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[BBC News] Charity push for injured TT men


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I dont get this nobody is making anyone give money if they do not want to

you do not have a right to know how bad these guys are




I appreciate that nobody is making anybody give money but try looking at it from a different perspective.


Person A has a spare £30, he is asked for a donation from the Rob Vine Fund, The TT Riders Association or support the two guys who crashed. He is happy and willing to give £30 but not sure whether to give it all to one group, or to split it equally or unequaly amongst two or three. Surely Person A is more likely to give some or all the money to the party that he knows something about, why it is required and what it is used for in broad general terms.





I hate children in need for my own reason (dont like the way money is spent) so i do not put my money in but i will not run down anyone that does

Rant over



I am with you on Children in Need but equally I do not run anybody down who gives to a charity just because it is not one I support. But you feel you have sufficient info to make a decision. In this instance I am not running down anybody who is giving to the two guys appeal or those running it. Equally I would not belittle those who choose not to. However I am saying if they want to raise money from the public give them some relevent info and do not get all defensive when asked so the public can make a decision. As I have said previously I do not understand the reluctance to give out some basic info, although obvioulsy I support fully not going into to much detail, as I think it would assist fund raising which I thought was the primary purpose.



Just a thought. Oxfam, for example do not shy away from what they are asking money for. In fact they are very graphic in doing so to alert people to the real needs of those they are helping.


Obviously in this case we do not need to see photographs of these gentlemen in hospital or their injuries but some basic information would not come amiss to enable an informed individual reasoning about any (or the level of) donation

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I actually think that everything you posted validated what I said. You are looking for dancing bears and stick poking and public displays of pain obviously. Just to justify your expenditure.



In fact on the basis of what you said I'll be making a donation and frankly I don't give a f**k what they spend it on. I won't be enquiring as to how bad the injuries are or ask for any further information or anything else really. I don't really give a sh*t how its used in fact; I'd just rather do that without question than seek validation for spending a few quid that I'd probably spend on ale anyway.


No I just want to have a reason why I should give what little spare cash I might have or be able to donate to the two guys rather than one of the local biking, Manx, UK or any other worldwide charities or to support the school or clubs my kids go to. If I wished to help the homeless then in general I would be more likley to to donate to say Shelter or buy the big issue than give an individual a tenner. It does not mean I would not, just that the tenner that was heading for Shelter would not be diverted to an individual purely because he asked for it, I would have to be happy it would be spend equally well or better.


Obvioulsy you are a wealthier person than I am and I glad you are able to donate to whatever cause requests funds from you. Could I appeal for a few quid for each of those listed under here

http://www.gov.im/registries/courts/charities/index.xml and if you have a few quid left over I would be happy to compile a list of local clubs and associations who do do with a few quid.

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I know the damage to the guys but it is not up to me to say but the clue is "life changing " ie wont be mended and up in weeks even months

Do not try to read anything into this next bit this is me not them

I had life changing act to me 15 years ago i lost my leg and my god when it happens you dont think of the life you had just what you cant now do

never take live for granted it comes back to bite

lucky i had a good pension plan retrained in office work made a bit of money i have now retired for the 2nd time and play golf every day

sounds good dont it but if you see the effort it takes to do it but hey i enjoy it so now if i can help others through fundraising i will continue keeps me busy

you have 1 life make the most of it and if it goes wrong as in my case live with the disability and get on with life but dont be afraid to ask for help

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Up yours pal. You're back tracking is embarrassing.


You either give based on the story presented OR YOU DON'T


Don't try that guff on me. Its your own conscience your trying to justify. Not mine.


So you gave on the story presented which is the main point. To the general public the story presented is "TT Champions Nick Crowe & Mark Cox are presently undergoing medical treatment in the UK and require urgent financial assistance to help with current and ongoing expenses" In my opinion that is not necessarily enough to persuade the public to donate rather than to another cause as many believe they are probably covered by Insurance, DHSS, The TT organisors etc


You actually have no idea whether I have given or note as I have deliberately tried to keep these posts neutral and have posted as if I was a person in the street who had no idea of the injuries etc. Those that do, or who are family and friends I believe are more likely and probably already are giveing. Certainly when I discovered of the damage to the two guys by thoughts changed if only on what and how I might post and comment on the matter.


I thought that persuading people to give was the important element and from past experience just asking people for money is much less succesful than asking for money and explaining why. I also am aware how my thoughts changed on the matter on receiving some information and based on that I believe if you want to maximise the amount collected then then you have to provide some information to the public in a senstive manner.


If you do not understand the point then I had hoped to say I was surprised but your last post dose not fill me with any great expectation that you are totally blinkered on the matter and presumably you will be offfering to settle this "outside"

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Jesus Eric, breathe!


But it just reads like another charity appeal to me.


It looked to me like they were politely pointing out that there was already a setup in place for this kind of thing.

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Many congratulations on a superb result from the efforts of the fundraisers. May I ask how much was raised by the Paramount enterprise ?


£10,000 in one day sounds like a record achievement, and not only on the Island . I expect you will have the media, both here and in the UK, asking for interviews and so on.



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Many congratulations on a superb result from the efforts of the fundraisers. May I ask how much was raised by the Paramount enterprise ?


£10,000 in one day sounds like a record achievement, and not only on the Island . I expect you will have the media, both here and in the UK, asking for interviews and so on.





Paramount raised over £8k, the watch on ebay was over £6k

Updates found here


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