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[BBC News] Sidecar racer killed in S100


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My mate lost his leg during a TT race and that as not the worst of his injuries, Two years later he was back racing at the TT.

I cant understand why Manx Radio broadcasts the injuries on this rider, yet did not on the local riders at the TT. Surely this sort of thing should be kept confidential

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My mate lost his leg during a TT race and that as not the worst of his injuries, Two years later he was back racing at the TT.

I cant understand why Manx Radio broadcasts the injuries on this rider, yet did not on the local riders at the TT. Surely this sort of thing should be kept confidential


It was mentioned in evidence during the inquest, so is in the public domain

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My mate lost his leg during a TT race and that as not the worst of his injuries, Two years later he was back racing at the TT.

I cant understand why Manx Radio broadcasts the injuries on this rider, yet did not on the local riders at the TT. Surely this sort of thing should be kept confidential


It was mentioned in evidence during the inquest, so is in the public domain


In court Mr Moyle described the injuries as serious and nothing else, If thats the best Nanx Radio can do then they are a sad bunch of fuckwits, if it had been a local car driver would they have reported it in the same manner NO, there is such a thing as respect and this chap had two young children who may not have known the extent of their fathers injuries, but may do now thanks to the fuckwits at MR.

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My thoughts are pondering the horrific nature of this crash, and the rider reaching down for his completely severed limb before dying, and wondering why on earth we allow this sort of thing on the Isle of Man


You mean he should not have been allowed to feel for his missing limb?


I found the mention of these specifics on Manx Radio quite abhorrent. Sufficient to say he had lost his leg.


Fortunately, carnage to this degree of horror is unusual in the Isle of Man.


If motorcyclists are prepared for the most horrific of crashes, and marshalls, paramedics, etc, are prepared to deal with them, then let road racing continue. The participants and spectators enjoy such racing (when at its best), otherwise they would not be doing it. Other sports and outdoor pursuits can be just as brutal. In the complete nanny state, no-one would be allowed to do anything.


Sometimes it is nice to think that someone has died whilst doing something that they enjoy.

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Sometimes it is nice to think that someone has died whilst doing something that they enjoy.


Er I do not think that is nice at all, more like horrendous. And I really can not agree that family and friends are sitting around the fire saying "ain't it grand that X died whilst young doing what X enjoyed leaving Mrs X and and the two toddlers with no father"

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Sometimes it is nice to think that someone has died whilst doing something that they enjoy.


Er I do not think that is nice at all, more like horrendous. And I really can not agree that family and friends are sitting around the fire saying "ain't it grand that X died whilst young doing what X enjoyed leaving Mrs X and and the two toddlers with no father"



So you have experience of this do you, Road Racers are one big family and stick together through thick and thin. I spoke to the wife of a Local rider badly injured at this years TT last week and asked her if her husband would now quit, she replied I hope not its what we love to do.

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The Coroner of inquests inquiry should be to ascertain the cause of death.


No need for ego boosting wee homilies.


STFU and do the job you are well paid to do.


Deemsters (Isle of Man High Court Judges) please also take note.

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Surely this sort of thing should be kept confidential


No I think it should very much be a "public" matter as the injuries etc incurred in a public race that it actively supported and promoted. They are also injuries that unfortunately are reasonably common and I think many are to quick or unwilling to face the downside of road racing. I hate to think what sort of percentgae of those who enter road races in the IoM will never be able to ride again due to death or serious injury.


I also do not believe that participants know and accept the risks as is frequently stated. Partly it is because we all feel to an extent we are invincible and e we have the skill and ability to ensure it does not happen to us. It is also partly because we close our minds to the deaths and horrific injuries of others and this is why I believe the injuries should be a matter of "public" record so that participants, promotors are actively made aware regularly of the consequences rather than left to push to the back of their minds. I do not mean that the details should be spread over the front page of the papers


Does the above mean I would be happy to see the end of the TT etc in the IoM? Yes because in its present form I believe the bikes have outgrown the course and in the modern world the attrition rate is to high.


Do I believe it should be forceably stopped if there are still many who want to participate.? That is much more difficult as there is an argument that people do need to be protected from themselves at times or there would be no limit on activities allowed. Dueling for example. However I am not presently in favour of the TT being forceaqbly stopped but I would like to ensure that competitors etc shown the realities of making a mistake much more starkly, that no rider should be allowed to enter without the having adequate cover for themselves and family in the event of a serious accident, and that any married man or Father with young children should get the written agreement of their spouse before being allowed to enter. Personally I would also prohibit any rider with kids under or between a certain age entering.


I am not a rider or a motorsport fan and I come at this from a completely different angle to you. I know you have had freiends seriously injurred in the races and in that situation I am not sure I would have any feelings but hatred for the event. I do try and acknowledge that many feel the opposite but ultimately I would assume the non road race fans are in the majority and if the race is to prosper long term then it would sensible to try and put in measure that assuage some of the "neutrals" concern.


