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Drunken Stupidity Annoys Me


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What exactly is the point of kicking a shop window in after a night out?




Happened last night, around 3am. Only heard the bang but the drunk super hero who did it had already legged it by the time we figured out what it was. Phoned the fuzz who arrived within minutes, but couldn't do more than phone up the owner and patch the place up.




Well done to the scumbag who put his boot through there - what a splendid display of manliness. I hope you get to pay for it, but as we all know, the chances of that are sadly pretty low... :angry:

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Is the break at about the right height for someone to drunkenly lean or stumble against? I'm surprised by the broken glass apparent in the photo. I thought safety glass broke into little cubes to reduce the likely-hood of cutting injury after an accidental break.

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Nah, was about the right height for someone to have stuck a boot in - plus the glass had gone quite a bit into the room, indicating that considerable force had been used (the loud bang we heard would also support that - deffo proper smashing action). Good point about the safety stuff, though - are shop windows supposed to be made of that?

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Is the break at about the right height for someone to drunkenly lean or stumble against? I'm surprised by the broken glass apparent in the photo. I thought safety glass broke into little cubes to reduce the likely-hood of cutting injury after an accidental break.


if it was a genuine accident, why would you leg it? atleast the place should be insured??

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Nah, was about the right height for someone to have stuck a boot in - plus the glass had gone quite a bit into the room, indicating that considerable force had been used (the loud bang we heard would also support that - deffo proper smashing action). Good point about the safety stuff, though - are shop windows supposed to be made of that?


That could make it a health and safety or building regulations matter then!! I'm fairly sure that panes of glass where the lowest cill is within 80cm of the floor have to be safety glass to prevent accidental breakage leading to cutting injury. But yeah, if I had heard a bang like you describe at about 3am I would probably suspect at least one drunken knob head.

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Is the break at about the right height for someone to drunkenly lean or stumble against? I'm surprised by the broken glass apparent in the photo. I thought safety glass broke into little cubes to reduce the likely-hood of cutting injury after an accidental break.


if it was a genuine accident, why would you leg it? atleast the place should be insured??


To avoid having to take responsibility for it I guess. Accident or not I expect many people would prefer not to accept the consequences of their actions, and being 3am I would expect there was no one sleeping in the brokerage office for the person to fess up to. Sleeping on the premises only occurs during business hours between 9am and 5pm.

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