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Sign The Official Petition Against The Huge Increases In Air Passenger Duty


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PLEASE sign the number10.gov.uk petition against the massive Air Passenger Duty hikes





Air passengers urged to sign APD petition July 9, 2009


Passengers can now show their solidarity with the airline industry by signing a petition against the planned doubling of Air Passenger Duty (APD) from 2010.


More than 1,900 signatures have already been gathered for the e-petition, which warns that the regressive tax will drive up airfares and hamper the economic recovery.


Click here to sign the number10.gov.uk petition against APD hikes


Whitehall is preparing to increase APD by up to 112 per cent in 2010 – raising the cost of a family holiday on long-haul routes by as much as £360.


"At a time when the airline industry is suffering this move will penalise holidaymakers ... when disposable income is falling," the petition's creator, Neil McCawley, stated.


"APD already raises £2 billion annually, and [it] is obvious to anyone that the government is not using this money to help the environment, but instead sees the airlines in the same way as they see motorists - i.e. another opportunity to tax the British public."


The controversial tax has been opposed by almost every firm in the travel industry. Ryanair has called it a "tourist tax" while Virgin Atlantic likens it to the "poll tax of the skies".



ACT NOW - PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION HERE: http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/APDIncrease

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It certainly does effect us - whenever you leave a UK airport for the IoM or anywhere else you get charged the UK Tax.


And it also encourages the government here to follow suit. IOM airport charges and tax are extremely high.



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