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[BBC News] Surveys for harbour revamp plans


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Ramsey shafted again!


It's not a case of Ramsey being shafted it is a case of somewhere else getting something for a change. When was the last time there was any Government investment in the Rushen consitituency?

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Shafted? When they tried to do it in Ramsey, Ramsey told them to fuck off. Why would they try again?


you know what there like up there,


we dont like change,


its the pier or northing at all


Have you been to Royal Ramsey lately?

Its just a dirty embarrassment, people who are not willing to embrace change shouldnt be allowed a voice.

Everything is old, tatty and dirty in the town, even a visit to the doctors surgery is a hazzard! Oh but we did get a fabulous revolving door at our part time hospital (which by the way we all fought for and we got shafted there), so please dont assume we/I dont want a town worth boasting about.

I have been to Peel and Castletown in the last week and both were bursting with visitors, not necessarily tourists just people from all over the Island, but they have stopped coming to Ramsey.

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Ramsey shafted again!


Ramsey have had their chance to have a Marina and voted against it didn't they?


Yes they did.



But....Not everyone was against it, people are thick as shit and cant see a good thing when its being suggested, bleedin twats ruin in for everyone, so i hope they can sit back safe in the knowledge they've f****d up.

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Roo - But this money isn't going to Peel or Castletown it's going to Port St. Mary.


Your post is typical of the Ramsey mentality, someone else is getting it, so we have lost out. You bleat about your part-time hospital but you don't need a hospital anymore than one is needed in the South - you got it by whinging and because the government always over invests in Ramsey. There's was a wing of Southlands old people's home stood empty last year because the government couldn't find the money to staff it. But Ramsey gets a hospital.


Ramsey's had a new secondary school, but the kids of Port Erin, Port St. Mary and Arbory have to get a bus to Castletown to sit in classrooms that have hardly been modernised since my mother went there 60 years ago, and they haven't even got a head teacher.


You talk about Ramsey being in decline - go to Port St. Mary (there's was a thread about that earlier this year) or Port Erin which seems to be crumbling into the sea. We don't even have proper sporting facilities - no swimming pool, no all-weather football pitch. And this in an area with a larger population than Ramsey.


Not all government expenditure can be made in Ramsey you know and it is time the rest of the Island got a look in.

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Ramsey shafted again!


Ramsey have had their chance to have a Marina and voted against it didn't they?


Yes they did.



But....Not everyone was against it, people are thick as shit and cant see a good thing when its being suggested, bleedin twats ruin in for everyone, so i hope they can sit back safe in the knowledge they've f****d up.

Fortunately, some of us could see a White Elephant when we saw it! The only logic I could perceive about the Ramsey Marina Project was that contained in the Politicians' Syllogism:


1. We must do something;

2. This is something;

3. Therefore, we must do this.

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Roo - But this money isn't going to Peel or Castletown it's going to Port St. Mary.


Your post is typical of the Ramsey mentality, someone else is getting it, so we have lost out. You bleat about your part-time hospital but you don't need a hospital anymore than one is needed in the South - you got it by whinging and because the government always over invests in Ramsey. There's was a wing of Southlands old people's home stood empty last year because the government couldn't find the money to staff. But Ramsey gets a hospital.


Ramsey's had a new secondary school, but the kids of Port Erin, Port St. Mary and Arbory have to get a bus to Castletown to sit in classrooms that have hardly been modernised since my mother went there 60 years ago, and they haven't even got a head teacher.


You talk about Ramsey being in decline - go to Port St. Mary (there's was a thread about that earlier this year) or Port Erin which seems to be crumbling into the sea. We don't even have proper sporting facilities - no swimming pool, no all-weather football pitch. And this in an area with a larger population than Ramsey.


Not all government expenditure can be made in Ramsey you know and it is time the rest of the Island got a look in.

Declan - obviously we all need to gang up on those parasites in the Douglas area, as that's where all the dosh gets wasted!

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Declan - obviously we all need to gang up on those parasites in the Douglas area, as that's where all the dosh gets wasted!

Oy! Only because I have a lovely marina outside my house, a bunch of pubs along the great new Quay, a monster supermarket, a lovely newly widened Lord street and the best chippy on the Island right next to it - you're only jealous!

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Thing is its not just about getting shafted, its everything, from the the absolute sheer neglect of the pier to the fact that the streets are disgustingly filthy, the people that are supposingly running this town are running it into the ground.

Can anyone please explain why the Cottage part time Hospital needed a revolving door, apparently at a cost of £50,000 not to mention the stupid looking headstones that were planted at the side of the building, only to be vandalised!!!

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You talk about Ramsey being in decline ... Port Erin which seems to be crumbling into the sea


I'll stand up for Ramsey whenever I can, but when I was over in May the visits I made to Port Erin made me realise how much nicer it is than Ramsey.

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