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[BBC News] Flybe awarded transfer contract


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A different view on Manx2:


Flew Manx2 for the first time last weekend to Gloucester. I was initially Impressed by the friendly staff at the IOM and the Dornier 228 was OK if have earplugs. We arrived early at Staverton and I had a cup of tea before walking to the station. A flustered middle aged lady arrived 20 minutes before the scheduled departure only to be told it had already left. She burst into tears asking why he had gone early only to be told it was the pilot's prerogative and she was late (inferring it was her fault!) More tears saying she had left Exeter at 5am and had spent 3/4 hour trying to find the airport. No sympathy was forthcoming and somebody who looked like he was wearing a fireman's part uniform told he that she had lost her money and would have to rebook. More tears, "it's cost me £250 already and I can't afford to pay any more!" No sympathy except they allowed a call to booking on the island who eventually backed down and allowed her to fly on the pm flight without further charge.


We've all seen the tv programs made on the back of people arriving a few minutes late being told that check in has closed. These are at major airports where it can take 30 minutes to get through security and the late passenger always has an excuse especially when confronted with paying a very large new fare. Manx 2 can hardly apply this to Gloucester. The aircraft is about 20 seconds walk away and if they had gone on time this lady could have easily got on with 15 minutes to spare. The airport is very badly signposted and even when you find it, you wonder if you are in the right place.


I have no axe to grind but as a first timer with Manx2, I was not impressed. Manx Airlines pilots could never go early unless the flight was full and everyone was on board. You might want to use this as an idea Manx2. Oh, and tell the Captain who flew the early Gloucester flight last Saturday to do a "controls full and free check" before he sets off down the runway....It might be the CAA watching next time!


I do not like monopolies but just wonder if anyone on FlyBe has been caught like this under similar circumstances.


PS if anyone's interested, Cheltenham station is 55 mins walk (with a suitcase).

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I have been flying to Alder Hey with my son for almost 18 years and have seen many changes with regard to

patient transfers.


And this is what they are, patients! These are people who need medical treatment not available on the Island, and the powers that be would

do well to remember this! They are not herding cattle!!!


The flights to Chester on Manx2 are fine, as long as you are fairly fit, but I and another passenger had to lift an elderly lady who had trouble walking

onto the flight, she was very distressed as was her daughter who was traveling with her. Because she wasn't in a wheelchair, she was put on this flight.

Just because people are not in a 'chair doesn't mean they require no assistance.



At Chester there is a port-a-cabin to wait in for flight back to Island! And if you should want a hot drink, you can always get some luke warm water out of

the flasks provided!


Once you arrive at Chester your put in a mini-bus and taken to the Royal Liverpool Hospital, where your put in another taxi to the hospital where your

appointment is. Our journey from Alder Hey back to Chester was two and a half hours! My lad is no soft touch, he's been through a lot, but he was close to tears by the time we got there.


All on all, this had to be one of the worst times we had getting to and from an appointment. Statistically I would have expect to have had problems, seeing as we go every 4 weeks and for almost 18 years, but, to be honest, we have never had a flight cancelled, even in the winter.


At least you know what your getting when you travel with Flybe, even if you have to almost strip to your underwear with all their security pish!!


Gladys - any patients who are bedridden are transfered by air ambulance, and this arranged by Nobles as most of these will already be patients at the Hospital. Patient Transfers at Crookall House only deal with people who have a referal from the relevant Hospital across.


I may be in the minority here, but am glad that Manx2 have not been given the Tender.

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