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[BBC News] Charity push for injured TT men


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In my opinion, these injuries are self-inflicted. I am very sorry these people are in pain and hope they make a speedy recovery but they can't seriously be asking for people to contribute to the outcome of their recklessness in taking part.



would you apply this 'logic' to war veterans who volunteered to be in the armed services 'knowing' there was a risk of injury and are now worse off than many TT riders?? how long has the poppy appeal been going for those who took part??? i doubt there will be a crowe/cox fundraiser in 50 years!!!


Not sure about dignifying such a stupid question with an answer but as I have to wait for the kettle to boil....

Participants in dangerous sports do so, I am told, for the excitment and gratification they get from it and, where they compete, for the money and kudos.

Participants in battle do not gain personally from taking part - unless you can call a medal a gain. You would have to ask them their motives: where I have done this, the answers have always been for highly principled reasons that I can't always understand but respect enormously.


The first official Legion Poppy Day was held in Britain on 11 November 1921, inspired by the poem In Flanders' Fields written by John McCrae. As well as The Poppy Fund people can also support Help for Heroes at http://www.helpforheroes.org.uk/


you made the point of choosing to do something dangerous, my question was about choosing to do something dangerous, the motives/reasons and perceived honour and principles have nothing to do with the choosing to do something dangerous point you raised. it doesn't matter what the actual activity is, it's that choosing to do something dangerous means you should have no expectation of help as it's all self inflicted injuries?

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We the lay person are asked to donate to assist two individuals. We have little knowledge about the two individuals, their cicumstances or their injuries. About the only thing we do know is that they were badly hurt partaking in their sport/hobby.


And haven't you just hit the nail on the head. This is nothing but nosiness really isn't it? Maybe we should drag them out like dancing bears to dance in front of us and show us their injuries. Or parade them through the street so you can judge for yourselves whether you think they are deserving enough or not. That's the point of all your objections isn't it? Nosiness.


It is nowt to do with nosiness in my case as I believe I know exactly how injured they are and I was shocked to learn as prior to that I had made certain assumptions like we all probably do or did. It also profoundly altered my view on the matter. I do not expect graphic detail and I do not think they should be given but do you not think it would assist in raising money from the public if they were aware that they were likely to be in hostpital in the UK for a week, a month, three months, six months, a year or whatever.


Nobody likes to think to much about such things in detail and if we do it is probably through rose tinted spectacles as I am probably sure that many people think they are lying in hostpital making a reasonable recovery and in a few weeks or months they will be home right as rain. That may or may not be the case, I am delibertaly trying to keep the post neutral on the issue but do you not think that if the public were aware on a scale of 1 to 10 how injured they were, how long they were likely to be in hospital, how many operations might be required and prospects for a full recovery they might be more likely to give. Is that not the effing point to raise money for the family.


As for it to be to enable people to judge for ourselves then yes it is as we are being asked to donate and surprisingly just because people ask me to donate or give money to X Y or Z cause I do not just blindly hand over a tenner ratherI think about it before I decide whether to give and how much. Oh to be in a position financially where I did not have to make the choice. It is not about being ghoulish it is about raising money for the family and if you want to raise money off the public surely you have to give them some relevent information in an appropriate manner. Please note the words appropriate and some.


Your attitude and the attitude of many other posters in this thread stinks. Because really its not about money. Its about you all being too damn nosy and yet not having the full picture (I assume because the family don't want to publicise their situation whilst family, friends and supporters know) so you can 'decide' whether you want to contribute or not.


See my above point. I am perfectly happy and fully respect their decision not to publicise the situation. If they just want the support of family, friends and supporters and to keep it private then fine, however that is not the impression from all the funding raising that is going on. I thought they were looking to the public to support by donating. I have no issue with that but please in broad terms outline to the effing public why.


Kewaigue School are presently fund raising to lay an astro turf play area I do not know the full details but they have set out how much they need, what for and how long they they have to raise it. Based on that I can make a decision about whether I wish to donate. Maybe I will, maybe I won't but I certainly would not be donating if they said we are fundraising, please donate but don't ask us why because we wont tell you.



That's more a reflection of you, I would suggest, than those who are simply trying to help the family in difficult times. Maybe you need to decide whether you'd be getting value for money if you donated?


I repeat myself for the third time so you might actually understand the point. I applaud those who are helping the family. Their help is a private matter and if it is their decision that it should remains a private matter I have no interest in finding out anymore. It has been made a public matter though by the fund raisers making the matter public and requesting us the public to donate. If they had not taken that decision there would I am sure be no such threads. Presently I am being asked to donate, which I have no problem with, but I am struggling to understand why. If I do not understand why then my money will go to a different cause. Note the word different rather than better because I am do note have the info to make such a call.


