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K.os Theory

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I've not played anything like it. It's a freeform 3rd person shooter with tanks and rocket launchers. Lots of toys, loads of fun. Plays quite different from gta, no urban areas, all outdoorsy and far more combat oriented around the vehicles. Has a nice system of airstrikes too, where you can use a laser targetter or flares to call in big guns and flatten rather large areas. It's fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Buy this game its brilliant fun...if you're wanting a free form action adventure title you can't go wrong with this. One of the best physics engines I've seen on any console game make this really satisfying to play. Add to this the ability to blow the crap out of anything and everything never seems to loose its appeal.

Try stealing a flatbed truck, then using a helicopter fill the flatbed with explosive barrels, then hop in the back of the truck and fill it with C4...Find yourself an enemy camp drive in, jump out and watch the fireworks. Great fun

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Why oh why oh why do all the "best" games involve death and destruction?


Why is society brainwashed away from games that involve creation, sharing, soft and fluffy?


/skips away merrily spreading love and harmony...

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