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"an Evening With Mike Seed"

Roger Ramjet

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Just realised that this hasn't been posted up on here, and for some reason it doesn't appear to have made it into the paper either, although I suspect/hope that word of mouth means many of you will already know about it.


On Thursday 16th July at 7.30pm the Henry Bloom Noble Library, Victoria Street, Douglas will be hosting "An Evening With Mike Seed".


Mike will be playing a number of his songs (some possibly with further accompaniment?) and talking about how/why they were written plus giving us insights into his approach to songwriting and discussing his experiences from the past 25 years or so of making music. It's going to be a fascinating evening, and something which I know has generated a good deal of excitement amongst those who know Mike and his music.


CMI are sponsoring the interval refreshments, and it is hoped that Mike will have time to answer a few questions at the end. The evening will come to a close at 9.30pm, so there'll be plenty of opportunity to have a drink in one of the numerous nearby hostelries afterwards and still catch the last bus home.


Tickets are free, but must be collected in advance from the ground floor of the library, and this event is limited to an absolute maximum 60 people (which is quite a few more than they normally allow for events there), so I'd not wait around if I were you.


I don't imagine Mike needs any introduction for many people within the music scene, but if you've not heard of him, then suffice to say he is regarded by many to be one of The Island's foremost singer/songwriters. His music is very varied and he's produced everything form glorious pop songs to dark and brooding folk with some stunning spoken word material, psychedelic sax and piercing noise thrown in for good measure. Mike's been in numerous local bands including the extremely popular Ways of Stephen, and has releasing six full solo albums plus a compilation as well as collaborating with various other musicians for releases on SVC Records (http://www.svcrecords.co.uk/).


Mike is a fascinating character, and the opportunity to see him not only perform live (something of a rarity these days) but also discuss his work and inspirations is something not to be missed.


This is something new and very different for the library, and I know Jan the librarian and other staff are keen to see how this works out. All being well, we may be able to try this or something similar with other successful local musicians in the future, but let's just see how this goes first eh?

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Tickets for this are naturally going quickly, so if you don't have yours yet you'll really need to hurry up. It's going to be in this week's paper, so those who don't frequent these and similar forums will also know about it by tomorrow and you'll certainly be out of luck if you plan on just ambling in at the weekend for tickets.


I spoke to the library staff who have said that as long as you promise to collect them ASAP, they'll keep tickets aside until this coming weekend, so if you can't make it to the library in person until then, give them a call on 696461. If all the tickets have gone, then leave your name and number just in case any aren't collected.

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