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David Cameron ‘could be a direct descendant of Moses’




Oh dear what will his PR people make of this.


It's crap anyway, he doesn't even look like Charlton Heston


'People of Britain, I present my new manifesto for the country'

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David Cameron ‘could be a direct descendant of Moses’




Oh dear what will his PR people make of this.


How interesting. Your source being the Times Online, it was also interesting to see comments from the readership of this august organ. Sadly, we are left with the distinct impression that the Times is no longer the top peoples' paper. Here is the first response:


"well if he is related to moses, where dose that put us will he lead an exodus of labour surpoeters to the conservatives, and will he destroy the evil prince gordon of scotland in the prosses please."


Makes Knoxville and "theman" look like emeritus professors.



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Sadly, we are left with the distinct impression that the Times is no longer the top peoples' paper.


The Times hasn't been much cop for at least a decade or so, and even then people were bemoaning how it had gone downhill a lot earlier (strangely coinciding with the year Murdoch bought it).



Makes Knoxville and "theman" look like emeritus professors.


A pointless aside, but is it important to the comparison that the professors be retired?

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are they not clutching at straws here?


i seem to remember some rabbi getting into bother over writting a book about the absolute proof of the existance of moses, in which he actually presents no evidence.


i cant recall the details but i seem to remember something about a well respected biblical studies group, possibly at havard or something like that saying that teachers of the moses story may have to accept that it is more legend than history as no evidence can be found to back up any of the details.


and something about it being favorably redacted by court historians and patched together from several different myths.


im sure i could do the research and find it again, but i cant imagine anyone is that interested, nor can i imagine what is hoped to be achieved by this desperate claim to fame.

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To be fair, all this seems to have stemmed from a press release by the University of Manchester. Wise himself acknowledges in the Times' article that the idea of Cameron being descended from Moses is historical whimsy at best (which undermines the same article's ridiculous headline and opening paragraph).


As such, criticism is probably best reserved for Manchester, which has blatantly tried to tart up a bit of minor work in the name of "public engagement with research" (or, more accurately, getting their name in the papers, which Manch isn't shy of these days), and the Times for running the goddawful non-piece in the first place. Wise already looks like a bit of a tit for his efforts.

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are they not clutching at straws here?


i seem to remember some rabbi getting into bother over writting a book about the absolute proof of the existance of moses, in which he actually presents no evidence.


i cant recall the details but i seem to remember something about a well respected biblical studies group, possibly at havard or something like that saying that teachers of the moses story may have to accept that it is more legend than history as no evidence can be found to back up any of the details.


and something about it being favorably redacted by court historians and patched together from several different myths.


im sure i could do the research and find it again, but i cant imagine anyone is that interested, nor can i imagine what is hoped to be achieved by this desperate claim to fame.

Whilst the existence of Moses (and even his true name) has never been proved there is enough information in Exodus which has been historically verified for us to have confidence that something of the sort, under some sort of highly capable leader, actually happened. For sure, there is probably a great deal of legend in the story as we have it but then all myths have a basis in fact (albeit misunderstood at the time facts).


Anyway, supposing it is all true as per the Book what relevance DC being descended from Moses would have I wouldn't know - none, probably. After all, go back far enough and we're all related to each other - horrible thought, I'm a relative of LDV, PK, etc.!

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