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Dummy 'causes Robbery Flashbacks'


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A Bolton shop-owner has been told he must take down a mannequin of a soldier - because it is giving local bank staff flashbacks of an armed robbery.


"Darren" has been in place for five years and attracts donations for the charity Help for Heroes.
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A Bolton shop-owner has been told he must take down a mannequin of a soldier - because it is giving local bank staff flashbacks of an armed robbery.


"Darren" has been in place for five years and attracts donations for the charity Help for Heroes.


The PC brigade at it again. If he's been there for 5 years, those bankers must have seen it before. I smell Lawyers and Claims for being traumatised. :unsure: Wonder if thre's any jobs going, might be able to claim a few bob.

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A Bolton shop-owner has been told he must take down a mannequin of a soldier - because it is giving local bank staff flashbacks of an armed robbery.



my god some ppl need to grow some balls,

we are a nation of wet soggy gimps, well some our

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I have flashbacks when I see an old style dustbin.


As I suspect, do all who were once small children hiding from the Daleks behind a sofa.


I must consult an advocate.

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It does look creepy, but how people can get THAT spooked out. I think these people need a new job!

And why does the council need to get involved?


ha ha creepy as a slug maybe, lol


its all PC crap once again,

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Maybe they should tell the bank staff to enter and leave the bank by the back door because they give everyone else in the town flashbacks to losing money and banks screwing up the country's economy...

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But Mr Shahabi, a father-of-two, remains defiant.


"Darren doesn't move and he has never been dressed in dark clothing " he said.


"He just stands there from nine to five every day."


We can use him at the DoT.

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