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Frankly, by assuming a man will get the post :huh: gosh, what a surprise - they're missing a trick.


Women are far better at knowing precicely what requires a good old nosey than mere males.



PS I'll watch the viewed numbers of this topic with interest :rolleyes:

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There is no assumption of either genderyou loon :lol:


Actually if you read carefully an assumption is made.


2. approving authorisations in those cases where his approval is required;

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There is no assumption of either genderyou loon :lol:


Actually if you read carefully an assumption is made.


2. approving authorisations in those cases where his approval is required;



Fair enough....bugger, and I read it 3 times.... :lol:

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There is nothing wrong with this at all.


The English language lacks a gender-neutral third-person pronoun in the singular. The law prevents discrimination on the grounds of gender, amongst others, and therefore any reference to "he" in an advertisement must also be taken to embrace the female gender. There are of course obvious exceptions, but this is not one of them.



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There is no assumption of either genderyou loon :lol:


Actually if you read carefully an assumption is made.


2. approving authorisations in those cases where his approval is required;


2. approving authorisations in those cases where approval is required;


would mean the same without any gender, 'his' is superfluous anyway

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Isn't it rather tautologous? He (or indeed she) is not going to approve an authorisation where approval is not needed. In any case "an approval" and "an authorisation" mean the same thing. So -


"2. Approving surveillance requests, where appropriate."

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I agree that it is gender neutral where it is commonly accepted that words importing the masculine gender shall be deemed and taken to include the female gender.


It could possibly be argued that the gender was being used in reference to Commissioner Brendan O’Friel as in "working with Surveillance Commissioner Brendan O’Friel":


2. approving authorisations in those cases where the approval of Commissioner Brendan O’Friel is required;

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You are all wrong.


The insertion of the third-person masculine possessive pronoun was a deliberate act of misogyny by the phallocratic chauvenist rapists at the Department of Home Affairs, meant to exclude wimmin from their male dominated hierarchy.

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