In the world there are numerous charities, some receive better support than others. They do so because they get there message out to the public and the public choose to support. Last week the RNLI were collecting outside Tesco's. It was very clear it was the RNLI collecting and as I know what the RNLI does and I had the ability to make a decision on whether to donate. If the same people had simply stood there shaking an unmarked bucket with no obvious indicatiobn to what they were collecting for I doubt if they would have raised anywhere near as much. That is all I am saying which is that as I understand it it is important to raise money for the families from the general public who may have very little knowledge in the matter. Well if the raising of funds is important then get the message out there. If it is 100% privacy then put away the collecting buckets.

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Interesting - I'd never even heard of these people (but then, like I said, the TT is a massive yawn to me). Do they do much fund raising on the IOM? I wonder if the big name racing teams make any sort of contribution to this organisation, after all they must benefit hugely by the coverage they get from the TT and the least they could do is contribute to its more unpleasant aftermath.



The president is Neil Tuxworth the boss of Honda UK


well yes but as GGO asks - do they contribute?

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I dont get this nobody is making anyone give money if they do not want to

you do not have a right to know how bad these guys are

nobody asked me to fundraise but i am we are running a golf day this Sunday and it sold out straight away so thats 100 people who want to give money

In TT practice week we ran a big golf event for the Rob Vine Fund and Joey Dunlop Foundation again all 18 holes were sponsored by local companies

22 teams of 4 payed and played result £6580 raised to share between the 2 charities all from a few guys getting together with an idea and alot of hard work from them and their wives who did all the food

And before anyone says it no we are not looking for thanks or seeking to get our names in papers just feel good about doing something to help others when thet need it because next time it may be me in that bed in hospital

if you dont like fundraising being done dont put any money in

I hate children in need for my own reason (dont like the way money is spent) so i do not put my money in but i will not run down anyone that does

Rant over

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What a peculiar press release.


Yes, very.

I've heard of them but I haven't actually seen or heard of any fundraising events being held, maybe they don't advertise them much outside of the biking fraternity.

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The TTRA has been going for many years and is run by volunteers, they have a small shop behind the grandstand selling TT related gifts, shirts, hats etc etc. They also I believe receive goods from motor factor related companies and most of this is given to riders that join the TTRA by way of gift pack. They also run dinners here on the IOM and in the UK. Most of the fund raising is kept low key. They are well known and respected by riders that have come on hard times, not just in the short term but long term too.


May I also point out that the ACU have a fund that look after injured riders and on the Island its looked after by a lady calle Wyn Evans, this fund has also been going for many years and if any rider needs help they only have to make the call


What the family and friends of Nick and Mark are doing is first class, they are showing a lot of respect to the lads and are working very hard to do what they feel is the right thing for them.


You can never tell whats around they corner, and we should be thankful that we are not in the same situation as these lads.As others have ponted out we are not being forced to donate only getting the chance to if we so wish.

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The TTRA has been going for many years and is run by volunteers, they have a small shop behind the grandstand selling TT related gifts, shirts, hats etc etc. They also I believe receive goods from motor factor related companies and most of this is given to riders that join the TTRA by way of gift pack. They also run dinners here on the IOM and in the UK. Most of the fund raising is kept low key. They are well known and respected by riders that have come on hard times, not just in the short term but long term too


I'll certainly support this in any way I can, as I do with most charities.

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I dont get this nobody is making anyone give money if they do not want to

you do not have a right to know how bad these guys are




I appreciate that nobody is making anybody give money but try looking at it from a different perspective.


Person A has a spare £30, he is asked for a donation from the Rob Vine Fund, The TT Riders Association or support the two guys who crashed. He is happy and willing to give £30 but not sure whether to give it all to one group, or to split it equally or unequaly amongst two or three. Surely Person A is more likely to give some or all the money to the party that he knows something about, why it is required and what it is used for in broad general terms.





I hate children in need for my own reason (dont like the way money is spent) so i do not put my money in but i will not run down anyone that does

Rant over



I am with you on Children in Need but equally I do not run anybody down who gives to a charity just because it is not one I support. But you feel you have sufficient info to make a decision. In this instance I am not running down anybody who is giving to the two guys appeal or those running it. Equally I would not belittle those who choose not to. However I am saying if they want to raise money from the public give them some relevent info and do not get all defensive when asked so the public can make a decision. As I have said previously I do not understand the reluctance to give out some basic info, although obvioulsy I support fully not going into to much detail, as I think it would assist fund raising which I thought was the primary purpose.

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Well this i am sure is a very raw topic.


What i have struggled to reason with about the fund raiser is there is no actual press release stating what they money is needed for and what target do they want to reach.


I think its human nature wanting to know what ur money will be spent on.


If i see a collection point on my travels i will pop in a few quid, mainly because its a young family in need of a bit of surport.


But i hope the fund raising organisers will start to think about maybe putting some collection tins about and telling us where they are ?


You want money at least have some where people can go to.

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