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[BBC News] Manx politicians hear grievances


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With respect to illegal parking what about G4S aka Securicor. They provide parking officers for the DOT but park illegally every day eg: outside IOM Bank Athol Street. Next time you get a ticket ask the DOT why the enforcers of penalty tickets are one of the worst offenders. I used to work for them and i never got a ticket on double yellow lines or pavement parking.

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Surely, the cost of parking your car is one of the expenses you take on when you choose to drive. If you chose not to pay for legal parking you are accepting that you will get fined when caught parking illegally. What I don't understand is why the fines are so low that they don't deter anybody. I wonder whether they are set so low so that they provide a steady income rather than to stop cars being discarded willy niilly.

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I am sure most is down to laziness or arrogance but I am always amazed that if I drive down Victoria Street in Douglas before it gets busy in the morning despite there being plenty of space on the right hand side of the road people still insist on stopping on the other side on the yellow lines or in the disabled zone whilst they nip into RBSI etc


That includes Mr Buttery, who I am sure is no worse than many others except he and his vehicle are more noticeable as he is not above a bit of self publicity, but I have seen his vehicle parked up directly outside his burger bar while the other side of the road where it is legal to park is virtually empty!


Now to be honest I have no real problem with people doing it as long as they caught reasonably quickly and fined as it helps to contribute to the Government coffers and keep my taxes low so I would like to thank them for their voluntary contributions. But if you want to stand for a public office or spout off about other perceived injustices it might be better to give the impression that you actually are respectful and follow current rules and regulations even if you do not agree with




Surely, the cost of parking your car is one of the expenses you take on when you choose to drive. If you chose not to pay for legal parking you are accepting that you will get fined when caught parking illegally. What I don't understand is why the fines are so low that they don't deter anybody. I wonder whether they are set so low so that they provide a steady income rather than to stop cars being discarded willy niilly.
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With respect to illegal parking what about G4S aka Securicor. They provide parking officers for the DOT but park illegally every day eg: outside IOM Bank Athol Street. Next time you get a ticket ask the DOT why the enforcers of penalty tickets are one of the worst offenders. I used to work for them and i never got a ticket on double yellow lines or pavement parking.


Maybe you should submit a petion about it next Tynwald day

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With all due respect to cheeky boy, I can't support his idea of all-island rating simply because the rates in Douglas are excessive. If he's really concerned, he ought to have stood for council and addressed the problems of overspending from the inside. One of the reasons why other rates are lower is that the authorities concentrate on providing necessary services rather than wasting money on ridiculous and grandiose projects such as erecting a huge statue of a gull!

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If Cheeky Boy arrived on Douglas Council, I am sure there would be quite a few noses rightfully put out of place, he has just the sort of approach needed on Douglas Corporation. I can't see Cheeky ever becoming one of Davy Boy's boys.

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wasting money on ridiculous and grandiose projects such as erecting a huge statue of a gull!




We must properly worship the great shitehawks of the sky lest ill befalls us and our cattle die and our crops wither in the fields ( and other bad things happen )

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With all due respect to cheeky boy, I can't support his idea of all-island rating simply because the rates in Douglas are excessive. If he's really concerned, he ought to have stood for council and addressed the problems of overspending from the inside. One of the reasons why other rates are lower is that the authorities concentrate on providing necessary services rather than wasting money on ridiculous and grandiose projects such as erecting a huge statue of a gull!

Totally agree.

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I'm with Lonan and Stav on this.


I heard the corpy's fuhrer on the wireless the other morning banging on about how his stormtroopers are going to start clamping down on businesses using "A Boards" outside their premises.


Now clearly these can be a nuisance but Adolf Christian was talking about bringing in a system of regulation which involved businesses filling in a form to apply for permission and then the applications being scrutinised to make sure they comply with his Arayan A Board requirements and then a series of on street checks to make sure businesses are complying. How many paper pushers will the ratepayer need for this?


If ever there was an example of petty overkill by a public body, this is surely it. Why not just get the bye law officer to wander down the street occasionally and have a quiet word if anyone is obstructing the highway. FFS they can't be doing much else - the number of dog eggs is testimony to that.


Maybe they are all working on the horse nappy project. :D

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That includes Mr Buttery, who I am sure is no worse than many others except he and his vehicle are more noticeable as he is not above a bit of self publicity, but I have seen his vehicle parked up directly outside his burger bar while the other side of the road where it is legal to park is virtually empty!


Now to be honest I have no real problem with people doing it as long as they caught reasonably quickly and fined as it helps to contribute to the Government coffers and keep my taxes low


I think someone has just outed himself as a traffic warden or similar clipboard wielding government knob-jockey

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I think someone has just outed himself as a traffic warden or similar clipboard wielding government knob-jockey


No I am not employed by the Govt I have my own firm, I am just surprised how lazy or arrogant some people are that they can not walk 10 yards, cross a road etc. There was a person parked last week at the back of Colburns who rather than park in the marked area at the Simcocks side of the Road which was free parked opposite to it. Fine cars could just about squeeze past until somebody parked parked legally in the free bay. Result 100% blocked road. Who was at fault the guy who parked legally but actually blocked the road or the tosser who parked illegally because he or she was to lazy to cross the road!


Maybe I am getting to be a bit of a grumpy old man but I am sure if everybody thought a bit more and was more considerate then it would be better for us all


That includes Mr Buttery,

IDing MF users is a serious breach of the board's terms and conditions.


Lost Login seems obsessed by him, like a teenage crush.


Well maybe if he did not have that silly moustache .... sorry :o


Not really but this is an individual who is one of the few who the majority will know on this site despite posting under a pseudonym. As such it is easier to cross reference to what he posts to his actions. He was the one who described the DOT as arrogant twats which I thought was a bit rich considering he seems less that studeous in obeying all the rules of the road. It seemed a case of the pot calling the kettle black.


It may have been unfair to specifically mention but I also think it is not the best example to set if you an individual who appears to have political ambition as from the views on here many seem to consider that once elected even those who went in unblemished are soon corrupted and start acting as if they are above the law/rest of us. If that is the case why act in a manner which may give the impression to some that you have that attitude already? I can just imagine the postings on here if we could identify an MHK or leading councillor acting in such a manner

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If ever there was an example of petty overkill by a public body, this is surely it. Why not just get the bye law officer to wander down the street occasionally and have a quiet word if anyone is obstructing the highway. FFS they can't be doing much else - the number of dog eggs is testimony to that.


Maybe they are all working on the horse nappy project. :D


That used to be the way and I think still is in the UK by traffic wardens that come under the police or police on traffic duty. They see it as there job to keep traffic moving and if a car is illegally parked their first thought is not to issue a ticket but to find the owner to move the car and remove the obstuction etc etc. It appears to be the new style wardens employed by private firms who see there job as issuing tickets rather than to keep traffic flowing, etc and consequently prefer to issue a ticket to a car and leave it causing an obstruction that to have the obstuction quickly removed and no ticket issued

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