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[BBC News] Three held over imitation firearm


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As i said before, we don't even know if it was a BB gun. Chances are it wasn't actually, since the report only said it was an "imitation firearm". Nor have there have any reports that anybody was hit with any little plastic pellets.

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Gosh, HATE is a very strong word. Who exactly do you HATE?


Not so much the individual members of the police, but the institution. But let's not get into this, I have explained before why on a number of other threads.


If I'm right this boy (not an innocent 6 year old playing cowboys and Indians) was brandishing a weapon in public and therefore should face the appropriate sanction. That's me being candid.


Says a lot when you use the word boy, which is quite right. But what is the appropriate sanction?


Hmmm, I do despair at the drivel that you come out with from time to time and the fact that you use the word 'HATE', really puts YOU up there with those who kill unlawfully. 'HATE' is a word that I associate with Nazis. Sorry pal, you score yet another own goal.

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the fact that you use the word 'HATE', really puts YOU up there with those who kill unlawfully. 'HATE' is a word that I associate with Nazis.


The Nazis? People who use the word hate are comparabe to murderers and the Nazis? To hell with Tamiflu, what the Island really needs at the moment is a shipment of brain medicine.

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Nor have there have any reports that anybody was hit with any little plastic pellets.



Doesn't mean you can walk down Strand Street brandishing a knife with impunity, as long as you don't actually stab someone.


Well, the difference is that a knife is potentially lethal and a BB gun is not. A knife is a dangerous weapon, and the law regards it as such; but a BB gun is next to harmless, and is not classed as a dangerous weapon. In that respect, you could say that carrying an imitation weapon is like carrying any other non-dangerous article, like a ham sandwich.


However, the law also forbids imitation firearms in public which is what has got these young men into trouble.


And if you'd been listening, we have no idea if it was a BB gun that they were brandishing, or just an imitation gun. I only mentioned BB guns because they are basically imitation weapons anyway. Nobody has been shot!


Anyway, all i was arguing about is that the maximum ten years for carrying an imitation firearm, when it has not been used in some other crime, is a bit harsh.

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Hmmm, I do despair at the drivel that you come out with from time to time and the fact that you use the word 'HATE', really puts YOU up there with those who kill unlawfully. 'HATE' is a word that I associate with Nazis. Sorry pal, you score yet another own goal.


Get a grip, please. I just mean I intensely dislike. There is nothing wrong with hating something if it stands for something you absolutely cannot abide.

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Why does everyone consider this to be crime? When I ask this, ignore the fact that it is punishable and is simply considered a crime.

Why SHOULD it be a crime and one serious enough to warrant community service or even more severe (and stupid), a custodial sentence?


MilitantDog Owner - "In the Forces while on armed duties on home soil the rules of engagement are clear. If you feel that your or someone in your immediate area are under armed threat you can re-act with deadly force. You dont stop to see if the oik is carrying the real steel or a replica. My M4A1 is full metal, full size and unless you hold it and read the serial number you can't tell the difference. So yes they have committed a crime, and should be punished as such."


That doesn't demonstrate why it is a crime and why it should be punished. That just demonstrates that particular people have rules that allow them to kill if they feel threatened. It means nothing more than that.

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I can - that is definitely NOT a ham sandwich.



Is this one a real gun, a replica or a Ham Sandwich?




post-6494-1247737093_thumb.jpg vs post-6494-1247737113_thumb.jpg


Yep there are subtle differences if you look very close. Mind you I think the I.O.M. police would be more interested in chasing the Ham Sandwich.

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Why does everyone consider this to be crime? When I ask this, ignore the fact that it is punishable and is simply considered a crime.

Why SHOULD it be a crime and one serious enough to warrant community service or even more severe (and stupid), a custodial sentence?

Sorry LDV - but do you not understand - try this scenario - someone is standing at a bus stop or wherever and a car pulls up containing a group of lads - leering, intimidating etc - one of them pulls out a gun waves it around - shouting etc. The car pulls away wheels spinning etc.


More than likely that person standing there has been subject to an assault - put in fear of violence. Those mindless fools in the car have put their, and other members of the public at risk, because any sensible response to them has to assume its a real weapon - if things go wrong there is more than a chance that if there is a confrontation with the police they'll be a real weapon discharged.


Who's fault would that be? Your hatred of the police blinds you to the fact that they are normal people who's job puts them in danger and who become a target for violent drunks with chips on their shoulder.


Go and read manshimajin's post about his car accident - do you hate the copper who turned up to help him?


You're at risk of homophobic violence - if you get beaten to a pulp who'll more than likely be first on the scene, ensure your safe, call the ambulance and then investigate cctv, do interviews etc to try to get you some justice - will you hate them then?


Goodness knows, but at times you come out with the type of chip-on your shoulder, political bullshit you expect of a 16 year old - you sound like Rick from the Young Ones - "pigs - the bastards" - grow up.

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Goodness knows, but at times you come out with the type of chip-on your shoulder, political bullshit you expect of a 16 year old - you sound like Rick from the Young Ones - "pigs - the bastards" - grow up.


Couldn't agree more. I'm sure that it's already been noted elsewhere, but there's another aspect in which the comparison is apt: the arguments LDV is putting forward often seem like they've been lifted straight from a textbook on late 70's and early 80's anarchism. It all seems so antiquated and stereotypical.

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Goodness knows, but at times you come out with the type of chip-on your shoulder, political bullshit you expect of a 16 year old - you sound like Rick from the Young Ones - "pigs - the bastards" - grow up.


Couldn't agree more. I'm sure that it's already been noted elsewhere, but there's another aspect in which the comparison is apt: the arguments LDV is putting forward often seem like they've been lifted straight from a textbook on late 70's and early 80's anarchism. It all seems so antiquated and stereotypical.


I was really just across the question to be answered without any association with how things ARE currently dealt with. I was avoiding any making any judgement in this case. I think my comments about the police have been misunderstood in the sense that I was referring to the link about that man who was shot for carrying a chairleg in his bag. Which is absolutely disgusting.


I doubt there are any 'textbooks' on anarchism. Though I don't see how you think it is antiquated at all, would be interested to hear you think so.

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