I look at this very much like the smoking ban which for years many thought would never was introduced and smokers and there supporters did little to alleviate the effects of smoking in pubs or put in non smoking areas. Certainly nothing like the effort that is put in now to keep the smokers happy. By the time they accepted the changes were going to happen it was to late to broker any compromise. I have concerns that the TT may be similar and that rather move with the times and reflect genuine concerns the stock reply will be they know the risks and if you do not like it there is a boat in the morning. This may in however many years lead to a groundswell of opposition which by the time it is recognised it may well be to late to head off. Accordingly I think supporters should do what they can to try and accomdate the concerns of the "neutrals" as it is those who will control the future of the race, not the diehard supporters or opponents as their views will never change.

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Sometimes it is nice to think that someone has died whilst doing something that they enjoy.


Er I do not think that is nice at all, more like horrendous. And I really can not agree that family and friends are sitting around the fire saying "ain't it grand that X died whilst young doing what X enjoyed leaving Mrs X and and the two toddlers with no father"



So you have experience of this do you, Road Racers are one big family and stick together through thick and thin. I spoke to the wife of a Local rider badly injured at this years TT last week and asked her if her husband would now quit, she replied I hope not its what we love to do.


I understand what you are stating but I can not comprehend that anybody would prefer the early death of a loved one even if at the hands of doing something they loved to them being around for another 30 or 40 years. It does not mean that I am right just that I am not able to comprehend the sentiment expressed. I just think that if it was me and I cannot speak for anyone else I would be thinking why did they not stop a year before or have a passion for garedening or whatever.


I have had family and friends die young for various reasons and in virtually all cases I have thought are if only.... I am not the only one I know who thinks like that as a friend who loved his various vehicles died young and his wife basically went on the rampage in the garage destroying them as she blamed them for his untimely death. They, him her were not to blame but you try convincing her.

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I ask this question if you were the parent of a young family and your partner was killed in a car accident and the injuries were as serious as this chap.how would you feel if your children found out that parts of their mother or fathers body were missing. For children to hear more than just the basic information at a young age could end up with them ending up with a metal health condition, (nightmares etc or worse). There is a time and place for them to learn the facts and that is not from the press or other children at school.


Did you know that quite a few of riders widows end up marrying another rider

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No I think it should very much be a "public" matter as the injuries etc incurred in a public race that it actively supported and promoted. They are also injuries that unfortunately are reasonably common and I think many are to quick or unwilling to face the downside of road racing. I hate to think what sort of percentgae of those who enter road races in the IoM will never be able to ride again due to death or serious injury.


Would you say then that the injuries of people killed on public roads should be disclosed for the same reasons?


I also do not believe that participants know and accept the risks as is frequently stated.


From what experience do you speak on this? I think they are well aware of the risks, actually. The road racing community is small and close-knit, and it is partly the shared risk of death that makes it so tightly held together. Almost every year a racer is lost, a fact which is very real for fellow racers who knew them.


and that any married man or Father with young children should get the written agreement of their spouse before being allowed to enter.


Do you think a married man could race without the support of his wife? If he couldn't get her signature he'd probably just divorce her!


ultimately I would assume the non road race fans are in the majority and if the race is to prosper long term then it would sensible to try and put in measure that assuage some of the "neutrals" concern.


I agree that race supporters do need to be mindful of the concerns of the wider community, it is after all largely publicly funded, but if the various road racing events on the island are to continue the public must accept that a high level of danger is intrinsic to the sport. Personally, that's why i give my support to road racing, even though i'm not a great bike fan; because in a society where we are protected from danger to the point of not being in control of our own lives, road racing is a sport where men voluntarily face death doing something they enjoy.

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So you mean to say then Keyboarder that you do not have sympathy for the family that this guy left behind?

That isn't what I wrote. I both sympathise with and pity them.


You mean he should not have been allowed to feel for his missing limb?

No. I hardly see how that could be forbidden. I mean that's where my thoughts lie.


Sometimes it is nice to think that someone has died whilst doing something that they enjoy.

What, crashing? Does anyone enjoy that?


I agree that race supporters do need to be mindful of the concerns of the wider community, it is after all largely publicly funded, but if the various road racing events on the island are to continue the public must accept that a high level of danger is intrinsic to the sport. Personally, that's why i give my support to road racing, even though i'm not a great bike fan; because in a society where we are protected from danger to the point of not being in control of our own lives, road racing is a sport where men voluntarily face death doing something they enjoy.

As justifications for carnage in the pursuit of profit go, that ranks as one of the corniest and hammiest loads of nonsense I've ever read.

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