think of several deserving arts recipients who could have recieved a serious long term boost from that kind of funding, and to blow it in one night for a few hundred people is sickening.

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Erm. What TTXGP concert?


Exactly. I found out about it on the day when it was too late for me to arrange to go. Yes, I would have gone. It is such a rare occurance to get a decent orchestra over here, had they advertised it properly, it would have sold out just like the Liverpool did last year and the Halle two years ago.


Bad organisation of what was most likely an amazing evening.

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As I understand it they weren't playing orchestral music just Bohemian Crapsody and other rock and pop tunes, so I doubt it would have appealed to anybody. In any case the Art's Council were initially persuaded to subsidise each ticket sold by £15 up to £20k when it was clear that ticket sales were not going to cover the cost they were leant on to stump up the rest to prevent the promoter of GPXTT from losing face.


Clever trick though getting the Art's Council to subsidise the TT so when the final profit and loss is drawn up this isn't included.

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Not the first time this has been done........in 2007 a similar amount was paid to commission a piece of music for the TT Centenary to be played at Peel Bay Festival by a massed group of Manx musicians and schoolchildren.


Despite the Arts Council (& others) funding, the performance of this piece was stopped part way through & as far as I know has never been played in full since!! Money well spent!! :huh:

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From the few accounts I heard, this was an amazing event. However, it was poorly promoted - a rather grand spectacle lost amidst a particularly shambolic collection of Villa bookings and not given the aggressive preview coverage it would have needed to get bums on seats (not least because TT visitors have already been financially bummed by the time they step off the boat).


I know it's a different kind of affair altogether but the Queenie Festival organisers have shown what it takes to get people interested - basically, shove your event down people's throats relentlessly (though in the nicest possible way of course!). It's been plugged so well it even got a mention on BBC R2 this week.


But it's the same old tune - the real initiative tends to come from independent promoters/entrepreneurs, while the Government excels only at sitting on its arse like poor mad King George, beaming with self-congratulation and completely out of touch with reality.

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Not the first time this has been done........in 2007 a similar amount was paid to commission a piece of music for the TT Centenary to be played at Peel Bay Festival by a massed group of Manx musicians and schoolchildren.


Despite the Arts Council (& others) funding, the performance of this piece was stopped part way through & as far as I know has never been played in full since!! Money well spent!! :huh:


Hmm, I remember that well. Again, it was the wrong time and place. Only a smattering of people were actually paying attention. But the musicians were absolutely giving it beans and were understandably pissed off that they got cut off in their prime (didn't it overrun its schedule by some measly minutes?).


Still, I'm not sure about musical renderings of the TT experience.... to paraphrase Elvis Costello (maybe...), trying to capture the thrill of road racing via the medium of orchestral music is like dancing about architecture.... :unsure:

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...beaming with self-congratulation and completely out of touch with reality.


Martin Quayle blows £20k on a classical music concert and nothing on promenade entertainment that is the very definition of being out of touch with reality.

If the DTL has erected a marquee with a lap dancers on the prom they would have been more 'on target' with their audience.


nothing but a full on extravaganza will do for next year, i want Red Bull air races, Extreme Endurocross an indoor trial in the villa, free lap dances and an octoberfest style tent complete with wenches. oh and some music would be good too!

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The arts council like to keep it all amongst themselves, they provide things for their own type. I used to enjoy poetry and pints but them the arts council got involved & nerfed it.


They haven't a clue...about anything, bunch of 'lovies' innit?

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As I understand it they weren't playing orchestral music just Bohemian Crapsody and other rock and pop tunes, so I doubt it would have appealed to anybody. In any case the Art's Council were initially persuaded to subsidise each ticket sold by £15 up to £20k when it was clear that ticket sales were not going to cover the cost they were leant on to stump up the rest to prevent the promoter of GPXTT from losing face.


Clever trick though getting the Art's Council to subsidise the TT so when the final profit and loss is drawn up this isn't included.


And it wasn't a decent orchestra. They mainly do music for films. Before this event I had never heard of it, and nor, I suspect, had many other people.



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It was real shame it wasn't better advertised and hence supported - I went along, and it was embarrasing that the Villa was so empty.


However, I thoroughly enjoyed it - and just because they 'mainly do film music' it doesn't mean the LMO aren't a good orchestra!


The programme was a varied mix of classical, film & rock - something to appeal to (almost) everyone. I'm also glad they did a Rob Dougan piece - of whom I am a great fan!



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