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More Dosh Sought By Airport


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I'm glad someone mentioned the 'security' fencing; I spotted the invitation to tender in the Courier last night and was very surprised the sharp-eyed members of the forum hadn't raised the matter of yet another complete waste of taxpayers money looming on the horizon.


I'm sure the Directress will quote some obscure ICAO recommendation for airfield perimeter fencing as the driving force. Are the Al Qaeda masses about to overrun the airfield? Are the local scallies nicking the runway lights? Are tourists parking their camper-vans on the runway thresholds? Of course not. But don't let the complete absence of the need to 'defend' our strategic air resource from all the security threats we (don't) face stop more uneccessary expenditure.


I had lunch down at the flying club a few days ago. As I sat in the glorious sunshine, mug of tea in hand, I reflected how refreshing was the fact that all that separated me from the airfield was a quaint, picket fence..........................and nothing more is needed than that.


The security fencing will undoubtedly be yet another blot on the landscape along with that needlessly high control tower. Let's try and nip this latest farce in the bud with some directed correspondance to MHKs......before another delight of Manx life goes the way of so many others in the Island's drive to be just another county of the UK.

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I'm glad someone mentioned the 'security' fencing; I spotted the invitation to tender in the Courier last night and was very surprised the sharp-eyed members of the forum hadn't raised the matter of yet another complete waste of taxpayers money looming on the horizon.

Thanks for point this out. I obviously missed something out from Ms Reynolds repertoire;


And it sounds like a typical Ms Reynolds story. Chapter 1 - this is what we need. Chapter 2 - the original justification has now been changed to another one. Chapter 3 - could you throw in a Control Tower whilst we have all these people round. Chapter 4 - It looks like we can save some money - what on earth can we spend it on so we don't have to hand it back. Chapter 5 - now I have the MHKs rolled over onto their backs I'll pop in another big spending item - we haven't changed the fence since the Korean war...


if it wasn't real you couldn't invent anything so daft or unprofessional.

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