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Mafia 2


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Slipped to 2010 now to avoid going up against Modern warfare 2 :angry:


Really looking forward to this, the original Mafia game was the first game I played and completed after returning to PC gaming from consoles 7 years back.

Great story and engine - it's actually aged pretty well. I'm playing through it again on my laptop at work during lunch. I like the way the next game continues

to treat gamers as grown ups - plenty of swearing and grown up themes rather than some Disney-like version of crime.


Hope it doesn't have another racing car level though......

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  • 1 year later...

Out tomorrow!


Demo is pretty good. Awesome graphics, great gameplay and it seems they may be onto a winner again with the cinematics!


What's interesting though is it looks like they have had to dumb down the graphics for the consoles. Luckily I only own a PC ;)

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IGN = "Decent"


But any one that takes IGN's opinion seriously needs a head check, same with Gamespot, probably didn't finish the game and got told by accounts what score to give based on ad revenues.


But I guess it must be crap as it doesn't have multiplayer, and isn't another fucking CoD game.


Sorry really hate reviewers, especially ones on these mass produced corporate sites.


Also Mafia 1, probably one of the best games of the last generation only got a 6.2 on the PS2.

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Me too. The main reason I loved the first one was the gripping story line which was almost Coppola-esq in places. The narrative in this new one looks to be on point also but I won't count my chickens just yet.

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