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[BBC News] Sidecar racer killed in S100


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Some good points being made, but when I rider is killed why not just leave it as from injuries received and not the gory details as in this case,


Two reasons because some with an opposite point of view to you do not believe that the dangers and downside of a dangeous sport should be glossed over or swept under the carpet whist anything postive is glorified. There is also a view that concerns for respect of the families etc are actually more a concern to ensure that the sport is protected against critisism.


I do not doubt you and others have genuine concerns for the family as posted but to some the TT appears to have a history of anything unsavoury being swept under the carpet. Because of that any attempt to call for unsavoury matters to not be disclosed always causes concern that the real reason is to protect the sport rather than the reason stated even that is not the case. This is not unique, we have the same sort of suspicions about politicions if they do not want to release information.


I am not a supporter of road racing on the IoM as I have stated before as I believe the machine and sppeds have outgown the course. However restricting information, what ever it is, is not the way to protect the future of the TT as it will only reinforce he views of tose who already have concerns

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Driving past Ballanoris today, I see it appears a marble memorial stone has been mounted on the stone gate post.


I know there is a tradition of placing flowers at such points but I recall discussions some years ago as to whether permanent memorials should be erected. If everyone did this all the Island's roads would be adorned with permanent memorials to those who have died.


Thoughts anyone?

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Driving past Ballanoris today, I see it appears a marble memorial stone has been mounted on the stone gate post.


I know there is a tradition of placing flowers at such points but I recall discussions some years ago as to whether permanent memorials should be erected. If everyone did this all the Island's roads would be adorned with permanent memorials to those who have died.


Thoughts anyone?


Maybe it would be an "in your face reminder" of how many people actually die on our roads!

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Why should the media protect the riders children when the riders themselves cant be that bothered about their kids?


Bombing around a road at 190mph, with the only thing between you and death being luck, is a funny way of protecting your own kids.


Spot on.

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At least the IOM Examiner reported the inquest with a little respect, just the basic details.


But I do wonder why the press or families have not reported the injuries of the local riders injured at this years TT.

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At least the IOM Examiner reported the inquest with a little respect, just the basic details.


Or maybe our "local independent free press" did not have the balls to report in more detail or maybe they did not have a reporter at the inquest taking down the details.


Either way unless you are the reporter or editor of the newspaper you have no idea why they reported in the way they did just like the rest of us have not. It also implies that Manx Radio were deliberatly disrepectful in how they reported on the matter and whatever my views on Manx Radio I am sure they did not make any decision to be anything but repectful.


However it is all fairly irrelevent as we all I think get your point which is unless you have something to say or report that is either praise worthy or totally positive about Road Racing, the TT, its competitors don't say anything and just hope it goes away. After all as we are not part of the relevent "privaledged" community that actively takes part we could not possibly understand why it is appropriate that people should be expected to die or be horifically injured in the name of sport and entertainment.

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take your point.

But at the same time lets point out what MR Moyle said at the inquest.

His words

I will not go into the injuries sustained by Mr Dongworth except to say they were serious and for the purpose of the inquest and the family present that is adequate information.


Now for the Press, they wanted to know what injuries were sustained without asking of the condition of the riders, sick.

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Yet on page 5 of todays Examiner directly underneath a report of the sidecar inquest, there are full details of a self inflinted death detailing the wounds.

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Now for the Press, they wanted to know what injuries were sustained without asking of the condition of the riders, sick.


No they are reporters and their job is to report the good, the bad and the indifferent without reference to their own feelings. Should reports, film crews, cameramen not reported on the World Trade Centre, London Bombings cos it was upsetting, should we not report on war on famine. In my view their is no difference it is the reporters job to report and if some of what is reported is upsetting then hello welcome to the real world!


In fact I feel much less strongly about this than I do about the paparzzi and mags like OK and Hello or Newspapers printing much of what the paparzzi produce. In fact if I could "censor" what was reported it is not reports like you object to but muach of what the paparzzi produce. That I do find offensive

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Now for the Press, they wanted to know what injuries were sustained without asking of the condition of the riders, sick.


No they are reporters and their job is to report the good, the bad and the indifferent without reference to their own feelings. Should reports, film crews, cameramen not reported on the World Trade Centre, London Bombings cos it was upsetting, should we not report on war on famine. In my view their is no difference it is the reporters job to report and if some of what is reported is upsetting then hello welcome to the real world!


In fact I feel much less strongly about this than I do about the paparzzi and mags like OK and Hello or Newspapers printing much of what the paparzzi produce. In fact if I could "censor" what was reported it is not reports like you object to but muach of what the paparzzi produce. That I do find offensive



I fully accept your requirement for factual reporting, but sometimes the information being presented could be toned down a little out of respect for the family and friends, as I believe it should have been in this particular case.


As has been pointed out, Mr Moyle didn’t go into great detail regarding the incident and the injuries sustained as it wasn’t felt necessary for the purpose of the inquest and the family present. So why was it that MR felt the need to go that extra mile. Who actually benefits from this kind of reporting?


I certainly wouldn’t want to paint a rosy picture just to mislead others, but then again, the whole truth and nothing but the truth doesn’t always help either.


I don’t think your perception of matters being hidden from the general public is done for any ulterior motive or to hide from the critics what has really gone on, but is more a matter of, “is it really necessary” to go into such graphic detail in the public domain.


Whatever, some will want 110% reporting of all detail, whereas others, and I believe by that the majority will want the basic facts only.


We all choose in life what we want to read, hear or watch, and to some extent how far we take that initial information, and if necessary looking for more answers is down to the individuals need for further clarification.



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I fully accept your requirement for factual reporting, but sometimes the information being presented could be toned down a little out of respect for the family and friends, as I believe it should have been in this particular case.


Family and friends? It's the fans who seem the most upset by the news, and appear very keen to sweep any negatives to their sport away as soon as possible.

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Having read through this whole thread, i've little to add really, most things have been discussed through and through.


Riders don't just crash their bikes and die instantly, I could easily say i'd prefer to have a pain free death (ie die instantly), but this rarely happens, all swept under the carpet, this guys last dying moment was reaching for his missing leg (in considerible pain i'd imagine), he didn't die doing what he loved, he didn't love crashing, he loved staying on the road at high speed and in one piece.


As for the course itself, the reason its so popular is because of the way the course is designed, but as bikes are getting more powerful the course is getting faster and as such the risks are becoming raised, safety gear is getting more advanced (new designs like air pockets in jackets etc.) but overall the bikes are outrunning the designed pace of the course.


On another subject anyone see the news about ghost bikes, a bicycle frame mounted to railings/walls painted white, making were someone died?, if the course was littered with those type of memorials (visable by all), it would act as a deterrant to racing along on public roads at least, the signs saying "3 deaths in one year" mean nothing, its just numbers not pysical reminders.

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As for the course itself, the reason its so popular is because of the way the course is designed, but as bikes are getting more powerful the course is getting faster and as such the risks are becoming raised, safety gear is getting more advanced (new designs like air pockets in jackets etc.) but overall the bikes are outrunning the designed pace of the course.


If the bikes were somehow restricted to match the course, this would presumably reduce the popularity of the event?

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