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[BBC News] Bank's assets to pay legal bill


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The depositors are indeed like lambs to the slaughter attacked by vultures from all sides.


Vultures wouldn't attack healthy lambs en route to the abattoir. They feed on carrion and are essentially scavengers.


Try watching national Geographic sometimes.


Vultures like nice defenceless lambs and far from being just scavengers are bold and aggressive they also like to hang out in a bunch where goes one goes all.


The depositors in the bank did not want the SOA it did nothing for them - on the contrary it kept them from their own savings by delaying liquidation.


They were obliged to engage council to defend their interests


Of course it made a nice little packet for Alix partners ( employed by John Spellman)


The Deemster was IMO quite out of order make the innocent pay for the machinations of others.

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And- for those who may have just joined us, it has cost the innocent depositors 620 K


Thats 620k less of their own money they will be able to recover.



And so you should, why should I pay your fucking legal bills, would you pay mine. Get over it and get on with what ever life you have.

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And- for those who may have just joined us, it has cost the innocent depositors 620 K


Thats 620k less of their own money they will be able to recover.



And so you should, why should I pay your fucking legal bills, would you pay mine. Get over it and get on with what ever life you have.



I am sorry that you feel that way Lee. I would not wish it on you.


We the depositors have been put in a position where the liquidator Mr Mike Simpson of PWC who is supposed to be working for the benefit of the creditors ( us) has used his time ( paid for by us ) to assist the IOMG in a SOA that the depositors did not want and was disadvantageous to the majority of them.


I for one did not ask for or support the SOA in any which way yet the Deputy Deemster has ruled that it must come out of my savings.




Had the SOA not been broached and taken so long in arranging liquidation would have gone ahead almost immediately and the DSC would have been triggered.


The IOMG did not wish to trigger the DSC because it meant admitting that a bank had gone down.


The SOA took away the legal rights of the depositors to pursue further legal recourse.


To then make them pay costs is clearly outrageous.

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And- for those who may have just joined us, it has cost the innocent depositors 620 K


Thats 620k less of their own money they will be able to recover.



And so you should, why should I pay your fucking legal bills, would you pay mine. Get over it and get on with what ever life you have.



I am sorry that you feel that way Lee. I would not wish it on you.


We the depositors have been put in a position where the liquidator Mr Mike Simpson of PWC who is supposed to be working for the benefit of the creditors ( us) has used his time ( paid for by us ) to assist the IOMG in a SOA that the depositors did not want and was disadvantageous to the majority of them.


I for one did not ask for or support the SOA in any which way yet the Deputy Deemster has ruled that it must come out of my savings.




Had the SOA not been broached and taken so long in arranging liquidation would have gone ahead almost immediately and the DSC would have been triggered.


The IOMG did not wish to trigger the DSC because it meant admitting that a bank had gone down.


The SOA took away the legal rights of the depositors to pursue further legal recourse.


To then make them pay costs is clearly outrageous.


o od give me strenght or failling that, a great big sock to jam in belly ups mouth

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I for one did not ask for or support the SOA in any which way yet the Deputy Deemster has ruled that it must come out of my savings.




Listen asshole, I pay taxes and don't always agree what they are spent on -that's life get over it. I think we all know that you have a greivance (and I would be aggreived in your position) but I repeat spend your time and energy on those who may be able to help you. Continual bleating on this forum does you no favours, cannot help you, and as you have seen actively loses any sympathy you maydeserve.


It's not a good strategy

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I had every sympathy with the depositors until DAG's well-orchestrated and vitriolic attacks on the Isle of Man.


To some extent, my thoughts. The UK Government stole their money so why don't they ge them in Court?


Maybe becuase they're not as pussy as the IOM one.


We the depositors have been put in a position


You and most the Depositers chose to put your money in a Bank that offered more interest the the main high street banks and it went tits up. Tough shit.


You are lucky to get ANY money back as most countries would not give it you. Yet you bleat on and on.


I sympathise that you lost your dosh but then will you or the IOM Government pay me asny shortfall in my insurance policys for my mortage ?


I fucking doubt it as it's due to the economic downfall atm. I took a gamble as you did. You lost the lot, i'm a bit more realistic and less greedy than you lot.


Get over it and stop looking for prople to blame. The UK stole your money yet, WE, the tax payer, have to bail you out.


If my mortage doesn't prove profitable enough, can i knock on your lots doors please?

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You are lucky to get ANY money back as most countries would not give it you.



Sadly not true.



In all other countries Kaupthing Bank Depositors were fully compensated (Germany, Holland, Belgium, Finland, Sweden, Luxembourg, Denmark, Switzerland, UK). Even in Iceland, the country that went bankrupt, not one retail depositors lost even one penny. Please note that all these countries have a huge budget deficits. IOM is the only country (except some oil rich Arab countries) with a budget surplus.

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In all other countries Kaupthing Bank Depositors were fully compensated (Germany, Holland, Belgium, Finland, Sweden, Luxembourg, Denmark, Switzerland, UK). Even in Iceland, the country that went bankrupt, not one retail depositors lost even one penny. Please note that all these countries have a huge budget deficits. IOM is the only country (except some oil rich Arab countries) with a budget surplus.

Irrelevant. KSF operations in other countries have had assets equal or greater than their liabilities. Not sure why you've brought deficit spending into it. Its well-known that almost all Governments are funded by loans in the form of T-Bills and Gilts (or equivalent).

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