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Teacher Suspended For Calling Children "ugly And Fat"

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The worlds gone PC mad. Nothing was said when my old music teacher used to advise the 13 year old girls in our class to "take your ties off and unbutton your blouses, as the room gets very hot"



Reminds me of a certain music teacher at my old high school !! as well as wooden boardrubbers thrown at you, swanging bra straps, pupils gripped by the collar and hauled over chairs.. this was in the late 80's !!


A gymnastics coach was prosecuted for similiar actions only last year.


As others have already pointed out it seems that this music teacher is well known. Unless there are schools other than St Ninian's which employ crazy music teachers. This guy was not fit to be a teacher. I learnt nothing in years of music lessons yet I have a deep love for all things musical. His approach to teaching meant giving help to those who were part of the choir or orchestra and ignoring the rest of the students even to the extent of refusing to speak and playing the radio for the entire lesson.

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The worlds gone PC mad. Nothing was said when my old music teacher used to advise the 13 year old girls in our class to "take your ties off and unbutton your blouses, as the room gets very hot"



Reminds me of a certain music teacher at my old high school !! as well as wooden boardrubbers thrown at you, swanging bra straps, pupils gripped by the collar and hauled over chairs.. this was in the late 80's !!


A gymnastics coach was prosecuted for similiar actions only last year.


As others have already pointed out it seems that this music teacher is well known. Unless there are schools other than St Ninian's which employ crazy music teachers. This guy was not fit to be a teacher. I learnt nothing in years of music lessons yet I have a deep love for all things musical. His approach to teaching meant giving help to those who were part of the choir or orchestra and ignoring the rest of the students even to the extent of refusing to speak and playing the radio for the entire lesson.



nope there was deffelnty more than one of that type of music teacher

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The worlds gone PC mad. Nothing was said when my old music teacher used to advise the 13 year old girls in our class to "take your ties off and unbutton your blouses, as the room gets very hot"



Reminds me of a certain music teacher at my old high school !! as well as wooden boardrubbers thrown at you, swanging bra straps, pupils gripped by the collar and hauled over chairs.. this was in the late 80's !!


A gymnastics coach was prosecuted for similiar actions only last year.


As others have already pointed out it seems that this music teacher is well known. Unless there are schools other than St Ninian's which employ crazy music teachers. This guy was not fit to be a teacher. I learnt nothing in years of music lessons yet I have a deep love for all things musical. His approach to teaching meant giving help to those who were part of the choir or orchestra and ignoring the rest of the students even to the extent of refusing to speak and playing the radio for the entire lesson.





The worlds gone PC mad. Nothing was said when my old music teacher used to advise the 13 year old girls in our class to "take your ties off and unbutton your blouses, as the room gets very hot"



Reminds me of a certain music teacher at my old high school !! as well as wooden boardrubbers thrown at you, swanging bra straps, pupils gripped by the collar and hauled over chairs.. this was in the late 80's !!


A gymnastics coach was prosecuted for similiar actions only last year.


As others have already pointed out it seems that this music teacher is well known. Unless there are schools other than St Ninian's which employ crazy music teachers. This guy was not fit to be a teacher. I learnt nothing in years of music lessons yet I have a deep love for all things musical. His approach to teaching meant giving help to those who were part of the choir or orchestra and ignoring the rest of the students even to the extent of refusing to speak and playing the radio for the entire lesson.



nope there was deffelnty more than one of that type of music teacher



Yep it was a school in the west of the Island...lol


arr I also remember a woodwork teacher getting a slap from my Mum, as he told my older sister she was a slag for wearing makeup, my Mum came in and gave him what for!!


Also remember a science teacher that would go down the local golf club and come back half cut and stinking off ale, thing was we had really fun science lessons as he was always really funny !!!


I also remember a time the PEteacher had a scrap with one off the bigger kids in the year !!


all fun days, thing is the actions today would be classed as illegal. Ohh how times change.


I think the comment about cotton wool is correct, what with no sports days with actual races , no loosing only taking part rubbish.. are kids just being brough up softer to the real world?? Although I have to say the sexual type actions that some teachers exhibit is and should always be illegal, bullying also should not happen, but I don't see a problem with kids sometimes loosing and having to face the disapointment of this.


Would the Marines/Para's etc be as tough as they are without the "bullying from the instructors"..?



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Nowadays, it's often the kids who bully teachers - the little bastards know the teachers can't give them the bloody good slap they deserve.


What a stupid comment. Anyone who prescribes violence toward children or animals is in need of a sound horsewhipping.

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So glad corporal punishment in schools is banned. For students it's wrong and against every kind of human right that Europe and other institutions have given us. For parents its an insult that someone else can discipline their own children and physically harm them. For teachers it changes them from being givers of knowledge to givers of beatings.


As for the music teacher in 'the west of the island' and at 'St Ninian's' maybe music teachers have a tendancy to be pricks?

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